Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Garrett County schools perform well on new state report card

From The Garrett County Republican

OAKLAND — The Maryland State Department of Education released a new accountability report card for every school in the state of Maryland last week, designed to measure the success of schools and identify areas for improvement.

The report card was developed in response to the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act, a federal law that seeks to ensure public schools provide a quality education for all children.

The Maryland Report Card is designed to measure school success in several ways, including state tests in English language arts and math; postsecondary readiness; progress of English learners in achieving English language proficiency; graduation rate; and students with access to and earning credit for a well-rounded curriculum.

For the full article click here.




Northern and Southern Garrett High Schools in US News and World Report School Rankings

Last Updated on Apr 21, 2016 at 9:05am |

U.S. News & World Report recently published its “2016 Best High Schools” rankings. More than 6,000 schools were awarded gold, silver, and bronze medals in this year’s national ranking. The Best High Schools rankings are produced in conjunction with RTI International, a global research firm.  In addition to the national rankings, the 2016 edition of Best High Schools includes new rankings of the top schools in each state, as well as the Best STEM Schools, Best Charter Schools, and Best Magnet Schools. The report also shows detailed information on more than 21,500 public high schools. That information includes school-specific data on enrollment, student ethnicity, location, school type, and results of state assessments, as well as Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate tests.

Northern Garrett High School received the 2016 “Silver”national ranking as one of the best high schools in the United States by US News and World Report.  Northern High was ranked #64 in the state of Maryland (out of 244) and #2483 (over 21,500 schools reviewed nationwide) in the country.  Click the link below to see further details concerning Northern High:


Southern Garrett High School received the 2016 “Bronze”national ranking as one of the best high schools in the United States by US News and World Report.  Southern High was ranked within the top 85 schools in Maryland.  Click the link below to see further details concerning Southern High:

For more information click here:  https://garrettcountyschools.org/news/2016/04/-northern-and-southern-garrett-high-schools-in-us-news-and-world-report-school-rankings

Eight modular classrooms to be constructed at Garrett County school


OAKLAND — An update on the construction progress of the eight modular classrooms that will be placed at Broad Ford Elementary School will be provided during the Garrett County Board of Education’s work session Monday.

The modular classrooms are needed to help alleviate overcrowding at the school, which has been going on for several years, according to Jim Morris, Garrett County Public Schools supervisor of research, evaluation and information.

Mobile Modular Management Corp. is constructing the classrooms and each classroom is approximately 790 square feet, according to Morris. The modular classrooms will be located on the southeast corner of the school.

Garrett school board approves consolidation recommendations

From Staff Reports

Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Board of Education voted to approve the six consolidation recommendations made by the School Attendance Area Committee. The 4-0 vote was taken during a special business session Tuesday. Matthew Paugh, associate member, wasn’t present during the meeting.

The recommendations will assign a boundary for the 2014/2015 school year to Swan Meadow Elementary School using the existing transportaion routes and will allow students currently attending Swan Meadow to continue to do so. Students who currently attend Yough Glades Elementary School will have the option of remaining there or attending Swan Meadow. The recommendations also suggest that Swan Meadow’s goal of enrolling 12 additional students be reviewed in April 2015 and that the kindergarten program at the school be implemented for the 2014/2015 school year.

An additional recommendation includes assigning the mobile modular classrooms, already approved by the board and the Garrett County commissioners, to Broad Ford Elementary School. Another recommendation includes reassigning the Glades West to Tomar Drive area to the Crellin district.

The consolidation plan has been a challenge, Jane Wildesen, supervisor of elementary education for the board and a member of the committee, said in a previous interview with the Times-News.

Bus transportation will remain as is and will not be extended to encompass any of the proposed changes for the school year. Any student who can use established routes will continue to be provided that bus service.

Crellin and Swan Meadow start and end times will be adjusted to be consistent with the remaining elementary schools in the county beginning with this school year. Parents/guardians of students who attend Crellin and Swan Meadow schools will be notified how the time change will affect their children as the school year approaches.

The consolidation plan in its entirety can be viewed at http://www.garrettcountyschools.org/news/2014/06/-board-of-education-approves-committees-recommendations.

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Garrett school transportation on board agenda

From Staff Reports

Cumberland Times-News

— OAKLAND — The Garrett County School Enrollment Committee will make a recommendation on the transportation study contracted by the board of education with School Bus Consultants at the June 10 school board meeting at 6:05 p.m. at the Central Office.

The 2013-14 Facility Study made a recommendation to consider moving students from the southern end of the county north.

The transportation study was completed following the facility study and Superintendent Janet Wilson appointed a committee to analyze the data and make recommendations to assist the school system in operating more efficiently.

After the board meeting, the committee’s presentation, along with the School Bus Consultants’ report, will be posted at www.garrettcountyschools.org. The board will accept public comments on the School Enrollment Committee report until noon on June 16. Comments can be submitted to areaenrollmentproposal@garrettcountyschools.org or by mail to Area Enrollment Proposal Committee, Garrett County Public Schools, Attention: Jane Wildesen, 40 S. Second St., Oakland, MD 21550.

The board will meet again June 16 at 5 p.m.

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Paugh named to fill vacant Garrett school board seat

For the Cumberland Times-News

Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The Garrett County commissioners appointed Matthew Paugh as an elected member of the Garrett County Board of Education.

Paugh will complete the unexpired term of office of Donald Forrester, who resigned from the school board on Sept. 30.

“The board of county commissioners is very confident that Mr. Paugh will provide the students, faculty and administration of the Garrett County Public School System with high quality leadership at board level. His professional experience, dedication and commitment to public education was very evident to the board of county commissioners,” said Monty Pagenhardt, county administrator.

Paugh is employed as assistant vice president and market manager with Susquehanna Bank and holds a bachelor of arts degree from Messiah College and a master of divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.

He serves as mayor of the town of Kitzmiller, is a member of the board of directors of Garrett County Community Action Committee and is on the board of governors of Garrett County Memorial Hospital. He also serves as chair of the Kitzmiller Elementary School Advisory Committee.

Paugh will attend the Board of Education’s public meeting on Nov. 12.

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Garrett County Public Schools updates website

Users can sign up for press releases

For the Cumberland Times-News

Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Garrett County Public Schools recently launched a new website that features an updated look with better menu options and an easy-to-use navigation bar located at the top of the home page.

The new site is located at www.garrettcountyschools.org or users will be redirected if logging into the former website www.ga.k12.md.us.

It features popular web links under the Resources section located on the left-hand side of the home page and a rotating slideshow of pictures featuring Garrett County Public Schools students, staff and events.

Also featured on the home page are recent items of interest for parents, students, staff and the community. This includes press releases and the latest school system news. Website visitors can also sign up to receive press releases by email, which feature student and staff accomplishments and general informational items. To sign up for press releases, look for the Stay Connected section on the lower right-hand side of the home page and enter an email address.

The website will still be used as a primary notification tool when any changes in the school schedule occur. Located at the top of the home page is a search function users can select when looking for specific information on the site. The site also has a Contact Us form for users to send comments or questions to Public Information staff.

The Contact Us form is located at both the top and bottom of the homepage.

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Garrett school board rethinking building transfer

Debt remains for construction at former Dennett Road facility

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — A decision whether to rescind a portion of a vote taken April 24 to transfer Dennett Road School to Garrett County government is on the Board of Education’s Tuesday meeting agenda. The transfer is being reconsidered because of a $140,214 construction debt that has eight years remaining, said Janet Wilson, superintendent of Garrett County schools.

“The board is looking at holding on to the building in light of debt. We are looking at ways in which the building could be used to enhance educational opportunities for all students,” said Wilson.

The business portion of the meeting, in the board’s central office, will be held at 6 p.m. Public comment is accepted at both 4 and 7 p.m.

After the board filed the necessary paperwork to transfer the school with the Maryland Public School Construction program and upon receipt of that paperwork, Robert Crocetti, director of finance, informed the board of the debt, according to Wilson.

“Crocetti notified us that there were two construction projects with remaining debt relative to the facility. The debt represented a 15-year Maryland state bond maturing in FY 2019,” said Wilson.

The debt was for two capital improvement projects — one in 2000 for wiring, with about $16,000 in debt remaining, and one in 2001 for a boiler, with about $106,804 in debt remaining. Interest applies in both projects.

“It was a good catch by Dr. Wilson not to transfer the building to the county,” said County Administrator Monty Pagenhardt.

The former Dennett Road school building could potentially be used for a maintenance building, for a shared (board and county) information technology department, a satellite food service or as a Head Start for Garrett Community Action, Pagenhardt said.

“The county didn’t have plans for the building but it was always in the back of our minds to use it as a maintenance facility,” said Pagenhardt.

The potential uses for the building will be presented during Tuesday’s meeting, Wilson said.

“The school will remain closed to student attendance,” she said.

Dennett Road and Kitzmiller elementary schools closed May 30, following the board’s April vote to do so in a cost-cutting measure. The county voted Tuesday to allow Garrett County Community Action Committee to continue to use the former Kitzmiller school for Head Start.

“The library is still currently utilizing the school (Kitzmiller) building. I know there is a request out by a group to use the building for an after-school program,” said commission chairman Jim Raley. “We have no certainty as to when the building is going to be transferred to us. We do have money in the budget to sustain the school for this particular school year because we anticipated that it would be turned over to us in a period of time.”

Also during Tuesday’s board meeting, Rodney Reckart, who was appointed to Rodney Durst’s District 3 seat on the board, will be administered the oath of office. Durst recently resigned his post.

Other agenda items include the awarding of school bus contracts; application for a public charter school; a food and nutrition services bid; an update on Yough Glades elementary school; a State Highway Administration archeological investigation and the Bethel School deed.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

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Commissioners To Gauge Interest Of Those Seeking Vacated BOE Spot

Jul. 19, 2012

With elected Garrett County Board of Education member Rodney Durst effectively vacating his position on July 31, the Garrett County Board of County Commissioners is currently tasked with filling his spot.

Consistent with Maryland state code, the commissioners have the legal authority to appoint a replacement to serve out the remainder of Durst’s term of office on the BOE.

To that end, the board of commissioners has begun to solicit letters of interest and personal credentials from persons who may be interested in appointment to this position.

Those interested must reside in District 3, which encompasses Oakland and the surrounding southeastern portion of the county. For more detailed district information one may visit http://garrettcounty.org, and click on the “Board of Elections” link.

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The commissioners ask that interested persons submit their information to Monty Pagenhardt, county administrator at the office of Board of County Commissioners, by the end of the business day on July 31.

The Board of County Commissioners plans to review the individual credentials received and make an official appointment during its public meeting on Aug. 7.

Those seeking further information may contact Monty Pagenhardt at 301-334-8970.

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Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

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Garrett County school board member resigns

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Garrett County commissioners are reviewing a list of potential candidates following the resignation of Board of Education vice president Rodney Durst. The reason behind the resignation was unclear Tuesday night.

“Rodney Durst has submitted his resignation effective now,” Monty Pagenhardt, county administrator, said during a Tuesday meeting of the Board of Commissioners. “Commissioners are taking the names of people who submitted interest back when Jim (Raley) resigned.” Raley resigned his seat as a member-at-large in 2010.

Durst’s seat will be filled by a resident from District 3. Pagenhardt and Carol Riley-Alexander, executive assistant to the commissioners, will contact potential candidates today to see if they are still interested. The term expires in December 2014.

“There have also been other people that have submitted their names and we will take those into consideration also,” said Pagenhardt. Anybody else who is interested should submit a letter of interest to the commissioners for that vacancy.”

The Board of Education made a decision in April to close Kitzmiller and Dennett Road elementary schools. During an April meeting, Durst indicated his opposition to closing the schools.

“… I’m afraid if we close the schools, even if they come through with twice the money, they won’t open back up,” he said. “I will not be able to vote to close schools tonight.”

Also during Tuesday’s meeting, the commissioners voted to hold a public hearing on their right to opt out of a law that requires sprinkler systems for townhouses and one- and two-family dwellings.

“Local governments can opt out until the next cycle of building codes come into play, which is in 2015,” said John Nelson, director of the Department of Planning and Land Development.

Nelson said the Department of Permits and Inspections Divisions was notified by the Maryland Codes of Administration of the modification to the residential sprinkler law. The public hearing will be held during the Aug. 21 commission meeting.

When the law had been discussed at a June commission meeting the department of planning was under the impression that all jurisdictions would have to adopt the law by Oct 1, according to Nelson.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com

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Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

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