Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreekvacations.com301-501-0420

Hogan supports effort to start school after Labor Day

……….Proponents say a later start would give families an additional week of summer to spend at the beach or Deep Creek Lake, attend the Maryland State Fair or simply spend money at Maryland businesses — and produce additional tax revenue. The Bureau of Revenue Estimates projects a post-Labor Day start would boost economic activity by $74.3 million and contribute $7.7 million in revenue to state and local coffers.

Hogan became the 13,244th signer of the petition. He joins Gov. Martin O’Malley, who added his name at a Board of Public Works meeting last year.


Read More Here:  http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/education/bs-md-hogan-labor-day-20150115-story.html

Petition says start school after Labor Day

Annapolis, MD — Comptroller Peter Franchot, joined by Governor-elect Larry Hogan, Ocean City Mayor Richard W. Meehan, state Senator James N. Mathias Jr., and other elected officials, as well as small business owners, educators and tourism officials, today enthusiastically thanked Marylanders for their overwhelming support of his petition drive to start public schools after Labor Day. More than 13,240

Marylanders from every corner of the state signed the “Let Summer Be Summer,” petition, far exceeding the 10,000 signature goal.  The campaign kicked-off last August on the Ocean City Boardwalk and Deep Creek Lake, and today the list of supporters will be presented to members of the Maryland General Assembly.

“This is a grassroots, citizen-driven effort that has gathered tremendous support from all across our great state,” said Comptroller Franchot. “13,244 Marylanders have sent a clear message that starting school after Labor Day will give families, students, teachers and small businesses the break they need – and deserve. It gives students time to learn life lessons beyond the classroom, teachers time to recharge their batteries and small businesses much needed help during tough economic times. I am confident we can make this meaningful adjustment and continue to end the school year in early to mid-June.”

Read More Here:  http://www.thebaynet.com/articles/0115/petition-says-start-school-after-labor-day.html