Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Gov. Hogan: Veterens will get free admission to all state parks

In honor of Veterans Day, Governor Larry Hogan today announced that all military veterans, including residents and non-residents, will be granted free admission and entrance to the network of 72 state parks managed by the Maryland Park Service.

The governor’s announcement directly impacts over 414,000 veterans living in Maryland with the highest concentrations residing in Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore and Montgomery counties, and Baltimore City, and the region’s more than 1.4 million veterans

For more information click here.


Volunteers needed to help transport veterans

OAKLAND — A call for volunteer drivers has been made by local U.S. Navy veteran Dwight Mangan, who has managed a group of volunteers to drive area military veterans to Veterans Affairs (VA) medical facilities for the past seven years.

“We are down to five drivers, and we’re going to lose two by the end of the year,” Mangan said. “We really need some more people to help us out.”

The vans used in the process are provided by the VA, and the gasoline is paid for, Mangan said. The drivers may volunteer to drive every week, or as little as once or twice a month.

Drivers go to the homes of local veterans and pick them up. They then transport the vets to either Cumberland for another pickup, or on to Martinsburg, W.Va., to the VA medical facility there. Usually the trips are to Cumberland, he said.

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