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May. 13, 2010
President Barack Obama last Thursday declared that a major disaster had occurred in Maryland and ordered federal aid to supplement the state and local recovery efforts in areas struck by severe winter storms and snowstorms during the period of Feb 5–11.
Federal funding through the Public Assistance Program is available to eligible applicants on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work and the repair or replacement of facilities damaged by the storms in Baltimore City and all counties except Worcester and Somerset.
The Maryland emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has scheduled an applicant briefing event on Wednesday, May 19, from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Garrett County Health Department to assist local agencies interested in receiving funding.
“To obtain the maximum benefit from this federal disaster program, applicants should send a representative to this briefing,” said a MEMA spokesperson. “All applicants must complete a Request for Public Assistance [form] provided at this briefing.”
Read the rest here.
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