The state’s most recent known approval of activity within the protected Wild Youghiogheny River corridor is among topics to be discussed at a public meeting next week.
The Youghiogheny Scenic and Wild River Advisory Board at 9 a.m. Monday will discuss how it can get notice in advance of actions that could harm the environment the group was formed to protect.
The event will be held at the County Commissioners Meeting Room, Frederick A. Thayer, III Courthouse, 203 South Fourth St. in Oakland.
It will also be live-streamed at
The purpose of the meeting is “to discuss the development of a protocol for timely notifications regarding activities and projects within the river corridor to foster communication and collaboration between the Local Youghiogheny River Advisory Board, Garrett County, and the Department of Natural Resources,” a public notice for the event stated.
“This initiative is vital for ensuring that all parties are aligned and that our actions are consistent with the Youghiogheny Scenic and Wild River: Study and Management Plan,” it stated.
“My concern is (for) plans and activities to be presented to the advisory board and discussed before action is taken,” Donald Sebold, chairman of the advisory board, said via email. “This is why the (Youghiogheny River) management plan calls for an advisory board.”
Steve Storck, who owns property in the Wild Yough scenic corridor, said he was pleased to hear the advisory board will meet.
“It is great to hear that the board has decided to take initiative to investigate and discuss recent actions by Maryland DNR in regards to their management of the Wild Youghiogheny,” he said via email. “From what I understand it was always envisioned that this group would be a partner in management of the Yough and their meetings a place to discuss and resolve issues related to its management.”
Contributing factors that prompted the advisory board’s upcoming meeting include decisions made by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources in the last few months.
DNR in August conditionally approved Garrett County’s application to build a new bridge and road in an offset alignment of the Swallow Falls Road bridge.
Prior to that decision, DNR requested the Youghiogheny River Advisory Board’s recommendation on the issue.
In response, the board said the bridge should follow the same alignment as the existing structure with the road closed for the construction project.
DNR’s subsequent conditional approval contradicted the board’s recommendation.
for more information Yough advisory board to discuss Swallow Falls bridge project | Local News |