Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

April 3 Board of Garrett County Commissioners Public Meeting Summary

Garrett County Government

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners held its recent public meeting on Monday April 3, 2023.


In the public meeting session, Paul Edwards served as Chairman. The following items were discussed:
Proclamation: April 2023 is Child Abuse Prevention Month
Proclamation: April 5, 2023 is Arbor Day in Garrett County
The winners of the 5th Grade Arbor Day Poster Contest were announced:
1st Place County Winner, 3rd Place State Winner: Emma Secrist
2nd Place County Winner: Codyn Alvarado
3rd Place County Winner: Elodie Morel
Resolution Approval of the 2023 Garrett County Online Tax Sale Dates & Times
Registration opens May 1, 2023 and closes May 19, 2023
Bidding begins on May 22, 2023 and ends on May 26, 2023
Payments must be completed by May 26 at 4:00 PM
Bid # 23–0316 for precast concrete box culvert for a culvert replacement on Bethlehem Road was awarded to Concrete Pipe and Precast in the amount of $63,684. This project is within budget.
Bid # 23–0302 for the purchase and installation of ceramic tile at the courthouse was awarded to Success Floor Covering in the amount of $74,920.98; selecting Option 1. This project is within budget.
Bid # 23–0309 for the Friendsville Wastewater Treatment Plant roof and gutter replacement was awarded to Rough Roofing and Sheetmetal in the amount of $39,030. The project is within budget.
The 2023 Garrett County Transportation Priority Letter was approved.
Public comments were accepted.

A complete recording of the meeting can be found here.


Garrett County Health Officer Bob Stephens presented the budget (beginning at 40:40 in the recording) on behalf of the Garrett County Health Department (GCHD)
Mission: To promote, protect and improve the health of citizens and visitors of Garrett County.
Vision: Garrett County, a healthier place to live, work and play
Total GCHD operating budget is $16,707,797 and the request from the county government is $2,436,815
Due to fee-for-service programs, GCHD can return money to the county
Maryland Department of Health reconciled 2022 figures and GCHD will return $915,429 to the county
Sheriff Bryson Meyers presented the budget (beginning at 56:02 in the recording) on behalf of the Garrett County Sheriff’s Department
Public safety and law enforcement is an ever-challenging environment.
Overall, the increase to the budget is $15,335
There are mandates the office has to support financially but they have found grants thus far
Body cameras aren’t mandated until 2025 but were grant funded so they are implemented
Requesting department cell phones to utilize the full functionality of the body cameras
Medicated-Assisted Treatment is now mandated; hopefully can continue to be funded by grants
Alison Sweitzer, CPA, Director of Finance and Dr. Nicole Miller, Chief Academic Officer, presented the budget (beginning at 1:04:05 in the recording) on behalf of the Garrett County Public Schools.
Many changes are occurring because of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation
“To transform Maryland’s education system from early childhood through secondary education to enable performance and ensure all students receive a world-class education”
Pillar 1: Early Childhood
Pillar 2: High Quality & Diverse Teachers and Leaders
Pillar 3: College and Career Readiness
Pillar 4: More Resources for Students to be Successful
Pillar 5: Governance and Accountability
MSDE (Maryland State Department of Education) is calculating some of these formulas for the first time so it is a bit of a moving target to develop the budget request.
FY 2024 local share (county budget requirement) is $28,584,423. The complete meeting can be viewed here.
Public issues or concerns that are to be presented to the Board of Garrett County Commissioners during any Public Meeting should be scheduled with Carol A. Riley-Alexander, Executive Assistant to the Board of County Commissioners/County Administrator, by 11:00 p.m. on Monday one week prior to the Public Meeting Day.

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners next scheduled Public Meeting will be Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at the Garrett County Courthouse beginning at 4:00 p.m.

March 6 Board of Garrett County Commissioners Public Meeting Summary

Garrett County Government

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners held its recent public meeting on Monday, March 6, 2023.

At the administrative session proceeding the public meeting, the following appointments were made:
Youghiogheny River Advisory Board – 1 member & 1 County Representative (filling unexpired terms through 2025)

Molly Rikhye – Land Owner
Siera Wigfield – County Government
Garrett County Emergency Services Advisory Board – 3 County Representative Members (2-year terms)
Lou Battistella
Bill Ingram
New Appointment
Chris Nichols
Also, a property tax exemption for the Avilton Community Association for Fiscal Year 2024 was approved, as authorized in the Maryland Tax Code, Section 9-313.

At the public meeting session, Paul Edwards served as Chairman. The following items were discussed:

Proclamation: National Vietnam War Veterans Day will be celebrated on March 29, 2023. The proclamation was presented to Denise Shay.
Bid #23–0209 Visitors Center Deck and Handrail Replacement
Bid requested five (5) options. And, after reviewing the bids for compliance, the recommendation was to reject bids for Option 1, 2, 4 and 5.
The five bids for Option 3 (Composite Lumber & Vinyl) were: Daystar Builders, Inc-$29,500, Mill Creek & Company-$27,506, Beitzel Corp-$37,344, EARN Contractors, Inc.-$45,700 and Colossal Contractors, Inc-$68,600.
Bid # 23-0209 awarded for Option 3 to Mill Creek & Company in the amount of $27,506.
Duane Yoder, on behalf of the Garrett County Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Committee, announced the availability of the Public Participation Survey (linked here: https://tripetto.app/run/F02RWK5O9Z)

PUBLIC HEARING: Siera Wigfield presented the 2023 Water & Sewer Master Plan Amendment on behalf of the Garrett County Department of Public Works – Utilities Division. This presentation is primarily “housekeeping” with text amendments and map updates:
Map Updates: Combining McHenry & Thayerville Water areas into Deep Creek Lake Service Area and Sewer Service Expansion Sewer Service in Deep Creek
Text and Map Amendments: Grantsville Water Service Updates?
Text and Map Amendments: Relating to the Trout Run/ Oakland WWTP, to replace Trout Run WWTP and combine Service for communities at a modern WWTP in Oakland ?
The complete presentation is linked here.

The public comment period will be open until Tuesday, March 21, 2023. To make a comment, please email gccomments@garrettcounty.org or swigfield@garrettcounty.org or call 301-334-7477.


Public Comments were accepted
Public issues or concerns that are to be presented to the Board of Garrett County Commissioners during any Public Meeting should be scheduled with Carol A. Riley-Alexander, Executive Assistant to the Board of County Commissioners/County Administrator, by 11:00 p.m. on the Monday one week prior to the Public Meeting Day.

The Board of Garrett County Commissioners’ next scheduled Public Meeting will be Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at the Garrett County Courthouse beginning at 4:00 p.m.

>McKay revives prayer tradition at commission meetings

>Matthew Bieniek
The Cumberland Times-News Fri May 20, 2011, 11:12 PM EDT

CUMBERLAND — Once Mike McKay dug into county records and discovered that county meetings had once opened with prayer, he knew that offering a prayer when he was at the helm of those meetings was a precedent he wanted to follow.

“I personally believe that any important undertaking needs to invoke … the deity,” McKay said. “I want to stay true to who I am.” McKay found his precedent in the minutes of a 1963 commission meeting. He spent time researching the issue before he became a commissioner, he said.

So at each county commission meeting, after Danny Williams, president of the Mount Savage Water Company, leads the Pledge of Allegiance, McKay asks those present to bow their heads in prayer. It seems that everyone does just that and most present offer a hearty “Amen” at the conclusion of the prayer.

While the pledge is listed on the agenda, the prayer isn’t. McKay said that’s to avoid the appearance that the commission has made a formal decision to offer prayers. The prayer, he said, is his personal prayer. If he’s not present, another commissioner might choose not to offer a prayer, to request a moment of silence, or do nothing at all, he said.

“It’s not a policy or decision of the commission,” McKay said. McKay said there are no plans to have local clergy or others offer prayers.

McKay said his prayer is a nondenominational Masonic prayer. The prayer addresses God as the “Supreme Architect of the Universe,” and asks that the meeting be conducted and concluded in a spirit of peace and harmony.

So far, McKay said one person has lodged an objection to the prayer in an email. McKay said he respects the fact that some people may not approve of his decision to offer a prayer at meetings. Until McKay began offering his prayer, prayer had not been a part of commission meetings for some time in Allegany County, according to officials.

In recent weeks, Frederick County commissioners voted 3-2 to add an opening prayer to their public meetings, The Associated Press reported. Frederick County requires that prayers avoid the mention of any particular religion, denomination or sect.

While McKay is reviving a tradition, there’s nothing new about prayer at local governmental meetings, and there have been few, if any objections to the prayers over the years.

In Garrett County, commissioners have members of the Mountaintop Ministerial Association offer an invocation before each of their regular public meetings. The invocation is listed on commission agendas. Ministers from the association are free to offer whatever prayer they like. If a member of the association isn’t available, Commissioner Robert Gatto leads a moment of silence, said County Administrator Monty Pagenhardt. Pagenhardt said the prayers have been occurring for at least 15 years. “We haven’t had any issues,” Pagenhardt said.

The cities of Frostburg and Cumberland also open meetings with a prayer. John Kirby, the Frostburg city administrator, said there has been a tradition of prayer at the beginning of City Council meetings for decades. Frostburg and Cumberland, like Garrett County, list the invocation on their agendas.

Prayers are usually offered by members of the Frostburg Ministerial Association, or Kirby in their absence. Kirby said members of the Jewish faith are among those who have opened council meetings with a prayer. No guidelines are provided to clergy for their prayers. Kirby said that while he usually uses a prepared text, he sometimes offers an extemporaneous prayer.

Frostburg City Council meetings have recently been opened with the following prayer, Kirby said: “Heavenly Father: We offer our thanks and ask your blessing on this special community, for the time we share together and the bounty of our nation; For the commitment of the people who volunteer their time and talents to make our community a better place to live and to work and raise a family. We ask your blessing because we know that we alone cannot meet the challenges, solve the problems or provide sufficient inspiration. We offer our thanks to you for the beauty, the time and the place that is Frostburg. Amen.”

Contact Matthew Bieniek at mbieniek@times-news.com

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Write-in Candidate Elected County Commissioner in Garrett County, Maryland

November 11th, 2010

At the November 2, 2010 election, Garrett County, Maryland voters elected a write-in candidate to seat 3 of the County Board of Commissioners. The election is partisan. The county was elected three at-large commissioners. Write-in candidate Bob Gatto received 4,112 votes; Democratic nominee Bill Welch received 2,824; Republican nominee Dennis Glotfelty received 1,947 votes. Two other declared write-in candidates received 170 votes.

Glotfelty had won the September 2010 primary but then had died of cancer only twelve days before the election. Before he died, he asked voters to write-in Gatto, whom Glotfelty had defeated in the Republican primary.

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350

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