Several different methods to search for real estate, courtesy of Jay Ferguson & Taylor Made Deep Creek Sales.
This LIVE MLS search has all the bells and whistles but requires a login. The tools that you gain with this are game changing - highly recommend if you are serious about buying property. You can set your own custom searches by area, amenities and polygon tools.
The last 10 days of Market Action in Garrett County & at Deep Creek Lake. This is more of a birds eye view of raw activity in the market and offers you little to no ability to customize a search. You can, however, get your own 'version' of this if you let Jay know - or 301-501-0420.
This custom searches below are common, very specific searches that are difficult to organize and customize with traditional search tools. A lot of back-end design goes into each search to ensure accuracy, but they are only as accurate as the agent who inputs the information. Want you own private, further customized version? Let Jay know - or 301-501-0420.
Waterfront Homes for sale - Deep Creek Lake, lakefront homes & waterfront parcels |
Docks / Boat slip Homes for sale - Deep Creek Lake, *should* have access to a boat slip |
Lake Access Homes for sale - Deep Creek Lake, *should* have access to swim, fish, etc |
Vacation Rental Homes for sale - Garrett County, Maryland. All advertised vacation rentals |
Condos/Townhomes for sale - Garrett County, Maryland. Condos, duplex, townhouse, flats |
View homes for sale - Garrett County, Maryland. All properties offering a 'scenic view' |
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