Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Chamber Receives $30,000 Grant For Heritage Area Proj.

Jun. 28, 2012

U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski (both D-Md.) on Tuesday announced the Appalachian Regional Commission’s (ARC) approval of a $30,000 grant to the Garrett Country Chamber of Commerce to develop the Strategic Initiative Program to increase tourism and create new jobs in heritage tourism.

Garrett County recently was authorized as a state Certified Heritage Area titled the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area. The Strategic Initiative Program will identify ways to promote Garrett County’s unique identity. This grant is the next major step in enhancing tourism, creating jobs, and promoting sustainability, according to the senators.

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The program will include establishment of a Heritage Area web site and use of other social media tools, purchasing and installing four kiosks, hiring a consultant to research and compile the history of Garrett County, including interpretive signage, and the creation of multimedia materials.

“This is exactly the kind of grant I like to see,” Cardin said. “It creates jobs, and it will make it possible for more people to come to Garrett County and enjoy all the history, nature and culture that this county and the state have to offer. We are faced with a unique opportunity here both to bolster existing tourist attractions and to showcase this beautiful part of our state.”

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