Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Wisp owners mull sale of western Md. ski resort; low nearby home sales to blame

By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, August 25, 3:30 PM

MCHENRY, Md. — The owners of Maryland’s only ski resort say they’re considering selling the landmark property to resolve financial problems linked to a slide in home construction around nearby Deep Creek Lake.

Karen Myers says selling the Wisp Resort is the last option she and her partners in DC Development LLC would pursue to repay more than $23 million to BB&T Corp. of Winston-Salem, N.C. They’re also seeking new investors in their businesses. But in an interview this week at the base of 3,100-foot Marsh Mountain, Myers said everything is on the table if they can’t buy more time.

The owners of Maryland’s only ski resort say they’re considering selling the landmark as the last option in repaying a loan that was used to build the nearby Lodestone golf course community. But only about 20 of the 197 planned home sites have been sold and the bank is demanding payment.

“One of my goals really was to be a part of Wisp in the next stage of development,” said Myers, whose group has owned the resort since 2001. “I hope that I’m a part of the team that does it.”

She said Wisp is in no danger of closing.

More here.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free

Golfing at Wisp Resort on a Sunny Fall Day

From Golfing at Wisp Resort

I’m not a good golfer – at all. But I do enjoy spending time on a golf course checking out the sights & scenery. I had an opportunity to golf yesterday at the Wisp Resort course with two of my good friends, courtesy of Team One in Oakland. Aaron Newcomb & Steve Shaffer are both salesmen at Team One, and they just combined efforts to sell my wife a newer GMC Envoy last month. If you are in the market for a vehicle, check with Aaron or Steve at Team One – they gave us a more than fair trade allowance on our old vehicle and a great deal on the new one. The service department is great, too – John always takes good care of us!
I was happy to get the invite and we hit the course at about 11am. It was a bit crowded, but we enjoyed the time outdoors & the excellent autumn weather. They’re both much better golfers than me, so I spent most of my time exploring the rough, trying to find my ball. I made it through 8 holes before I finally lost it in the water…
The new(er) holes at Fantasy Valley were a lot of fun. We were teeing off into the wind coming up the mountain from the quarry. Overall, as you can see, a beautiful golf course and a great way to spend an otherwise quiet day in the fall in Garrett County & at Deep Creek Lake!
Check out the photos:
I have to throw a shot out to Jaime, who drives the snack/beer cart. She was kind enough to drive back to DC’s Steakhouse and have them make a special turkey wrap (dried fruits & fresh veggies) for lunch – and it was INCREDIBLE!
Steve was gracious enough to pose for an action shot of his ‘Tiger Woods-like’ swing.
If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350

Deep Creek Do It All specializes in cleaning services in Garrett County & @ Deep Creek Lake. Give them a call (301-501-0217) or visit the website – competitive rates and quality results from a locally owned & operated company!

2010 Taste of Garrett County at Wisp

Taste of Garrett County

Date: May 17, 2010

Location: Wisp Resort Main Lodge

Date & Time : May 17 – 6pm-9pm

Description: The spotlight is on foods and beverages prepared, produced, or served by local businesses.

Proceeds will benefit the Garrett County Recreational Trails Project. 301.387.4386

Cost of the event is $25 per person and will entitle each guest
10 tickets to “spend” on food at vendors of their choice.
Cost for children age 12 and under will be $15 (also for 10 tickets).
Additional food tickets will also be available for sale at the event.
There will be no pre-sales of tickets this year. A cash bar will be available
and DJ Jonny Rock will provide entertainment.

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350

Karen Myers offers Wisp Resort & Lodestone Update @ Railey Realty

Karen Myers was one of our guests at this week’s Railey Realty sales meeting. I worked with Karen when I first got into the real estate business in 2000. She is a WEALTH of information and one of the most creative entrepreneurs that I have met. In case you did not know, she is one of the owners of Wisp Ski & Golf Resort, Mountaineer Log & Siding, and is a partner in DC Development, which is developing Marsh Mountain & the Lodestone Golf Course.

She shared a multitude of information with us, and here are some bullet points:

  • Wisp Ski Resort was profitable in July & August of 2009 – it’s very difficult for a ski season to remain profitable in the summer months. She also mentioned that Wisp is the 6th largest employer in all of Garrett County, with approx. 125 full time employees. During the winter months, that number swells to a staggering 750 employees!
  • The Lakeside Club is operational on Deep Creek Drive. ‘Re-callable’ memberships are available for $37,500. This basically gets you a ‘country club style’ setting on the lake, offering lake access, kids play area, showers & mens/womens locker rooms, swimming, dining & drinks.
  • The Lodestone golf course will be opening in June. All 18 holes will be playable. Hale Irwin will be here July 10, 2010, for a sort of grand opening. The course is intended to be private, but they are offering ‘trial use’ memberships starting at $2,000 for the season. (Check with them for specific rates/packages). She also mentioned that the large amount of snow that we got this year helped the golf course grass to grow in much better than they expected.
  • Customers interested in real estate at Wisp Resort, or vacation rental guests are permitted to play the course for $125, and Wisp Golf Club members are offered a chance to play M-Th for $100.
  • Plans still exist for a ‘Mountain Top Village’ surrounding the ASCI whitewater course on top of Marsh Mountain. The plan is to have commercial shops and more dining options for vacationers, locals and skiers.
  • She also mentioned an exciting new addition to the Wisp Outdoor Center, but swore me to secrecy – stay tuned, it sounds exciting!

Some interesting trivia that she shared with us: DC Development has developed a total of 540 lots since 1994. Exactly 1/3 of those are built on. Imagine the total tax base that number has added to the county coffers?

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350

164 Susan's Way – GA7301782 – Deep Creek Lake Real Estate for Sale

I had a chance to preview this house for a client on Tuesday and took a few photos. The house has an amazing location, fronting on the Wisp Golf course. It has big views of the Wisp ski slopes, and is surrounded by water – community and golf course ponds. Very peaceful setting. It’s a new listing from Dawn Monahan, and here is a link to some more information. It is priced at $450,000, which is a little less than the norm for an incoming producing property with these kind of views and amenities.

From 164 Susans Way

From 164 Susans Way

From 164 Susans Way

From 164 Susans Way

From 164 Susans Way

From 164 Susans Way

It is an established rental and would make a great vacation home or investment property!

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350

Wisp, Bear Creek All Set For Warm Weather Recreation

OntheSnow.com talks about the Wisp & the warmer weather activities available:

Mar 29, 2010 Mary Jo Tarallo, Associate Editor

Fly fishing is among many summer recreations at Wisp and Bear Creek.

At A Glance
Where: Wisp Resort;

Info: More Information
Wisp Resort in Western Maryland and Bear Creek in Pennsylvania are two mid-Atlantic resorts that have a strong line-up during the summer months.

The man-made white water facility at the top of Wisp is unique in the region. Beginners and experienced paddlers can enjoy white water rafting and kayaking on the re-circulating water course. The venue hosts the Open Canoe Slalom Nationals and North American Championships will take place Aug. 6 – 8.

The Adventure Sports Center International runs the water facility. The group also offers rock climbing, bouldering, mountain biking, hiking, and geo-caching on a 550 – acre forested reserve.

The Wisp Resort features a championship 18-hole golf course, fly fishing, paintball, disc golf, and boating on nearby Deep Creek Lake.

Read the rest of the article here.

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350