Here are some more cool photos that we took at the Deep Creek Lake Discovery Center last week:

There are so many cool things to do there, interesting activities scheduled almost every day and the setting is amazing. I promised Noah to take him back to the kids corner to play with the BIG turtle…I also noticed a chart tracking the sightings of 2 bald eagles that were observed flying and touching talons – apparently, it was a sign of kinship amongst the birds. Interesting stuff at the DCL Discovery Center!! More from their website:
The Deep Creek Lake Discovery Center, the Department of Natural Resources’ interpretive environmental center along the shores of Deep Creek Lake at Deep Creek Lake State Park. The Discovery Center is a one-of-a-kind educational venue for people of all ages. Through hands-on exhibits that showcase the natural resources of Western Maryland, families can learn about the flora and fauna, wildlife, cultural and historical heritage that have turned this former logging and coal mining region into a popular modern day vacation destination.
Through colorful artwork, photographs and artifacts, the facility’s numerous natural resources exhibits provide a behind the scenes look into Deep Creek Lake and its watershed, industrial development in the area, and conservation issues facing the region today. History buffs will enjoy learning about the cultural and historical heritage of the region, including coal extraction from the former Old Brant Mine, and the role the mighty Youghiogheny River played in timber logging at the turn of the century. The Deep Creek Lake Discovery Center also features an aquarium with native fish and other aquatic species from the lake and river, and a raised relief map that gives visitors a unique perspective of the mountainous terrain.
On-site naturalists, rangers and volunteers lead daily educational programs, from leisurely hikes that focus on birdwatching, tree identification and wildflowers, to more extensive educational programming that touches on such subjects as black bear management, endangered species of the Youghiogheny area, submerged aquatic vegetation, boating safety, and trail stewardship.
The Deep Creek Lake Discovery Center’s 6,000 square foot facility also includes a classroom and conference areas complete with audio visual technology that is available for rent for use for educational purposes. Don’t forget to stop by the Nature Shop, where you’ll find a variety of environmental and educational gifts including toys, souvenirs from the region, field guides, and books with natural resource themes.
Don’t forget to check out the LIVE Fish Cam that was donated by the Western Garrett County State Park Volunteers, Inc. The camera is located underwater near the Discovery Center. A TV in the Discovery Center shows the LIVE feed and what fish are moving around underwater that day. Anglers stop at the Discovery Center to check on the fish because Christmas trees line the shores of the park creating excellent habitat and try to name the fishes spotted on the screen. Watch a video of our LIVE Fish Cam.
Deep Creek Lake State Park is located at 898 State Park Road in Swanton, Maryland.
For more information about the Deep Creek Discovery Center call (301) 387-7067.
Hours of operation subject to change depending on the season.
Hours of operation: Open Daily 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m
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If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350
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