Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Life before the lake – Lake Brown

Taylor Made Deep Creek Sales is a proud sponsor of the Deep Creek Lake Centennial and we are going to share info about the history of DCL with you here!


Milestone Monday – today we’ll be looking at what life was like Before the Lake, regulations that govern the area, who has owned the lake over the years and major public works projects.

Before the lake: Lake Brown

In 1892, R. T. Browning – grandson of Meshach Browning – became Fish Commissioner.

In 1893 he oversaw the construction of another dam on Deep Creek near the site of the current Glendale Bridge, forming Lake Brown, named for the current Governor

He stocked Lake Brown with a variety of fish and it was open for public fishing ‘ may be the first publicly funded fishing spot in Maryland

For more information on the Centennial or about Deep Creek Lake, visit dcl100.com

We’ll be celebrating the lake’s 100th birthday in style with events and projects throughout 2025.

