The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has recently announced the 2023 Shooter Qualification Schedule for managed hunts, offering hunters across the state an opportunity to participate in these controlled hunting activities. With over 20 sessions scheduled at 11 different locations, individuals can take the proficiency test required to obtain a Shooter Qualification Card, which grants access to the state’s managed deer hunts taking place in the upcoming fall and winter seasons.
It is important for hunters to be aware that some shooter qualification sessions are available by appointment only. Additionally, a minimal fee may be charged to cover expenses associated with these sessions. Furthermore, for the safety of participants, eye and hearing protection may be mandatory at certain locations.
Managed or controlled hunting serves as a highly organized initiative to effectively manage the local deer population. These hunts are conducted with strict regulations and remain a safe and efficient method for reducing the deer herd in the area. To ensure fairness, the department utilizes a lottery system to select participants for many of the managed deer hunts. The department’s website contains specific information regarding the deadlines associated with these lotteries.
As new opportunities arise, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources will consistently update the online shooter qualification calendar. Hunters are encouraged to check the website regularly to stay informed about any additional events and developments in this regard.