Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Towns of Garrett County- Friendsville, Maryland

Located about 10 miles north of Deep Creek Lake, Friendsville, Maryland is known for its rich history and adventurous outdoor sports.  Home of the first settlement in Garrett County, the town now consists of 500 residents.

Friendsville residents have many sources of entertainment such as the Kendall Trail and the Friendsville Community Park. Just above the Yough Dam, the stretch of the Youghiogheny River in Friendsville is perfect for whitewater activities. When is the best time to visit Friendsville? The Friendsville Days  summer celebration at the end of July! For more information, please visit http://www.friendsville-md.org/.

FUN FACT: Although the citizens of Friendsville are quite friendly, the town is actually named for John Friend Sr., one of the first settlers that bought the tract of land from Native Americans in 1765.


The Taste of Garrett

Join us at the Wisp and help give back to Garrett County!

The 14th Annual Taste of Garrett will be taking place on June 26 from 5 p.m. -8 p.m. Several Garrett County restaurants will be offering food and treats, all for just one cover fee. 100% of the proceeds will be put back into Garrett County Trails, such as the Meadow Mountain Trail and the Grantsville Bikeways Connector.


Adult tickets are $30 and children under 12 are $15.
For more information, click here.

Welcome Back, Maryland Welcome Centers!

ANNAPOLIS, Md. –(AP) -Gov. Larry Hogan is announcing the reopening of tourist welcome centers in far western Maryland and the Eastern Shore that the previous administration closed six years ago for budget reasons.

Hogan said in a statement Thursday that the Youghiogheny (yahk-ih-GAY’-nee) Overlook center in Garrett County and the Bay Country center in Queen Anne’s County will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays through Mondays.

For more, click here.