Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

‘Explore Garrett’ Open House set for April 1st

Garrett College

In-person Garrett College event is for prospective students, parents
Garrett College recently announced its Explore Garrett Open House will take place on Saturday, April 1st from 9:30 a.m. until noon. The event will be held in the Performing Arts Center at Garrett College on the McHenry campus.

“We are very excited to welcome prospective students and their families to our first in-person open house event in over two years,” said Melissa Wass, director of admissions and recruitment at GC. “Choosing a college is a big decision, and an on-campus visit is one of the best things that can help a student make the right choice.

“We want our guests to feel fully informed about the options available to them here at Garrett,” added Wass, “and we look forward to sharing how we can help them reach their academic and career goals.”

Those in attendance will be able to explore Garrett’s academic programs through conversations with faculty; learn about available financial aid and scholarships; take a tour of Garrett’s campus; and discover the many benefits Garrett College has to offer.

Additionally, information will be shared about the admissions process, seamless transfer agreements, athletic programs, on-campus housing, placement testing, and new student advising.

Visit https://www.garrettcollege.edu/exploregarrett to register for the open house. Contact the Office of Admissions at 301-387-3044 or admissions@garrettcollege.edu for additional information.

Military March promotion offered

From The Garrett County Republican

McHENRY — The Deep Creek Lake area and Garrett County salute the nation’s heroes with a Military March promotion.

The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce is offering discounts for military members on its website, visitdeepcreek.com. The promotion runs from March 1-31, non-holidays.

Nineteen businesses are participating in the promotion offering military discounts on dining, shopping, lodging, party and event rentals, heating & cooling, veterinary services and products, flooring, printing services and wireless services.

“The Military March promotion is a terrific way for military members to save on a trip to the Deep Creek Lake area and Garrett County,” said Sarah Duck, vice president of tourism & marketing for the chamber. “We are proud to honor our nation’s heroes with discounts from a wide variety of our area’s businesses.”

The Military March Promotion includes offers from Advanced Heating & Cooling; Bear Creek Traders; Blue Moon Rising; Cashmere Clothing Co.; Christmas Chalet; HART for Animals; Joint Training Facility; Long Branch Saloon & Motel; Master Craft Printers; MoonShadow; Mountain State Brewing Co.; Perkins Restaurant & Bakery; Riggleman’s & Sons Flooring; Savage River Lodge; Ski Cove #3; Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales; the Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille; The Tourist Trap; and US Cellular.

To read the full article click here.

Lakers move to 6-2 after splitting pair of games

The Garrett County Republican

MCHENRY — The Garrett Lakers’ men’s basketball team moved to 6-2 on the season after blowing out Pennsylvania Highlands Community College last Wednesday (Dec. 4) before falling in overtime on the road to Montgomery College.

Penn Highlands

at Garrett

Seven Lakers scored in double figures as the hosting Lakers defeated Penn Highlands, 117-52, at the CARC Arena for the team’s third consecutive victory.

Garrett, down 10-7 early, got a three-point play from D’Monte Brown and a three-point basket from Meron Gheybreyesus as the Lakers took the lead. Cameron Selders later drained a three-pointer 10 minutes into the first half to give the hosts a double-digit lead at 27-17.

This would prove to be the spark plug for the rest of the match, as from then on it was all Lakers. Garrett finished the first half on a blistering 26-6 run to create an insurmountable 64-29 lead going into the locker room and then proceeded to outscore the Black Bears 53-23 in the second half.

Strahinja Ivic led all scorers with 21 points for the Lakers and snagged eight rebounds. Gheybreyesus finished with 19 points and six rebounds. Brown added 15 points; Sam Martin and Merlon Devine each had 11; and both Oliver Jacquot and Ngoye BobManual chipped in with 10 to round out the team’s double-figure scorers.

To read the full article click here.

Welcome Back, Maryland Welcome Centers!

ANNAPOLIS, Md. –(AP) -Gov. Larry Hogan is announcing the reopening of tourist welcome centers in far western Maryland and the Eastern Shore that the previous administration closed six years ago for budget reasons.

Hogan said in a statement Thursday that the Youghiogheny (yahk-ih-GAY’-nee) Overlook center in Garrett County and the Bay Country center in Queen Anne’s County will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays through Mondays.

For more, click here.

McHenry Water System Follow-Up Hearing Scheduled

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Sep. 8, 2011

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners will conduct a follow-up public hearing on the McHenry Water System – Water Connection and User Fees and Connection Amortization Policy on Saturday, Oct. 1, at 9 a.m. in the Garrett College auditorium.

According to a release from the commissioners’ office, this hearing is scheduled to review and receive public commentary to consider changes to the existing policy and to address questions on expansion of service to the water district.

Also, the commissioners and the Department of Public Utilities staff have compiled answers to a number of questions that were presented during the public hearing on August 27. These are now available on the Garrett County Government web site at www.garrettcounty.org.

Interested persons who have questions on this matter are encouraged to attend the October 1 hearing, and prior to that date may contact the Department of Public Utilities at 301-334-6983, or the county administrator or the commissioners at 301-334-8970.

More here.
Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free

McHenry Property Owners Object To Mandatory Water Service Hook-Up

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Sep. 1, 2011

The Garrett County commissioners held a public hearing on Saturday morning at Garrett College to receive comments on proposed fee and policy changes to the McHenry Water System. About 200 people attended the two-hour event, with more than 20 voicing their concerns. Most objected to a waterline connection mandate.

Chairman Gregan Crawford said over 1,500 postcards were mailed to McHenry area property owners, notifying them about the hearing.

“This is part of the standard DPU policy from this point on,” Crawford said about the Department of Public Utilities informing people about such events.

The proposed changes include reducing the connection fee from $2,800 to $2,000 and allowing property owners up to five years to connect to the system. Those who do so within that time period could spread the connection cost over a 15-year period at a 1 percent interest rate. After the five-year deadline, the term would be 5 percent for 10 years. This amortization policy would apply only to McHenry Water System connections.

“These proposals change the amortization flexibility, time frame, and payment structure, and significantly lower the connection rates,” Crawford said.

Though the hearing was about connection/user fees and the connection/amortization policy, most of the public comments centered on the fact that numerous property owners will now have to abandon their private wells and pay the county to install water lines to their homes, connect them to the McHenry system, and supply them with water.

“This was crammed down our throats,” said Kim Knox, who lives off Pysell Road.

Several speakers indicated their wells are in good working condition and provide good tasting water. Some wondered if the public system would provide enough water/water pressure for household use and fire suppression.

“I’ve never, since this started, felt like I knew what was going on,” said Pysell Road property owner Marie Broadman about the expansion project.

The previous board of county commissioners held a public hearing on Dec. 7, 2010, on expanding the McHenry Water Service District to include Sandy View Court, Winding Estates Drive, Grand Estates Drive, Quiet Quail Way, Golf Drive, Ruffed Grouse Lane, Sandy Shores Road, Fern Loop, Wisp Mountain Road, Fantasy Lane, Barbara’s Way, Susan’s Way, Marsh Hill Road, Pysell Road, Deep Creek Drive, Gravelly Run Road, Ridgeview Valley Development, Sweet Rewards Development, a portion of Mosser Road, the Garrett County Airport property, and McHenry Business and Technology Park.

No written or verbal commentary about the proposal was received at the hearing, and Commissioners Ernie Gregg and Fred Holliday approved the boundary changes.

More here.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free

McHenry Water System Hearing Slated Saturday

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Aug. 25, 2011

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners will hold a public hearing this Saturday, Aug. 27, at 9 a.m. in the Garrett College auditorium to consider changes to the water connection/user fees and the connection/ amortization policy for the McHenry Water System.

Interested persons will be heard at the hearing on the necessity or advisability of the proposed policy and rate change.

For more information, persons may call the commissioners’ office at 301-334-8970.

More here.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free

Annual McHenry Highland Festival Slated June 4–6

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May. 27, 2010

The 23rd annual McHenry Highland Festival will take place Friday through Sunday, June 4–6. Scheduled to kickoff the festival is a Celtic concert at Wisp Resort Friday evening. A cash bar and light fare will be available at 7 p.m., with the concert slated at 8 p.m.
The event will feature world renowned Scottish fiddler Bonnie Rideout, Celtic rock band MacTalla Mór, Celtic singer-songwriter Christina Harrison.

Tickets are $35 per person and may be purchased in advance at Gregg’s Pharmacy, Oakland; the Visitors Center, McHenry; or online at www.highlandfest.info

The festival will continue Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Garrett County Fairgrounds in McHenry. Admission is $12 for adults, $6 for students, and free for children 12 years of age and younger.

This year’s honorary clan chieftain is Odette Lueck, who will preside over the festival.

Read the rest here

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350