Garrett County, with the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration, is proposing to replace Bridge No. G-0020 on Swallow Falls Road over the Youghiogheny River; a State designated Scenic and Wild River.
The proposed bridge will be designed to meet Federal Highway Administration standards and will include two 10’ wide travel lanes, two 5’ wide bicycle lanes, and a 5’ wide sidewalk for a total width of approximately 35’.
This project involves impacts to the Scenic and Wild River Corridor; therefore, the Department of Natural Resources must approve an exception to the protective regulations to allow construction to move forward.
As part of the exception process, the Department is conducting a public hearing on Monday, July 10, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM in Room 111 of the GEIC Building (Garrett Information and Enterprise Center) at Garrett County Community College, 687 Mosser Road, McHenry, MD 21541.
A copy of the Garrett County application can be reviewed here:
The Environmental Assessment can be reviewed here:
Written and oral testimony will be accepted by Maryland Department of Natural Resources at the public hearing and via email ( or U.S. mail (Maryland Park Service – Planning, 580 Taylor Avenue, E-3, Annapolis, MD 21401).
If you have questions regarding the application or arrangements for the public hearing, please call (410) 260-8161.