Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

GC Commissioners Approve Funds To Place Police Officers In Two Schools

Feb. 14, 2013

County administrator Monty Pagenhardt has announced that the Board of Garrett County Commissioners will provide funds that will be directed to the placement of two school resource law enforcement officers (SROs) in Garrett County public schools. One officer, Dep. Dave McLaughlin, will be assigned to the Northern Garrett High School/Middle School complex, and the other officer, Sgt. Clark Warnick, will be placed at Southern Garrett High School.

“The decision by county government and the Board of Education to place school resource officers in the Garrett County school system is an instrumental step in keeping our students safe,” said Sheriff Rob Corley. “Our children are our most valuable resource. They are future sheriffs, teachers, community leaders, and sports heroes. The SROs will not only serve as a safety net for the schools but more importantly serve as role models and mentors. I look forward to working with the Board of Education and my staff in creating the most effective School Resource Officer Program that we can.”

Gov. Martin O’Malley’s budget for fiscal year 2014 has proposed that grant funding be appropriated to local jurisdictions for the purpose of public school security, and if those funds are approved, a third officer will be assigned to Southern Garrett Middle School, Pagenhardt noted.

“I’d like to thank Sheriff Corley, county administrator Pagenhardt, and Superintendent Wilson for quickly working to address security needs in the wake of the Newtown tragedy,” said Commissioner Gregan Crawford, who serves as the ex-officio member on the Garrett County Board of Education. “Through their efforts, the presence of SROs and implementation of additional security measures that they have identified, parents of school-age children, including myself, can be reassured that concerns are being addressed to make our schools safer. I support their recommendations and will work to see that they are funded and implemented.”

According to Pagenhardt, the cost of the SRO program per officer will be about $88,333, which includes salary, fringe benefits, vehicle expenses, and training. The total cost of the program will be about $265,000, which will come from the county’s general fund. He noted, however, that the allocation will be offset by whatever grant funds are secured.

“As a deputy, drug education officer, and now the sheriff of Garrett County, I know firsthand the effect of positive police interaction with students, as well as all youth,” said Corley.

Pagenhardt said the county plans to have Warnick and McLaughlin complete SRO training at a police academy and be in the schools for the 2013-2014 school year. Two new officers will be hired to replace them at the Sheriff’s Office.

More here.



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