Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreekvacations.com301-501-0420

Jodi Taylor Refosco Named President-Elect of Vacation Rental Managment Association

Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales, a leading vacation rental and sales firm located in McHenry, Maryland, is pleased to announce that one of its owners, Jodi Taylor Refosco, is the new President-Elect for the Vacation Rental Management Association (VRMA).

Jodi started Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales in 2008 with her husband, Joe, and her brother, Chad Taylor. Over the past ten years, the company has added a real estate division and has grown to become the largest vacation rental management company in the Deep Creek Lake area.

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Errol Morris’ ‘Wormwood’ Is a Genre-Bending True-Crime Masterpiece

Wormwood centers around the mysterious death of a man named Frank Olsen drugged by the CIA while staying in a cabin at Deep Creek Lake. It premeired on December 15th, 2017 and is said to be a “pioneering masterpiece”. Frank’s final days were spent at a hush-hush retreat at a cabin at Maryland’s Deep Creek Lake (where the acid was dropped), followed by a longer stretch in Manhattan under the watch of colleagues, who claimed they were concerned about Frank’s state of mind. Those incidents are detailed with stylish foreboding by Morris, whose main guide through this tangled tale is Eric Olson, interviewed in a number of Spartan, wood-paneled interior spaces. As Eric lays out, his father Frank had grave suspicions about the U.S’s use of biochemical weapons in Korea—and considerable guilt over his part in that war effort. And, at least in 1975, it appeared to Eric that it was those misgivings that had led the government to get Frank high in order to deduce whether, under narco-duress, he’d develop loose lips—a scheme that wound up having terrible unintended consequences for all involved.

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Wisp planning to open for winter sports on December 16th

Snowmaking is underway as the Mountain Ops Team prepares to start making snow for the resort. Temperatures are continuing to drop throughout next thursday permitting an offical opening on Saturday, December 16th. For more information click here.

Picture credit to onthesnow.com

355 San Francisco Price Improvement

Mountaineer log cabin with seasonal lake views in Roman Nose subdivision. Attractive chalet floorplan, spacious lot and plenty of yard space to enjoy. Multiple living areas, large loft, interior garage space, open floor plan. Less than a mile to the water. Successful private vacation rental, mostly furnished. Private drive, local traffic only. Incredibly peaceful.

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StormReady® Recognition for Garrett County

National Weather Service officials have recognized Garrett County, Maryland as a StormReady® community. Fred McMullen, Warning Coordination of the National Weather Service forecast office in Pittsburgh will present county officials with a recognition letter and special StormReady signs during a ceremony at the Garrett County Courthouse Public Meeting Room on Monday, December 4, 2017 at 4:00 p.m.
“StormReady encourages communities to take a proactive approach to improving local hazardous weather operations and public awareness in partnership with their local National Weather Service office,” McMullen said.

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Garrett County Chamber wins 2 awards at Tourism Summit

ELLICOTT CITY — The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce won two awards at the 37th-Annual Tourism and Travel Summit presented by the Maryland Tourism Coalition.
Competing against nominees from other counties in the state, the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce won the Best Product or Event award (Small Category) for their Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area 5th Anniversary Celebration and the Best Digital Campaign for their “Garrett County 360° Virtual Reality Experience.”

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Managed Goose and Waterfowl Hunts Set for Garrett County

OAKLAND — The Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced today that it is continuing the Canada goose hunt on Deep Creek Lake and waterfowl hunt at Broadford Lake.

Canada goose and waterfowl hunting is by permit and reservation only during select days of the season (Nov. 20-22). Interested hunters can apply for a permit online.

Hunters can apply to hunt one of three blind sites on Deep Creek Lake and one of four blind sites on Broadford Lake. Hunters must be within 50 feet of the stake or buoy marking the designated blind site except for the purpose of retrieving game.

For more information, one can call 301-743-5161 or 301-334-4255.

for more information click here.


701 N Street Price Improvement

4BR 2BA home with heated 2 car garage. Features include hardwood floors, custom tile bathroom and an addition over the garage. Setup for one level living, 3 additional BR’s upstairs. Large backyard. In need of some cosmetic updates, but home seems very solid and well-built. Estate sale – furnishings & most contents negotiable.

For more information click here. 

Accident mayor and town council meet


ACCIDENT — The Accident mayor and Town Council met in regular session on Thursday, Nov. 2, at the town hall. Those present included Richard W. Carlson, mayor; council members Frank W. Scaffido, Amy D. Hook, Brenda J. Shields, and M. Travis Pickett; Garrett County Sheriff Rob Corley; Crede Calhoun, owner of Vision Quest Studios; Justin Hinebaugh, Kevin Tomblin, and Adam Spiker from the Central Garrett Little League; and Ralph Miller.

Sheriff Corley reported that Accident was very quiet during the month of November. He discussed the new Garrett County government ATV/Snowmobile Permit program. The permits allow riders to run up to two miles on county-maintained roadways. The money from the permits will be used for safe driving classes for new drivers, traffic signs, and other items involving safety.

Crede Calhoun from Vision Quest Studios talked to the council pertaining to setting up a new website for the town.

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Garrett County tourism is ‘off to a good start’ in FY 2018

MCHENRY — The first quarter of fiscal year 2018 (July 1, 2017 — June 30, 2018) is off to a good start for tourism in the Deep Creek lake area and other areas of the county, with a 5.9 percent increase in county accommodations sales, according to the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce

There is also a 19.6 percent increase in “heads on beds,” a 8.5 percent growth in visitors to the chamber’s website (visitdeepcreek.com), and a 17 percent rise in Visitor Guide requests.

While the chamber attributes much of the continued growth in tourism to “aggressive” marketing efforts and new advertising strategies, the newly implemented post-Labor Day start for Maryland Public Schools is also being credited for the increases.

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