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United Way grant will open adventure activities to pupils in Garrett County

Planners hopeful partnership improves attendance, high school graduation rates

For the Cumberland Times-News Cumberland Times-News

MCHENRY — Students at Grantsville and Accident elementary schools and Southern Middle School will be able to attend after-school adventure activities beginning April 19.

The Garrett College Adventure Sports Institute, Garrett County Health Department and Board of Education are developing the program through a grant to the health department from the United Way of Garrett County.

United Way officials see an opportunity to improve public school attendance and ultimately promote high school graduation rates, according to a news release from Garrett College.

The grant proposals was developed by staff from the health department and Adventure Sports Institute, according to Michael Logsdon, director of Adventure Sports at Garrett College. “The program will involve an ASI professional staff and an ASI student major who will coordinate a set of adventure initiatives and challenges,” he said.

The adventure program will be conducted after classes mid-week on the campuses of each of the three schools. “As a culminating activity, after-school participants from each school will separately spend a Saturday on the grounds of New Germany State Park, participating in a smorgasbord of activities, including rock climbing, a nature hike, orienteering, mountain biking and canoeing,” Logsdon said.

ASI has joined forces with the health department and the board of education in previous endeavors. The Transitional Age Youth program is offered by a partnership between the college, board of education and the Garrett County Core Service Agency. The program targets boys and girls who are facing challenges in staying on course for a successful future.

Logsdon said he believes that this type of adventure activity programming can be very effective in helping the younger students develop a more positive attitude and increasing focus and confidence.

“It is also a great opportunity for the Adventure Sports students to gain real-world experience working with youth under the supervision of professional staff. We are looking forward to launching this new project,” he said.

For more information, contact Logsdon at 301-387-3333.

More here.

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County United Way to recognize contributors

The Cumberland Times-News Sun Aug 28, 2011, 10:39 PM EDT

FROSTBURG — County United Way will host the Annual Community Caring Awards and campaign kickoff on Wednesday, an event that will honor a number of local individuals and businesses. The event will be held at Lane Center at Frostburg State University.

Pam Jan, president of the board of directors of County United Way, has announced this year’s award recipients, whose contributions will be recognized at the kickoff event.

Allegany County: Kathy Getty, regional president for Susquehanna Bank, co-chair of the annual campaign and past president of the CUW board; and CSX Transportation, long-standing corporate and employee supporter of United Way and special events.

Garrett County: Commissioner Ernie Gregg, immediate past chair of the executive committee and board; and Garrett Partnership for Children and Families, for being a pioneer organization in collaborating to provide community impact services with other organizations.

Hampshire County: Angela McQuaid, volunteer teen-court coordinator and co-chair of this year’s United Way campaign, and the Hampshire Wellness Center, for being the host of many health initiatives throughout the year.

Mineral County: Gary Wilson, past chair of the executive committee, former campaign chair and retired CEO of Burlington United Methodist Family Services, and Dominion Energy, corporate and employee supporter of United Way and special events.

In order for an individual to be nominated for this award, the person must reside in the home county and demonstrate a long-time commitment to volunteering and donating to the United Way and/or community partners. The business must meet the same criteria, in addition to encouraging workers to support the United Way by suggesting volunteer opportunities and/or conducting an employee campaign for contributions through payroll deduction.

The kickoff event will feature music by the Mountain Ridge Jazz Band, under the direction of David Kauffman. Aramark will prepare the menu. The awards were designed by Simon Pearce.

For reservations, contact the County United Way at 301-722-2700.

More here.

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>United Way sets annual meetings

>CUMBERLAND — The United Way Garrett County will hold its annual meeting July 13 at 8:30 a.m. in the library of Perkins Restaurant in McHenry. Breakfast will be a Dutch treat.

The United Way Allegany County will hold its annual meeting July 14 at 8 a.m. in the fellowship hall of the Salvation Army.

The meetings are open to donors and agencies of the United Way.

Garrett president Ernie Gregg and Allegany president Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab plan to review activities of the past year, the recently completed campaign and election of new members to the Executive Committee.

Questions regarding the meetings may be directed to 301-722-2700.

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United Way Honors Charity Golf Committee, Sincell Publishing Inc.

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Sep. 23, 2010

Steve Lantz, Janet Marsh, and Cindy Hall of the Charity Golf Tournament Leadership Team and Sincell Publishing Company Inc. were recently named the recipients of the United Way of Garrett County’s individual and business Community Caring Awards for 2010, which were presented at the annual campaign kickoff and awards banquet at Allegany College in Cumberland.
In order for an individual to be nominated for this award, Garrett County criteria states that he or she must reside in the county and demonstrate a long-time commitment to volunteering and donating to the community (United Way and/or other community organizations) without compensation. The business selected must meet the same criteria, in addition to encouraging workers to support the United Way or other non-profits by suggesting volunteer opportunities and/or conducting an employee campaign for contributions through payroll deduction.

According to Mary Beth Pirolozzi, executive director of County United Way, the Charity Golf Tournament Team and Sincell Publishing have each demonstrated “extraordinary commitment to community.”

The Charity Golf Tournament, sponsored for the past 12 years by First United Bank and Trust and chaired by Lantz, Marsh, and Hall, has raised over $353,180. These funds have supported a number of community projects and raised community awareness.

In his acceptance remarks, Lantz said that the mission and vision of the tournament is that monies raised “will assist Garrett County residents who need it the most.” A number of different programs and charities have been the beneficiaries of the tournament proceeds throughout the years.

In presenting the award, Robin Murray, who was last year’s recipient of the individual award, acknowledged and credited “the hard work and dedication of this leadership team for their years of commitment to this project and to the community, even during difficult economic times.”

Sincell Publishing Company, which publishes The Republican newspaper and operates a commercial printing division, and has actively participated in numerous community efforts, not only with United Way, but with many others, according to Pirolozzi.

Read the rest here.

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United Way funding to target homelessness

For the Cumberland Times-News

Cumberland Times-News

CUMBERLAND — More than $150,000 in County United Way funding will be spent to combat homelessness and implement programs for children in response to needs that were identified by community members during the past year.

As part of the agency’s new Community Impact Funding program, organizations applying for funds in Allegany, Garrett, Mineral and Hampshire counties were required to address these key issues as well as collaborate with other agencies to create innovative programs.

“We have been working on achieving Community Impact Funding for the past three years,” said Tom Dowdell, president of the Board of Directors for County United Way. “We certainly recognize that County United Way cannot solve these problems alone, but we can serve as a catalyst in the process and partner in the discussion with others who may be in the best position to meet these critical needs for each community.”

A Community Summit occurred in 2009 with 104 participants focused on determining critical needs for their respective counties. Allegany County prioritized programs to address homelessness while Garrett, Hampshire and Mineral counties agreed to target after-school and summer programs for children.

Allegany County received two proposals for homeless programs with a total award of $97,875 and Garrett County received two proposals for after-school and summer programs amounting to $13,769. Both Mineral and Hampshire counties received four proposals for student programs and were awarded $27,182 and $10,413, respectively.

Betsey Hurwitz-Schwab, chairwoman of the Executive Committee for Allegany County and a member of the Community Impact Task Force said, “The United Way’s goal is to create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of these problems in our communities.”

County United Way Executive Director Mary Beth Pirolozzi explained the concept behind Community Impact Funding. “We were challenged by our donors and the community to find the best ideas to strengthen and improve our community. As greater needs are presented, donors ask what we are doing to reduce or eliminate the underlying causes of those needs.”

The United Way commissioned a community needs assessment using a public meeting approach. Nine one-hour meetings were held in all areas served by CUW with more than 200 community members participating.

Pam Jan, Community Impact Task Force member and an Executive Committee member for Mineral County, commented on the future of County United Way. “We are very excited about the new direction our local counties have chosen to pursue. As always, donors to the United Way can designate funds for a favorite organization. But we believe this way of allocating resources will make a greater positive impact on our community.”

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350

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