Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

United Way grant will open adventure activities to pupils in Garrett County

Planners hopeful partnership improves attendance, high school graduation rates

For the Cumberland Times-News Cumberland Times-News

MCHENRY — Students at Grantsville and Accident elementary schools and Southern Middle School will be able to attend after-school adventure activities beginning April 19.

The Garrett College Adventure Sports Institute, Garrett County Health Department and Board of Education are developing the program through a grant to the health department from the United Way of Garrett County.

United Way officials see an opportunity to improve public school attendance and ultimately promote high school graduation rates, according to a news release from Garrett College.

The grant proposals was developed by staff from the health department and Adventure Sports Institute, according to Michael Logsdon, director of Adventure Sports at Garrett College. “The program will involve an ASI professional staff and an ASI student major who will coordinate a set of adventure initiatives and challenges,” he said.

The adventure program will be conducted after classes mid-week on the campuses of each of the three schools. “As a culminating activity, after-school participants from each school will separately spend a Saturday on the grounds of New Germany State Park, participating in a smorgasbord of activities, including rock climbing, a nature hike, orienteering, mountain biking and canoeing,” Logsdon said.

ASI has joined forces with the health department and the board of education in previous endeavors. The Transitional Age Youth program is offered by a partnership between the college, board of education and the Garrett County Core Service Agency. The program targets boys and girls who are facing challenges in staying on course for a successful future.

Logsdon said he believes that this type of adventure activity programming can be very effective in helping the younger students develop a more positive attitude and increasing focus and confidence.

“It is also a great opportunity for the Adventure Sports students to gain real-world experience working with youth under the supervision of professional staff. We are looking forward to launching this new project,” he said.

For more information, contact Logsdon at 301-387-3333.

More here.

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