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Emergency operations center now fully operational

Facility at Garrett County Airport has geographic mapping system, stations for 22 staffers

Elaine BlaisdellCumberland Times-News

MCHENRY — The state-of-the-art emergency operations center at the Garrett County Airport became fully operational two weeks ago after snags with fiber optics were fixed.

The 700-square-foot facility includes a GIS mapping system, a double touch SMART Board, 22 stations for staff, four primary computer stations for specific functions like tracking weather and a ham radio station, according to John Frank III, director of emergency management. “We still have a few things that we need to tweak a little bit,” he said.

A test on the fiber op-tics system still needs to be completed, according to Frank.

The EOC has a computer plug for the Maryland Emergency Management Agency representative to access the WebEOC, which can be used to request more personnel in the event of an emergency situation, according to Frank.

The EOC will have two operators who will be available to transfer calls to the appropriate location, such as the roads department.

In the wake of Superstorm Sandy, the county begin working on the EOC to become better prepared for emergency situations.

“We admit in our after-action report that we were ill-prepared, we really didn’t have an active emergency operations center,” said County Commissioner Jim Raley. “Certainly, that doesn’t mean before Hurricane Sandy we didn’t talk about some problems.”

Prior to the EOC, a 525-square-foot makeshift command center at the courthouse was used. In the beginning, the command center didn’t have phones or laptops for the EOC staff.

One of the issues during Superstorm Sandy was that the National Weather Service was forecasting that the storm wasn’t going to affect the county, according to Raley.

“We know in the future that we should have been at a mid-level early on watching the storm, then should have had staff ready,” said Raley. “Now the nice thing is we have all that in place.”

The county adopted an EOC essential employee list that is made up of 40 people. The policy consists of three levels in which essential staff responds. The county is always operating at a level three, which is the lowest level, according to Frank. Level three is a monitoring phase in which the EOC is staffed by public safety and emergency management personnel.

“I feel really good about what we have in place. We have the facility and we are going to have the personnel,” said Raley. “Those are two of the key things that need to be in place, we have the resources of other agencies now as well.”

All the essential staff are required to attend two training sessions a year and to participate in a tabletop exercise.

“Another key piece is identifying those people that need to be here,” said county commission chairman Robert Gatto. “That was another problem getting staff in; some of the agencies couldn’t get to their staff, communication was lost or the ability to get them in was lost. That was one thing that really came out in the after-action.”

Local Emergency Planning Committee staff and essential staff will be notified of an emergency situation via email and text through the computer-aided dispatch system at the 911 center, according to Frank. The LEPC put together the after-action report following Superstorm Sandy.

“We really did have hard conversations about the things that didn’t go right,” said Raley. “Some things did go right; we tweaked those a little bit and they became part of the after-action report.”

There were also some issues with wellness checks of the vulnerable population, according to Raley.

A committee specific to the vulnerable population has been established and meets periodically at the health department to finalize standard operation procedures for wellness checks performed by various agencies/departments.

The Department of Public Safety was awarded approximately $79,000 through MEMA for a generator terminal and Frank is working on procurement of the generator. The airport has its own generator.

Frank has been working with delegates from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and MEMA to find funding sources, according to Gatto.

“We had great support during Sandy and it carried us through to this point,” said Gatto.

The airport location centralizes the EOC but still places it away from other areas that could become potential problem areas in case of an emergency, like Interstate 68 and downtown Oakland, said Raley. The airport also makes it easier for emergency reponders to fly in and is centrally located to Garrett College and the fairgrounds.

“When you look at how everything is staged, this corridor is the actual perfect corridor,” said Raley.

Frank hopes to expand the EOC or have a stand-alone facility so that the room where the EOC is located can be turned back over to the airport.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

Garrett EOC hits hurdles before opening

Elaine BlaisdellCumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — An emergency operations center proposed at the Garrett County Airport has hit a few snags and isn’t operational yet, according John Frank III, county director of emergency management.

The county roads department and public utilities have been working to get fiber optics to the center.

“This is a very important link for an emergency operations center to be able to have  … the fiber optics and the capability of interoperability with federal and state agencies,” said Frank during Tuesday’s commission meeting.

“It is just something I’m really, really concerned about being able to have … because we put a lot of investment in it.”

There has been some difficulty getting the fiber optics from a pole to the airport, as well as issues coordinating with the power and phone companies, according to Frank.

“The next problem, once we get it up to the building, is to tie it in and hook it up with the phone system,” said Frank.

The conduit for the fiber optics is encased in concrete and a new conduit was started but not completed.

If a subcontractor is needed for the project it could cost $100,000 or more, according to Frank.

“I’m not sure where we would be able to come up with that,” said Frank.

Once the fiber optics is installed, the EOC will have 22 stations with phones and Internet, according to Frank.

The center will have improved communication capabilities once the countywide broadband project is complete.

The EOC was created in the wake of Superstorm Sandy so that the county could be better prepared for emergency situations.

October marks the anniversary of the storm.

Commissioner Jim Raley indicated that he and County Administrator Monty Pagenhardt would like to be updated on the status of the fiber optics at the EOC.

“If we are running into hurdles we may have to go another route,” said Raley. “From my vantage point, I want to see that project completed before the real heart of inclement weather. I think it’s something critical that needs to be in place this year.”

Previously, a makeshift command center at the courthouse was used.

A generator is also needed and generators have been approved for the airport and the former Dennett Road Elementary School.

Frank has applied to the Maryland Emergency Management Agency for a grant for the generators. During Superstorm Sandy some generators failed.

In other Department of Public Safety news, Frank asked for the commissions to adopt an EOC essential staff policy and to support a Mid-Atlantic Communications Partnership governance.

The staff will be comprised of 19 individuals who are essential during an emergency situation, according to Frank.

In the event of a full-scale activation, all primary and support agencies will be notified via email.

In addition to the staff being notified of all EOC activations, members are required to attend a minimum of two training sessions and/or exercise events per year.

The training sessions will be coordinated by Frank.

The MACP makes and implements decisions pertaining to interstate interoperability communications in the event of an act of terrorism or other disaster, according to its bylaws.

Plans and policies developed by the MACP will not interfere, contradict or supersede those developed by the states of West Virginia and Maryland.

Supporting the MACP governance would enhance the county’s ability to partner with West Virginia counties for mutual aid and to share communication assets.

Garrett County and Preston Count in West Virginia held a discussion about the possibility of placing a Garrett radio on the Gregg’s Knob radio tower site in Preston County, according to Frank.

It would allow the county do away with the Thayerville tower.

“It will enable us to have better communications in the Friendsville, Sang Run Road area,” said Frank. “This could potentially save us a lot of money in Garrett County.”

The Department of Public Safety will host a public safety day at the fairgrounds Oct. 19. The event will include a hose maze, K-9 and equipment demonstrations, helicopter tours and tours of fire trucks and the rescue squad.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

More here.

Garrett facility waits to develop its tech

County: With money, center can become state-of-the-art

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — A new emergency operations center has been established in a conference room at the Garrett County Airport. As money becomes available, features will be added to make the center a state-of-the-art facility, according to John Frank III, Garrett County’s director of emergency management.

In the case of an emergency, the facility will be used as a meeting place for all those involved.

“The entire project is in the fledgling stage and is under development,” said Frank. “It’s centrally located at the Garrett County Airport, which is owned and operated by the county. If there is a major event in the county, we can expand to use the airport terminals.”

Frank said that, in the future, as monies became available, he hopes to install interactive smartboards, video monitors and a terminal for tablets and smartphones.

Also, in the future, the center could be used as a classroom and may expand to include a backup 911 center, according to Frank.

County Administrator Monty Pagenhardt is working on fine-tuning the budget to see what monies are available for the center.

“(The center) is a priority now for the county. It’s going to be a top-notch center,” said Pagenhardt.

The need for a center was determined last year and previously a makeshift command center at the courthouse was used. However, the makeshift center didn’t entirely meet the county’s emergency needs, said Pagenhardt.

“John has been in contact with the Governor’s Office and everything has been coming together for the center,” said Pagenhardt.

Federal Emergency Management and the Maryland Emergency Management Agency have been helpful in moving the process along, according to Frank.

The center will eventually have broadband once the countywide broadband project is complete, according to Pagenhardt. Currently there is broadband up to Mosser Road where Garrett College is located.

Frank said he will have a satellite office at the center.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.