Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Garrett County Humane Society presents donation to animal shelter

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Humane Society recently donated dozens of new stainless steel buckets and bowls to the Garrett County Animal Shelter.

“Stainless steel has no pores to harbor bacteria (like plastic), are resistant to chewing, and don’t rust or stain,” said Lisa Baker, GCHS president. “The buckets are flat on one side so they can be secured against the kennel gates, where they can’t be tipped over and can be easily filled from the outside.”

The new buckets will also be used in the outside pad area and in all of the cat cages, she noted

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Vickie Warnick and Genie Sines

‘Adorable Adoptables’ available at county shelter

OAKLAND — Among the felines currently housed at the Garrett County Animal shelter are Milton, Molly, Munster and Minnie.

“Come and meet them,” said Lisa Baker, Garrett County Humane Society president. “They will rub their way into your heart.”

She said Milton is a lovable male Manx. Molly is a sweet female calico Manx and Munster is a neutered male who has a very loud meow. All three were left at the shelter after business hours, according to Baker.

Minnie is a pretty calico who was given up by her owner.

Persons are invited to call the shelter at 301-334-3553. Located along Oakland Sang Run Road, the county-operated facility is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Garrett County Humane Society is a nonprofit volunteer organization that has been helping abused, neglected and homeless animals since 1983. It is not affiliated with the Garrett County Animal Shelter.

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