Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Santa’s elves are getting ready for the Festival of Trees

MCHENRY — Santa’s elves are hard at work preparing for the 10th annual Festival of Trees, Garrett County’s premiere holiday kick-off event.

The Dove Center fundraiser is set for Friday, Nov. 24, and Saturday, Nov. 25, beginning at 9 a.m. each day in the Agriculture Heritage Hall at the Garrett County Fairgrounds.

This year’s theme is “Frosty the Snowman,” providing hours of holiday fun for all ages. General admission is $5 per person per day.

for more info click here

Gov. Hogan: Veterens will get free admission to all state parks

In honor of Veterans Day, Governor Larry Hogan today announced that all military veterans, including residents and non-residents, will be granted free admission and entrance to the network of 72 state parks managed by the Maryland Park Service.

The governor’s announcement directly impacts over 414,000 veterans living in Maryland with the highest concentrations residing in Prince George’s, Anne Arundel, Baltimore and Montgomery counties, and Baltimore City, and the region’s more than 1.4 million veterans

For more information click here.


Commissioners approve 2017 Land Preservation, Parks, and Recreation Plan

BITTINGER — The county commissioners have unanimously approved the Garrett County 2017 Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan (LPPRP). Council signed the resolution during its public meeting Tuesday evening at the Bittinger Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department.

The commissioners held a public hearing for the plan earlier this month at the courthouse in Oakland. Director Deborah Carpenter, Garrett County Department of Planning and Land Management, reviewed the document at the hearing.

“The Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan is required in order for us to participate in Program Open Space,” she said. “It is required to be updated every five years with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.”

For more information click here.

How does a bear cool off at Deep Creek Lake? How else?

Why did the bear cross the lake?

Video Here

We’re not sure what prompted this bear to swim across Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland, but he did reach the other side, as shown in the video captured by some recreational boaters on the water recently.

This particular bear couldn’t be reached for comment, but it certainly managed to get to the other side of the lake with energy to burn. Watch as the bear climbs ashore near a lake-side residence and jets off into the distance as boaters look on — shouting warnings to folks on land as the swimmer approached shallow water.

That video had 27,000 views as of Monday morning.

It’s not the first time a local photographer captured bears in the lake. Check out this video from 2016 here.

A bear presumably swam across the Susquehanna River last May when sightings were reported progressively more west in Cecil County before there was a report of one in Harford County.

In June of last year, there were 11 reported bear sightings in Howard, Montgomery and Prince George’s County in a one-week span.

“You have a lot of young bears looking for territory to call their own,” Natural Resources Police spokeswoman Candy Thomson said at the time. “Male bears need a pretty big hunk of territory, females less so. They keep roaming until they find an area they can claim. It’s all territorial, trying to find a new home.”

But most of the bear sightings in Maryland take place in Western Maryland — where, according to the Department of Natural Resources, there is a breeding population in the four westernmost counties. That includes Garrett County, where Deep Creek Lake is located.

A few tips from DNR: Don’t feed bears. Don’t panic or approach a bear. Back away slowly. If you’re outside, get inside the nearest building.

If you’re in the lake, boating alongside the Michael Phelps of bears: just keep a safe distance. And maybe do the neighborly thing like these boaters did and warn the unassuming folks on land.

Oh, and capturing it on video doesn’t hurt.

Copyright © 2017, The Baltimore Sun

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Garrett planners to let consultant lead zoning discussion

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Planning Commission has decided to let a consultant lead discussions about possible countywide zoning.

The commission is planning on hiring a consultant once there is money in the budget, Deborah Carpenter, director of the department of planning, said.

“As far as the board of county commissioners go at this point, I don’t think we have any interest in doing anything on countywide zoning. Not to say if something was brought to us we wouldn’t consider any action on it,” Jim Hinebaugh, commissioner and planning commission member, said during a planning commission meeting last month.

The first step in addressing countywide zoning would be to get public input followed by research and recommendations for a plan of action from the consultant, Carpenter said.

The commission is reviewing the comprehensive plan to see what sections may need public comment, more discussion or possible changes, said Carpenter. The planning commission began the review of the 2008 comprehensive plan last year.

“I think there may be more support than there was for countywide zoning 10 years ago or 20 years ago,” said Hinebaugh, who indicated that he didn’t have a position on zoning.

At least 30 percent of county citizens are already subjected to zoning because of living in the Deep Creek Watershed or in one of the municipalities, William DeVore, zoning administrator for the Deep Creek Watershed and member of the planning commission, said.

The Garrett County Board of Realtors supports performance-style zoning in the county, Paul Durham, planning commission member, said.

The commission also decided to give Karen Myers, who was representing Deep Creek Marina LLC, approval for a special exception and variance for an aerial (zip-line-type) adventure park to be located on Deep Creek Drive in McHenry.


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The Maryland General Assembly passed two bills that will benefit Garrett County and Deep Creek Lake.

The payment in lieu of taxes, or PILOT program, will result in Garrett County receiving about a million dollars in fiscal year 2019. The PILOT program benefits state forests, parks and wildlife management areas.

A bill was also passed that establishes the State Lakes Protection and Restoration Fund, which requires the Department of Natural Resources to develop a working budget, and to develop a plan, prioritizing projects that receive funding.


NEW LISTING- 1041 Rock Lodge Road

Check out my new listing on Rock Lodge Road!

4BR/3BA renovated cottage (2009) with ~1200sf addition on coveted Rock Lodge Rd. Gutted to studs & rebuilt with extra insulation. Original fireplace! Very well maintained.

Covered porch offers seasonal lake views. Rear deck backs to woods & surrounded by huge, moss covered boulders.

Low maintenance yard. 2 furnaces; energy efficient design. Vaulted ceilings. Paved driveway with plenty of parking.

for more information, click here.


Check out some of the best views of Deep Creek Lake

Here are a few of my favorite views of Deep Creek Lake!
To see the homes I have listed on Highline Drive, click here or here.
To see the home I have listed on Grandview Drive, click here.