Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Drivers Should be Alert for Deer as Activity Increases

Cooling temperatures, colorful leaves and unpredictable deer ─ all surefire signs that fall is upon us. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources urges motorists to be alert for deer and other wildlife as these animals seek fall food supplies and search for mates.

Deer, especially males, are prone to traveling without concern for roadways and automobiles during the fall, which is their breeding season. Motorists need to be especially alert from sunset to dawn as deer are more active during this period.

Read More Here:  http://news.maryland.gov/dnr/2014/10/20/drivers-should-be-alert-for-deer-as-activity-increases/

Garrett County has second wildlife management area

Hunting will be allowed on land south of Bittinger

Michael A. Sawyers

Cumberland Times-News

— BITTINGER — A new state wildlife management area, only the second in Garrett County, will provide public hunting as well as protection for some plant and bird species.

The Cunningham Swamp Wildlife Management Area opened in May. Public access, including a parking lot, is available by turning west off state Route 495 about 100 yards north of the entrance to the Western Maryland 4-H Education Center.

The 258-acre unit includes grassy fields, evergreen and deciduous forest and, of course, a swamp. Some of the unit sits atop reclaimed strip mines.

“We encourage deer hunting at the WMA because deer eat the rare and endangered purple-fringed orchids,” said Ed Thompson of the Maryland Wildlife & Heritage Service, the managing agency within the Department of Natural Resources.

Thompson said deer also like to eat Canada yew, another plant with which he is concerned.

“The yew plant is like candy to a deer,” he said.

The WMA offers a variety of open fields and thick cover.

Jim Mullan, regional manager for WHS, said deer hunting should be popular and productive at the new unit.

“This part of Garrett County is well-known for having bears,” Mullan said. Bear hunting is by special permit only in Maryland.

A kiosk providing information about the WMA is located at the grassy parking lot.

Rare birds, including the golden-winged warbler and alder fly catcher, use the WMA, according to Thompson.

The state paid $550,000 from Program Open Space funds for the land.

To inquire, call 301-334-4255.

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Wildlands designation proposal elicits concerns

Elaine Blaisdell

Cumberland Times-News

SWANTON — Residents who attended last week’s public hearing on the Maryland Department of Natural Resources possible designation of additional wildlands voiced concerns about it affecting the 150-mile Eastern Continental Divide Loop Trail, according to Bob Hoffman, president of the Property Owners’ Association of Deep Creek Lake.

The proposed properties in Garrett County total 8,514 acres, 1,600 of which are in the Garrett State Forest, according to John Nelson, county director of Planning and Land Development. The largest wildlands proposed is 3,993 acres of the Youghiogheny River Corridor, Maryland’s only “wild” river.

Garrett Trails and Garrett County Planning have voiced concerns about the wildlands proposal for the Yough. Mike Dreisbach, president of Garrett Trails, told The Baltimore Sun that planners hope to extend a trail along the river or at least improve a short trail near Friendsville that follows an old rail bed.

“We’re not pushing to make it into an interstate highway or anything,” Dreisbach said. “The more people that get to see it (river), the more people will want to protect it.”

The Garrett County Planning Commission doesn’t agree with the wildlands proposal for the Yough corridor because it will prohibit new trail development in that area, according to Nelson.

“The planning commission felt that is was important to continue to allow the Eastern Continental Divide Loop trail to progress,” said Nelson during a Nov. 5 county commission meeting. “It sounds as though the department is digging their heels in and will not be willing to allow or negotiate further advancement of trails in the Youghiogheny corridor. They are going to place that trail somewhere out of the viewshed (on the ridgeline) of the corridor.”

In response to Garrett Trails concerns, DNR noted that bicycles are currently used on the trail from Friendsville to Kendall Camp, an old logging community, according to County Commissioner Jim Raley.

“The department will consider recommending the continuation of the existing use. Those are words I don’t like. I kind of call those weasel words because they are the kid words that we can always get out of,” said Raley during the commission meeting.

Jess Whittemore, Friendsville councilman, noted on the Garrett Trails Facebook page that the wildlands designation would stop bicycling on the Kendall trail from Friendsville south along the river. Under state law, motor vehicles and “mechanical transport,” which includes bicycles, are not permitted on wildlands.

The department uses the county’s master plan, which states that the county will work with the state to address concerns about the integrity of a section of the Yough River from Friendsville to Oakland, to make its case regarding the wildlands designation.

“I don’t know if our intent means that is a hands off, foots off, total off but that’s what they are doing using our words out of our plan to, in essence, try to make their case,” said Raley. “On any given whim they (the state) can change the rules. I’m deeply concerned at this land graph.”

Residents have also voiced concerns about trees being destroyed by gypsy moths in the state forest, where treatments are not applied, and are also concerned about the moths destroying trees located on their property, according to Raley.

“We have worked well with the departments but if they are going to dig their feet in maybe it’s time we dig our feet in a little bit, too,” said Raley. “This could be very detrimental to overall economics of the county and the utilization of these lands that we, the citizens of Maryland, own.”

The Property Owners’ Association isn’t planning on stating a position regarding the wildlands proposal, according to Hoffman.

“While protecting this land already owned by the state sounds like the right thing to do, and for many it is, there are restrictions on use of the land that come with the designation as wildlands,” wrote Hoffman in an email. “For the most part, this designation means most people will only be able to access the land on foot — no bicycle or motorized traffic.”

Wildlands are state-owned natural areas preserved for their wilderness character or sensitive natural resources.

The DNR is accepting public comments on the wildlands proposal until Dec. 9. Comments can be made via email to Wildlands@dnr.state.md.us, or by mail to: Wildlands Comments; Attention Rich Norling; Maryland Department of Natural Resources; 580 Taylor Ave., C4; Annapolis, MD 21401.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

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Beitzel Bill Takes Tough Stance On Wildlife Poaching

Feb. 16, 2012

Del. Wendell R. Beitzel (R–Dist. 1A) last week filed House Bill 1052, a measure that will give the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) the increased ability to provide harsher penalties for those individuals who illegally poach wildlife.

“As an avid hunter, I am very troubled to hear stories of individuals who have failed to hunt game responsibly,” Beitzel said. “Everyone has heard of stories of hunters who poach at night, hunt out of season, ignore game bag limits, or who illegally trespass on another person’s land in search of game.”

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Over the last several years, Beitzel has joined with Del.Barbara Frush (D–Anne Arundel / Prince George’s counties) on the measure that would give the DNR greater authority in regard to enforcement against poaching.

This year, Beitzel has taken the lead in sponsoring the bill. The bill would allow for an administrative hearing process in which the DNR could hold a hearing to decide whether the hunter’s license should be revoked for a period of time. Current law only provides for a judicial process.

“Currently, the same judges that deal with domestic issues and DUIs must also address these hunting violations,” Beitzel said. “As a result, lenient penalties are often given to egregious offenders. This bill would give the DNR authority to revoke hunting privileges after a conviction on charges for game violations.”

More here.

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