Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

FSU awarded $250K grant for outdoor recreation economy

Greg Larry, Cumberland Times-News, Md.

Apr. 4—FROSTBURG — Frostburg State University has been awarded a $250,000 grant for educational programs designed to support a regional approach to growing Western Maryland’s outdoor recreation economy.

The grant, from the Maryland Department of Commerce Office of Tourism in conjunction with the federal Economic Development Administration, will fund initiatives in workforce development, training and certification in Allegany and Garrett counties, and will be administered by FSU’s Division of Regional Development and Engagement.

“DRDE is very excited to be leading this regional initiative to collaboratively address the immediate outdoor recreation workforce needs in Mountain Maryland and create a pipeline of students interested in enjoying the outdoors and with the skill sets necessary to adequately support our local businesses,” said Al Delia, FSU’s vice president for regional development.

The projects will be a collaborative effort between FSU, Allegany College of Maryland, Garrett College and local outdoor recreation businesses. Supporting partners include the Maryland Office of Outdoor Recreation and county government offices in Allegany and Garrett counties.

“DRDE is uniquely situated to lead this initiative and we look forward to growing our partnerships with our community colleges and local small businesses in the outdoor recreation economy,” said Jennifer Walsh, regional initiatives coordinator for the Division of Regional Development and Engagement, and executive director of The Greater Cumberland Committee.

Funds will be used to support a bicycle mechanic program at ACM and a marine mechanic program at Garrett College, while FSU will purchase outdoor recreation equipment to support its Center for Advancement of Natural and Outdoor Experiences, led by Natalia Buta. A paid internship program will also be created to place students with local outdoor recreation-related businesses.

“The bicycle repair training through ACM will immerse students into a 4-day experience in bicycle mechanics, covering all the essential maintenance material in greater detail with hands-on training,” Cynthia Bambara, president of Allegany College of Maryland, said. “Students who complete the program will earn an Apprenticeship Bench Tool Kit and will be prepared to further their studies and participate in a paid internship with a local bike shop.”

Garrett College will partner with Deep Creek Lake-area marinas and boat companies to provide an introductory marine mechanic program.

“Upon completion of the proposed 100-hour training, a student will receive a non-credit certificate of completion from Garrett College,” Julie Yoder, the school’s dean of continuing education and workforce development, said.

According to Yoder, once a student has completed two years of experience, they will be eligible to take a certification exam through American Boat and Yacht Council to become a certified technician. Paid internships with local companies will also be available.

Ashli Workman, director of tourism for Allegany County, said Western Maryland has much to offer the sector.

“Allegany and Garrett counties are gateway communities, home to 31% of the state’s public land,” she said. “With over 600 miles of developed trail systems, one national park, three state forests and 12 state parks, our region’s outdoor recreation economy and access to natural resources offers the opportunity for sustainable economic and community development.”

Greg Larry is a reporter at the Cumberland Times-News. To reach him, call 304-639-4951, email glarry@times-news.com and follow him on Twitter @GregLarryCTN.

“George Fund” to Support Economic Development in Western Maryland

Maryland Association of Counties

The new Senator George C. Edwards Fund will provide grant or loan funding to capital infrastructure projects and business development projects that improve the economic conditions in the region.

In the 2022 Legislative Session, the Maryland General Assembly passed Senate Bill 474, sponsored by Senators George Edwards, Paul Corderman, and Katie Hester. The legislation called for the creation of the “George Fund” and established the Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board to review, evaluate, and rate applications for funding from the program. It also made this program a part of the Tri-County Council of Western Maryland, which supports the board and administers the fund.

The purpose of the Fund is to provide grant or loan funding to capital infrastructure projects and business development projects that improve the economic conditions in the region. A total of $50 million has been allocated for economic development projects over the next four years. The first round of funding is for $20 million to support projects in Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties.
The Western Maryland Economic Future Investment Board solicited applications and has been evaluating the projects that could make the most substantial economic impact, bring significant employment opportunities, and/or increase the tax base.
Requests for funding in Garrett County alone totaled over $8.7 million and would create over 200 jobs in the next year and over 300 new jobs in the next three years. Project awards are expected to be announced soon.

Senate Bill 474 also designated the positions which are represented on the Board. One representative from the Department of Commerce, appointed by the Secretary of Commerce; one commissioner from each member county, appointed by each member county’s respective commissioners; one representative of an economic development organization in each member county, appointed by each member county’s respective commissioners; one representative from Chamber of Commerce from each member county, appointed by each member county’s respective Chamber of Commerce; and one representative from the Maryland Municipal League, appointed by the Executive Director of the League.
For additional information visit https://senatoredwardsfund.org.

Board of Public Works approves funding for clean water, Chesapeake Bay

The Garrett County Republican

BALTIMORE — The Maryland Board of Public Works recently approved more than $4.7 million in grants to reduce pollution and improve water quality, the Maryland Department of the Environment has announced. Garrett County was awarded $40,000.

According to MDE, grants from the Bay Restoration Fund will provide funding for 18 counties to upgrade on-site sewage disposal (septic) systems and make sewer connections to “significantly” reduce the discharge of nitrogen, one of the most serious pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay.

To read the full article click here.

$100,000 grant coming to Garrett County

The Garrett County Republican

McHENRY — The Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area Maryland Heritage Area was notified that one of the Garrett County projects on the reserve list was awarded funding by the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.

Garrett College Foundation was awarded a project grant for $100,000 for development of the Garrett College to Ag Hall Heritage Trail.

“In July, the Town of Oakland received funding for the Oakland Heritage Trail and the Chamber (of Commerce) was awarded a Heritage Area management grant totaling $129,631 so we were thrilled to receive additional funding from the reserve list this year,” said Kim Folk, heritage area & groups director for the chamber. “That brings the FY20 grand total of MHAA grant funding to $229,631 for the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area. These grants will allow the recipients to expand awareness of Garrett County’s historical and cultural heritage.”

The Ag Hall Heritage trail will provide locals and visitors a trail from Garrett College to the Agriculture Heritage Hall at the Fairgrounds, both located on Mosser Road. This trail will connect the two largest event venues in the county, as well as adding to the counties already growing and extensive trail system. Interpretive signage will be included along the route.

To read the full article click here.

Towns of Garrett County- Grantsville, Maryland

Located in Northern Garrett County, is a small town by the name of Grantsville, Maryland. Grantsville is known for its rich history on the infamous National Road. The Casselman Bridge is one of the largest attractions in the small town. Built in 1813, it was the largest single span stone arch bridge at the time. Today, it is open for the public to wander around the grounds. Spruce Forest Artisan Village is located directly next to the old bridge. The village consists of old log homes, school buildings, and a church. The buildings are open to the public and filled with local artisan vendors.

Today, Grantsville is home to 800 residents. With its charming main street and local shops, it is a great place to spend a day with the family. When is the best time to visit Grantsville? The Grantsville Days celebration in June! For more information, please visit http://www.visitgrantsville.com/.

casselman bridge

Federal grant to help Garrett County study fracking impact

WASHINGTON — The federal government is awarding funds to help a western Maryland county study the potential economic impact of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas.

Sens. Ben Cardin and Barbara Mikulski announced the $37,500 grant from the Appalachian Regional Commission on Friday. It must be matched with an equal amount of local funding

Read More Here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/federal-grant-to-help-garrett-county-study-fracking-impact/2015/07/17/13a8ca7e-2c9c-11e5-960f-22c4ba982ed4_story.html

Oakland Receives Major Grant For Water Project

May. 24, 2012

The Maryland Board of Public Works yesterday approved more than $1.4 million in grants to improve water supply systems and protect drinking water, with half of the funds being awarded to the town of Oakland.

Grants of $785,433 from the Water Supply Financial Assistance Program were awarded to Oakland.

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The money will help fund study, design, and construction to modify the town’s Broadford Lake and Bradley Run water treatment plants to lower the concentration of disinfection by-products and improve the quality of its drinking water.

The board is composed of Governor Martin O’Malley, Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp and Comptroller Peter Franchot.

“Everyone deserves to have an adequate supply of safe drinking water. Nothing is more important to our public health,” said Governor O’Malley. “These projects protect public health while creating jobs for more Marylanders.”

More here.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

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City receives $80,000 grant for art gallery, loft

By C.J. LOVELACE cj.lovelace@herald-mail.com

3:09 p.m. EST, February 21, 2012

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, or DHCD, will provide $80,000 for a project in Hagerstown to renovate a building in the Arts & Entertainment District for use as an artists loft and gallery….

…A total of $290,000 was awarded to the five projects in Western Maryland, including two in Allegany County and two in Garrett County. Those projects include facade improvements and the installation of historical signage, Skinner said.

The Community Legacy Program aids essential revitalization projects that expand neighborhood business and job development, homeownership investment, commercial revitalization and other activities that support Gov. Martin O’Malley’s Smart Green & Growing initiative, Skinner said.

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Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free

United Way grant will open adventure activities to pupils in Garrett County

Planners hopeful partnership improves attendance, high school graduation rates

For the Cumberland Times-News Cumberland Times-News

MCHENRY — Students at Grantsville and Accident elementary schools and Southern Middle School will be able to attend after-school adventure activities beginning April 19.

The Garrett College Adventure Sports Institute, Garrett County Health Department and Board of Education are developing the program through a grant to the health department from the United Way of Garrett County.

United Way officials see an opportunity to improve public school attendance and ultimately promote high school graduation rates, according to a news release from Garrett College.

The grant proposals was developed by staff from the health department and Adventure Sports Institute, according to Michael Logsdon, director of Adventure Sports at Garrett College. “The program will involve an ASI professional staff and an ASI student major who will coordinate a set of adventure initiatives and challenges,” he said.

The adventure program will be conducted after classes mid-week on the campuses of each of the three schools. “As a culminating activity, after-school participants from each school will separately spend a Saturday on the grounds of New Germany State Park, participating in a smorgasbord of activities, including rock climbing, a nature hike, orienteering, mountain biking and canoeing,” Logsdon said.

ASI has joined forces with the health department and the board of education in previous endeavors. The Transitional Age Youth program is offered by a partnership between the college, board of education and the Garrett County Core Service Agency. The program targets boys and girls who are facing challenges in staying on course for a successful future.

Logsdon said he believes that this type of adventure activity programming can be very effective in helping the younger students develop a more positive attitude and increasing focus and confidence.

“It is also a great opportunity for the Adventure Sports students to gain real-world experience working with youth under the supervision of professional staff. We are looking forward to launching this new project,” he said.

For more information, contact Logsdon at 301-387-3333.

More here.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free