Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

June 2016 Lakefront Listings

Summer is finally here! With the warm weather, comes boating season at Deep Creek Lake.

If your lakefront vacation rental is causing you to fall in love with Deep Creek Lake, then take a glance at some of my lakefront and lake access listings.

Exterior (Rear) -

Dock -

Exterior (General) -

This paradise could be yours! Click on the photos for more information.

To see all lakefront listings, click here.
To see all my listings, on and off the lake, click here.


Deep Creek Lake panel getting updates on lake use issues

– Associated Press – Monday, April 25, 2016

SWANTON, Md. (AP) – The Deep Creek Lake Policy and Review Board is getting updates on some issues affecting users of the lake in far western Maryland.

The agenda for Monday’s meeting in Swanton includes a presentation about personal watercraft restrictions and a discussion of lake water levels.

The board appointed a subcommittee in January to study the current prohibition on personal watercraft use from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on summer weekends.


To read more, click here.

Water Levels will be above Lower Rule Band – DCL POA

From the eBlast:

“The information below was in an email I received from David Myerberg, Chairman,  DCL Policy and Review Board, on September 12, 2013.  He requested I forward it to our membership due to rumors that have been circulating that some unusual water releases were planned that would cause a dramatic drop in lake levels.  The lake water levels can always be checked at the POA website or the Deep Creek Hydro site. The email information follows:

I just finished a conversation with Eric Null regarding the projected effects on lake levels from the dam releases planned for the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th of September, 2013. As you know, during that week, Brookfield is permitted to have three releases, including one on Saturday. They are also permitted to have three additional releases for the week leading to the Gauley Fest. Although the Gauley Fest is in Summersville, WV, it attracts a large number of kayakers and rafters to Garrett County. “….more here.