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Dec. 23, 2010
The Garrett County Solid Waste and Recycling Division announced Tuesday that the county’s recycling rate ranks fourth in the state, just behind Charles County; the MidShore Regional Recycling Program for Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s, and Talbot counties; and Hartford County.
Garrett County achieved its ranking by having a recycling rate of 47.7 percent, with a source reduction rate of 48.7 percent for calendar year 2009, as reported by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) after a complete review of the county’s Maryland Recycling Act (MRA) Tonnage Report.
The MRA requires that Garrett County divert at least 15 percent of its waste to recycling programs. All counties in Maryland report their recycling tonnages to MDE for review and approval.
“It is our goal to continue to educate and encourage the residents and businesses to not only recycle, but to also reduce waste at the source,” said Kimberly Madigan, recycling coordinator for the Garrett County Solid Waste and Recycling Division.
Source reduction, she said, means the design, manufacture, purchase, or use of materials or products to reduce the amount of waste generated. It includes reuse, waste elimination, package reduction, and substitution.