Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Northern Lights at Deep Creek Lake

The Northern Lights were viewed at Deep Creek Lake in the early hours of April 24th, 2023. Sarah Myers, the editor and owner of the Deep Creek Times caught this stunning panoramic photograph of the lights on the overlook on Maryland route 135.

The Northern Lights at Deep Creek Lake, MD – Deep Creek Times

Military March promotion offered

From The Garrett County Republican

McHENRY — The Deep Creek Lake area and Garrett County salute the nation’s heroes with a Military March promotion.

The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce is offering discounts for military members on its website, visitdeepcreek.com. The promotion runs from March 1-31, non-holidays.

Nineteen businesses are participating in the promotion offering military discounts on dining, shopping, lodging, party and event rentals, heating & cooling, veterinary services and products, flooring, printing services and wireless services.

“The Military March promotion is a terrific way for military members to save on a trip to the Deep Creek Lake area and Garrett County,” said Sarah Duck, vice president of tourism & marketing for the chamber. “We are proud to honor our nation’s heroes with discounts from a wide variety of our area’s businesses.”

The Military March Promotion includes offers from Advanced Heating & Cooling; Bear Creek Traders; Blue Moon Rising; Cashmere Clothing Co.; Christmas Chalet; HART for Animals; Joint Training Facility; Long Branch Saloon & Motel; Master Craft Printers; MoonShadow; Mountain State Brewing Co.; Perkins Restaurant & Bakery; Riggleman’s & Sons Flooring; Savage River Lodge; Ski Cove #3; Taylor-Made Deep Creek Vacations & Sales; the Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille; The Tourist Trap; and US Cellular.

To read the full article click here.

Deep Creek Lake State Park

Spanning over 1,800 acres near McHenry, Maryland is Deep Creek Lake State Park. Located on the east side of the lake, Deep Creek Lake State Park offers one mile of shoreline for swimmers and water enthusiasts. Deep Creek Lake State Park offers fun for all four seasons. In the summer, this is a perfect place to swim at the lake. In the spring and fall, there is no better place to talk a walk in the woods. In the winter, these walking paths are perfect for some snowmobile fun. The possibilities are endless!

dcl state park

For more information, click here

or call 301-387-5563.



Deep Creek Lake Named 1 of the 11 Great Places to Rent a Summer Lake House

TripAdvisor released a list of the 11 greatest places to rent a summer lake house and guess what???

Deep Creek Lake was the first one listed!

Check out the article here.


To rent your summer lake house, click here.

Towns of Garrett County- Friendsville, Maryland

Located about 10 miles north of Deep Creek Lake, Friendsville, Maryland is known for its rich history and adventurous outdoor sports.  Home of the first settlement in Garrett County, the town now consists of 500 residents.

Friendsville residents have many sources of entertainment such as the Kendall Trail and the Friendsville Community Park. Just above the Yough Dam, the stretch of the Youghiogheny River in Friendsville is perfect for whitewater activities. When is the best time to visit Friendsville? The Friendsville Days  summer celebration at the end of July! For more information, please visit http://www.friendsville-md.org/.

FUN FACT: Although the citizens of Friendsville are quite friendly, the town is actually named for John Friend Sr., one of the first settlers that bought the tract of land from Native Americans in 1765.


Towns of Garrett County- Accident, Maryland

About 10 miles north of Deep Creek Lake, is Accident, Maryland. The tiny, picturesque town is home to about 330 residents.  The town offers residents parks with features such as a fishing pond, pavilion, Little League field, and a walking trail. When is the best time to visit Accident? The Fourth of July Homecoming celebration! For more information, visit http://www.accidentmd.org/.

FUN FACT: Ever wonder how Accident got its name? Back in the late 1700’s, two Western Maryland settlers surveyed the land. By “accident” they chose the same piece of property, therefore the tract of land was named “Accident”.


Memorial Day Weekend: A Holiday for ALL Garrett County Visitors!

Memorial Day Weekend kicked off Deep Creek Lake’s summer tourism season! However, it was not just humans enjoying the lake.

Take a look at some of the black bear sightings from the weekend!


Click here to see a family’s new swimming buddy.

Welcome Back, Maryland Welcome Centers!

ANNAPOLIS, Md. –(AP) -Gov. Larry Hogan is announcing the reopening of tourist welcome centers in far western Maryland and the Eastern Shore that the previous administration closed six years ago for budget reasons.

Hogan said in a statement Thursday that the Youghiogheny (yahk-ih-GAY’-nee) Overlook center in Garrett County and the Bay Country center in Queen Anne’s County will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursdays through Mondays.

For more, click here.


Backs to Garrett State Forest! 15.43 acres with a ~30×60 pole building in coveted Youghiogheny Mountain Resort. Community has over 2,400 acres and over 50 miles of ATV, snowmobile and hiking trails. Private access, mostly wooded but not too remote – 4G cell service at property. Electric close by. Plenty of storage for all of your outdoor vehicles, campers, etc. The perfect getaway!

Birchwood Drive Price Reduction Social Media



Great price! 2 side by side building lots in Mountain Lake Park. Public sewer and water available. Backs up to stream. Also available to purchase individually for $17,900 each, call for details. Partially cleared lots.

C Street Social Media