Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Annual Winter Fest in Oakland this weekend

OAKLAND — Oakland’s annual Winter Fest will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. this Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17 and 18, featuring expert ice sculptor Bill Sandusky.
With his ice carving company, Erie Ice Works, Sandusky has been a member of the National Ice Carvers’ Association since 1999. He worked in Western Pennsylvania for 18 years, lived in Colorado for a time, and has returned to Erie, Pa.

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HGTV’s Lake House Hunters Features Top Deep Creek Lake Real Estate Agent Jay Ferguson

Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales, a leading vacation rental and sales firm located in McHenry, Maryland, is pleased to announce that Jay Ferguson, Broker & Co-Owner of the real estate company, was chosen to be featured on HGTV’s new series “Lake House Hunters”. It is a spin-off of the wildly popular “House Hunters” series.

Premiering January 1, 2018 at 6PM EST (check local listings to confirm), the Deep Creek Lake episode follows Ferguson and the DuPlessis family as they search for the perfect lakefront property. A lifelong resident of the Deep Creek Lake area, Jay Ferguson is a top-producing agent who started his real estate career in 2000.

He became co-owner of the Taylor-Made real estate company in 2014. His extensive knowledge and dedication to client relationships have bolstered his reputation as a Deep Creek Lake real estate expert.

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Errol Morris’ ‘Wormwood’ Is a Genre-Bending True-Crime Masterpiece

Wormwood centers around the mysterious death of a man named Frank Olsen drugged by the CIA while staying in a cabin at Deep Creek Lake. It premeired on December 15th, 2017 and is said to be a “pioneering masterpiece”. Frank’s final days were spent at a hush-hush retreat at a cabin at Maryland’s Deep Creek Lake (where the acid was dropped), followed by a longer stretch in Manhattan under the watch of colleagues, who claimed they were concerned about Frank’s state of mind. Those incidents are detailed with stylish foreboding by Morris, whose main guide through this tangled tale is Eric Olson, interviewed in a number of Spartan, wood-paneled interior spaces. As Eric lays out, his father Frank had grave suspicions about the U.S’s use of biochemical weapons in Korea—and considerable guilt over his part in that war effort. And, at least in 1975, it appeared to Eric that it was those misgivings that had led the government to get Frank high in order to deduce whether, under narco-duress, he’d develop loose lips—a scheme that wound up having terrible unintended consequences for all involved.

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StormReady® Recognition for Garrett County

National Weather Service officials have recognized Garrett County, Maryland as a StormReady® community. Fred McMullen, Warning Coordination of the National Weather Service forecast office in Pittsburgh will present county officials with a recognition letter and special StormReady signs during a ceremony at the Garrett County Courthouse Public Meeting Room on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.
“StormReady encourages communities to take a proactive approach to improving local hazardous weather operations and public awareness in partnership with their local National Weather Service office,” McMullen said.

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6 Bright Passage Lane #1C Price Improvement

Sporting high-end finishes and professionally decorated, this 4 level Villages of Wisp unit will blow you away! Upgrades include hardwood floors & carpet, fresh paint, new lighting, washer and dryer, designer furniture and new TVs. Seller also added 2 AC units. Seasonal views of the water. This specific area has a HUGE backyard area – perfect for entertaining or playing in the yard.

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‘Adorable Adoptables’ available at animal shelter

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Animal Shelter and Garrett County Humane Society are featuring four “Adorable Adoptables” this week.

Jason is a lively 1 1/2-year-old beagle who was given up by his owner.

“He will need some attention,” noted Lisa Baker, GCHS president.

Robin is a female longhaired orange tabby who was picked up as a stray in Oakland.

“She is very pretty and friendly,” Baker said.

Mickey is a young gray/white male tabby who was picked up in Lonaconing; and Cinnamon is a shy, spayed orange tabby who was given up by her owner.

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Santa’s elves are getting ready for the Festival of Trees

MCHENRY — Santa’s elves are hard at work preparing for the 10th annual Festival of Trees, Garrett County’s premiere holiday kick-off event.

The Dove Center fundraiser is set for Friday, Nov. 24, and Saturday, Nov. 25, beginning at 9 a.m. each day in the Agriculture Heritage Hall at the Garrett County Fairgrounds.

This year’s theme is “Frosty the Snowman,” providing hours of holiday fun for all ages. General admission is $5 per person per day.

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Accident mayor and town council meet


ACCIDENT — The Accident mayor and Town Council met in regular session on Thursday, Nov. 2, at the town hall. Those present included Richard W. Carlson, mayor; council members Frank W. Scaffido, Amy D. Hook, Brenda J. Shields, and M. Travis Pickett; Garrett County Sheriff Rob Corley; Crede Calhoun, owner of Vision Quest Studios; Justin Hinebaugh, Kevin Tomblin, and Adam Spiker from the Central Garrett Little League; and Ralph Miller.

Sheriff Corley reported that Accident was very quiet during the month of November. He discussed the new Garrett County government ATV/Snowmobile Permit program. The permits allow riders to run up to two miles on county-maintained roadways. The money from the permits will be used for safe driving classes for new drivers, traffic signs, and other items involving safety.

Crede Calhoun from Vision Quest Studios talked to the council pertaining to setting up a new website for the town.

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By Meghan Thompson

College students in the U.S. share a common worry that often follows them through their years of post-secondary education: How am I going to pay for this? With the price tag of a degree continuing to grow, creative ways to fund college educations are needed now more than ever. Many students turn to their local community colleges to save on tuition for their first two years of college.

The issue has become politically salient as candidates for governor and other offices debate how best to make higher education accessible and affordable. One Democratic candidate for governor, former NAACP President Ben Jealous, has proposed making public colleges and universities tuition-free. The price tag is likely to be very costly.

Garrett County, in the far reaches of Western Maryland, has created a mechanism to provide its students with a free, two-year community college education. It was the first county in the state to institute a promise program for the graduates of its two high schools who enroll at Garrett College in McHenry, just minutes from Deep Creek Lake.

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‘Adorable Adoptables’ available at county animal shelter

OAKLAND — Among the “Adorable Adoptables” currently housed at the Garrett County Animal Shelter are four felines named Jack, Miss Kitty, Moe and Melissa.

Jack is a large neutered black and white male who was picked up as a stray in Oakland.

“Is he yours?” asked Lisa Baker, Garrett County Humane Society president.

Miss Kitty is an older spayed longhaired white feline who was given up by her owner.

Moe is a friendly 8-month-old male black stray.

“Melissa is a sweet brown tabby who had kittens of her own,” Baker said. “She also fostered some motherless kittens. Now she needs a home.”

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