Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420
Deep Creek Lake’s Centennial Celebration

Deep Creek Lake will have its 100th birthday in 2025, and we’ll be celebrating all year long with events and projects throughout the year.  Visit dcl100.com for all the latest updates. 

Lecture Series Underway
Every Thursday in March, the DCL100 Committee is presenting a lecture at the Performing Arts Center at Garrett College on a different aspect of the lake. We’ve had two great lectures so far and have two more coming up.  For our first lecture,  Chance Friend – Naturalist with the MD Department of Natural Resources –  gave a fantastic presentation on Wildlife and Habitats of Deep Creek Lake.  We messed up on recording it (forgot to turn on the mic) BUT, Chance is such a great professional that he’s agreed to record himself doing the presentation. We’ll get that posted when he does!
The second speaker, Eric Null – former manager of the Deep Creek Lake Natural Resources Management Area and current Executive Director of Trout Unlimited in Pennsylvania – gave a Master Class on fishing in Deep Creek Lake. If you’re looking to catch some fish in Deep Creek Lake, you need to watch his lecture!

Coming up on March 20th, the operations manager from Brookfield Renewable US will talk about the operation of the dam. If you’ve ever wondered how the power plant makes electricity and where it goes, check out this presentation!And on March 27, Karen Myers will talk about the history of real estate at Deep Creek Lake. She will share her decades of experience to tell us about how some of the well-known property development came to be.The Lecture Series will occur each Thursday in March 2025 at 6pm at the Performing Arts Center at Garrett College. Attendees at the lectures will be able to collect a DCL100 Exploration Ticket and receive the punch for the month of March, and they will be able to enter to win a DCL100 swag pack. The use of the Performing Arts Center and AV support have been generously contributed by Garrett College.
Practice your Swing DanceAre you looking to get ready for the DCL100 Gala? Brush up on your dance moves this month!  The Garrett Jazz Ensembles returns for another Swing Dance! Entrance is by donation and will benefit Cindy’s Fund. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Come and dance the night away with Garrett County’s local swing band!  Saturday March 29, 6-9pm at the Performing Arts Center at Garrett CollegeTrivia Nights
Local “EMCEE Extraordinaire” Connor Norman will be heading up our DCL Team Trivia Nights every Thursday in April at Ace’s Run starting at 6pm.  Each game will have 20 questions and will last about 2 hours. There will be preview questions and answers posted on ours and Connor’s social media the week before the events, so stay tuned to get the heads up!

Entry is free and we’ll provide the trivia trackers, answer sheets, pens etc. Delicious food and drink will be available for purchase at Ace’s.  And of course, there will be awesome prizes!

More event news

Earth Day Cleanup – Saturday April 26th – we’ll be partnering with Red Beard Scuba and Recovery for a lake cleanup in celebration of Earth Day. Stay tuned for details!DCL100 Golf Tournament – July 8th at Thousand Acres Golf Course – swing your clubs at the amazing new course at Thousand Acres Golf Club – more details coming soon!Deep Creek Lake 100th Birthday Bash – July 19th at the Fairgrounds-Planning is coming along for the big event of the year – contact our Event Chair Missy Gralish if you would like to volunteer or become involved!Our vendor application is now available! Limited-edition serigraphThe Maryland Park Service has commissioned a limited-edition serigraph print by renowned artist Erick Sahler. This stunning artwork captures the beauty of Deep Creek Lake, featuring a tranquil shoreline at Deep Creek Lake State Park, a fisherman’s boat, and the iconic Glendale Bridge rising in the background.Sahler, an Illustrator Member of the prestigious Society of Illustrators, is known for his vibrant and masterfully crafted serigraphs that reflect the spirit of the mid-Atlantic region. This commemorative piece will soon be available for purchase at the Deep Creek Lake Discovery Center, offering a timeless keepsake for those who cherish the lake. Stay tuned for details on its release or contact the Discovery Center at 301-387-7067.
Full event listing And here’s the full list of events we’ve got on deck – be sure to check the website and our social media for updates! 

March 6,13, 20 & 27, 2025Lecture series about various aspects of Deep Creek Lake @ the Performing Arts Center at Garrett College – each Thursday at 6pm in March (environmental, recreational, proactively working to ensure the health of Deep Creek Lake for the next 100 years and beyond. Facebook event pageApril 3,10,17 & 24, 2025– Deep Creek Lake Team Trivia nights at Ace’s Run – test your DCL knowledge – prizes for winning teams. Facebook event pageApril 27, 2025 – Picture Party at Ace’s Restaurant (hosted by Brenda McDonnell) Facebook event pageApril 29, 2025 – Amazing Grazing – the Taste of Garrett County – DCL100 partnering with Stage WEST at GC Ag HallMay 12, 2025 – FREE Admission to Deep Creek Lake State Park (sponsored by the Western Garrett County State Park Volunteers)May 24, 2025Deep Creek Lake Adventure Challenge – Based at Wisp Resort, teams will travel around the lake and compete in puzzles, trivia and physical challenges with prizes for teams with the most points! Facebook event pageJune 21, 2025 – FREE Admission to Deep Creek Lake State Park (sponsored by the Western Garrett County State Park Volunteers)June 21, 2025 – Recreation Fair at Deep Creek Lake State Park (sponsored by the Garrett County Health Department’s Population Health, Innovation, and Informatics Unit)June 21, 2025 – Boat parade on Deep Creek Lake – Put on by the Deep Creek Lake Lions Club, the parade will feature entries from all towns, various businesses, individuals and organizations. Facebook event pageJune 27, 2025 –DCL100 parade float in Grantsville Days ParadeJuly 4, 2025 – DCL100 parade float in Accident Homecoming ParadeJuly 5, 2025 – DCL100 Sailboat Regatta on Deep Creek Lake held by the Deep Creek Yacht Racing AssociationJuly 8, 2025 – DCL100 Golf Tournament at Thousand AcresJuly 12 – 13, 2025 – Victorian Chautauqua in Mt Lake Park featuring one or more speaker portrayers with DCL connectionsJuly 19, 2025 – DCL100 Birthday Bash – FREE or low charge entrance to a festival at the Garrett County Fairgrounds—to feature bands & music, a Kidzone, parade, craft & arts displays and sales, food vendors, contests and a special ending surprise (12 noon – 10 pm) Facebook event pageJuly 21, 2025 – FREE Admission to Deep Creek Lake State Park (sponsored by the Western Garrett County State Park Volunteers)July 26, 2025 – DCL100 parade float in Kitzmiller Homecoming ParadeAugust 14, 2025 – FREE Admission to Deep Creek Lake State Park (sponsored by the Western Garrett County State Park Volunteers)August 16, 2025 – DCL 100 parade float in Friendsville Days ParadeAugust 23, 2025 – Deep Creek Lake Centennial Gala – at Wisp Resort – Roaring 20’s theme with Big Band live music—capacity –400 people Facebook event pageSept 6, 2025 – Deep Creek Lake Art and Wine Festival – held by HART for AnimalsSept 7,2025 – Watersports Exhibition on Deep Creek LakeSeptember – end of October – Cove Run Corn Maze will feature a DCL100 themeFor more information on the events during the Centennial, visit dcl100.com or contact deepcreeklakepoa@gmail.com to learn more about sponsoring the celebration, volunteering or sharing photographs, memories or memorabilia.

Our Sponsors

Much thanks to the sponsors of the DCL100!The DCL100 CommitteeThe Deep Creek Lake Centennial Committee, was established in 2023 by the Property Owners’ Association of Deep Creek Lake to celebrate the centennial of the lake in 2025. The DCL100 Committee, comprised of representatives from over 10 organizations, has the mission to celebrate the history of the lake and to promote its protection for the next 100 years and beyond

Follow us!Property Owners’ Association of Deep Creek Lake, IncPO Box 816, McHenry

Life before the lake – Lake Brown

Taylor Made Deep Creek Sales is a proud sponsor of the Deep Creek Lake Centennial and we are going to share info about the history of DCL with you here!


Milestone Monday – today we’ll be looking at what life was like Before the Lake, regulations that govern the area, who has owned the lake over the years and major public works projects.

Before the lake: Lake Brown

In 1892, R. T. Browning – grandson of Meshach Browning – became Fish Commissioner.

In 1893 he oversaw the construction of another dam on Deep Creek near the site of the current Glendale Bridge, forming Lake Brown, named for the current Governor

He stocked Lake Brown with a variety of fish and it was open for public fishing ‘ may be the first publicly funded fishing spot in Maryland

For more information on the Centennial or about Deep Creek Lake, visit dcl100.com

We’ll be celebrating the lake’s 100th birthday in style with events and projects throughout 2025.

