Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Ghost Towns of the Upper Potomac

Interesting article with plenty of photos documented some popular areas in and around Garrett County.

Jay’s note: I have always realized the Potomac River was a vital part of the history of Garrett County and many coal towns relied upon the waterway in some capacity. I was likewise amazed that you could/can buy land for next to nothing along the Potomac River here in Garrett County & West Virginia, but as you wind down the river towards Virginia, downstate Maryland and Washington DC, it was priceless. My wife and I actually did a little Potomac town hopping ourselves a few years back, but it was close to Williamsburg and Harpers Ferry where we picked up our trail. This story hits much closer to home.

On the way home from my ride with Neil Peart, a few weeks ago, I stopped for lunch at the Penn Alps restaurant. Their gift shop had an interesting-looking book titled Ghost Towns of the Upper Potomac. I bought a copy, and almost immediately started planning a ride to visit the remaining towns mentioned in the book–and to search for any evidence of the towns that no longer remain.

Day One: Crossing and Recrossing the Potomac

The North Branch of the Potomac River separates Garrett County, MD from West Virginia. In the late 1800s and through the early 1950s, it was dotted by numerous small lumbering and coal-mining towns. My goal was to trace the Upper Potomac, and these towns, as far as I could.

It’s always good to get an early start…

I recrossed the Potomac into Maryland at the twin towns of Blaine, WV and Kitzmiller, MD. There were still a number of houses here, but generally they were newer replacements, and only a few of the older original buildings survived the disastrous flood of March 1924. A rocky and somewhat narrower Potomac was in evidence, but there was little sign of the quaint town pictured in the book. Note the rustic building on the far bank of the river, however: I believe it is the same one pictured on the left in the old photograph (Coffman’s Department Store).

Much more detail and many more fascinating photos can be found here.