Garrett County Government Department of Public Works
Utilities Division
Garrett County is updating its 2014 Water & Sewer Plan with the 2025-01 Amendment, ensuring the county’s water and sewer systems meet future demand, support community growth, and prevent infrastructure failures. This amendment includes water service expansions, sewer system upgrades, and infrastructure replacements for Grantsville, Gorman, Chestnut Ridge, and Jennings.
🔗 To review the amendment:
Draft Water & Sewer Plan Amendment #5
Amendment Summary
Grantsville Water System Expansion
Section Updated: Town of Grantsville – Service Areas, Problem Areas, and Future Needs
Map Update: Figure 3-4
Extends water service along Hemlock Drive to replace private wells, some with E. coli contamination.
Supports planned housing development and ensures access to safe, reliable drinking water.
Gorman Water System Improvements
Section Updated: 3.2.6 North Branch Potomac River Watershed – Problem Areas and Future Needs, Planned and Recommended Improvements
Map Update: Figure 3-12
Replaces Mountain Road Well #2, which collapsed in 2023, leaving the system without a backup water source.
A new groundwater well will restore system redundancy and prevent future water shortages.
Grantsville Sewer System Expansion
Section Updated: 4.1.2 Casselman River Watershed – Problem Areas and Future Needs, Planned and Recommended Improvements
Map Update: Figure 4-2
Extends sewer service north along Hemlock Drive, upgrading it from a future project to an immediate priority.
Reduces septic system failures and supports community growth.
Chestnut Ridge Sewer System Upgrades
Section Updated: 4.1.2 Casselman River Watershed – Problem Areas and Future Needs, Planned and Recommended Improvements
Map Update: Figure 4-4
Replaces the failing Chestnut Ridge Pump Station to prevent sewer overflows and backups.
Conducts an Infiltration & Inflow (I&I) study to identify and fix leaks, reducing excess flow to the wastewater treatment plant.
Jennings Sewer System Rehabilitation
Section Updated: 4.1.2 Casselman River Watershed – Problem Areas and Future Needs, Planned and Recommended Improvements
Map Update: Figure 4-6
Replaces the Maple Grove Pump Station to improve sewer system reliability.
Removes old septic tanks and installs 74 grinder pumps for better wastewater collection.
Replaces failing gravity sewer mains with a new 4-inch force main, preventing frequent blockages.
Why This Matters
These improvements will:
✔ Provide safe drinking water to more homes.
✔ Reduce sewer backups and overflows that threaten public health.
✔ Improve system reliability to prevent costly failures.
✔ Support future growth and development.
Public Hearing & How to Provide Input
Garrett County encourages residents to participate in the review process and provide feedback on this amendment.
Public Hearing Date: Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Location: Public Business Meeting of the Commissioners
203 South Fourth Street, Room 209 – Frederick A. Thayer, III Courthouse, Oakland, MD 21550 Time: 4:00 P.M.
🔗 The draft of the proposed amendment is available for review online:
Draft Water & Sewer Plan Amendment #5
✉ Submit Written Comments by March 26, 2025
Mail to:
Water and Sewer Plan Amendment Comments
Attn: Siera Wigfield, Senior Planner
203 South Fourth Street, Oakland, MD 21550