Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Hogan’s school after Labor Day delays usual slowdown at the beach

Hoffman said he suspects most schools starting after Labor Day — and a promotion letting kids eat free this week at his two restaurants — had something to do with it.

Hoffman’s special was part of a new Maryland Week promotion rolled out by the Eastern Shore resort town that offers deals at participating hotels and restaurants for a week that traditionally sees few state families. Some hotels were offering up to 20 percent off prices for a Sunday through Thursday stay.

Gov. Larry Hogan‘s mandate to open public schools after Labor Day pushed the starting date to Sept. 5 — a week or two later than many schools typically begin in the state. Hogan’s goal was to boost tourism — Ocean City, Deep Creek Lakeand the Maryland State Fair all benefit — and in turn, the state’s economy.

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Welcome Back, Maryland Welcome Centers!

ANNAPOLIS, Md. –(AP) -Gov. Larry Hogan is announcing the reopening of tourist welcome centers in far western Maryland and the Eastern Shore that the previous administration closed six years ago for budget reasons.

Hogan said in a statement Thursday that the Youghiogheny (yahk-ih-GAY’-nee) Overlook center in Garrett County and the Bay Country center in Queen Anne’s County will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays through Mondays.

For more, click here.