Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Oakland resident bicycles 5,095 miles to Alaska

The Garrett County Republican

OAKLAND — Alan Peachey recently returned to Oakland from an extended trip to Alaska.

Such a trip is not uncommon for those who like to travel. However, his mode of transportation was anything but ordinary. He traveled 5,095 miles on a bicycle.

“I had wanted to do a long-distance bike tour for quite some time, and this is the summer I made it happen,” he said.

Peachey left Oakland on July 19. He biked for 56 days, arriving in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, a few miles from the Arctic Ocean, on Sept. 12.

He averaged 91 miles a day on his trip.

“This was never a race,” he said. “On lots of days I could have started earlier and pushed myself harder,” he said. “Ultimately, it was more of a test of mental endurance than physical. You have to have the will to keep going day after day in all kinds of terrain, temperatures, insects and headwinds.”

To read the full article click here.

The Taste of Garrett

Join us at the Wisp and help give back to Garrett County!

The 14th Annual Taste of Garrett will be taking place on June 26 from 5 p.m. -8 p.m. Several Garrett County restaurants will be offering food and treats, all for just one cover fee. 100% of the proceeds will be put back into Garrett County Trails, such as the Meadow Mountain Trail and the Grantsville Bikeways Connector.


Adult tickets are $30 and children under 12 are $15.
For more information, click here.

Bicycling for charity

Race Across America covers 3,000

Vickie GriffithsCumberland Times-News

GARRETT COUNTY — Race Across America contestant Chris “Hoppo” Hopkinson, of North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, tackles a hill on Rt. 40 in Garrett County on Friday.

The race, which covers 3,000 miles from Oceanside, California to Annapolis, Maryland, raises funds for a variety of charities.

Team Hoppo is sponsoring Fraja Ellie, a 5-year-old girl from North Yorkshire who is fighting neuroblastoma.

For more about the race, visit www.raceacrossamerica.org.

More here.

Biking Trio Completes 15-Day Trek From Florida To Bittinger

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Oct. 20, 2011

by Brenda Ruggiero

A road trip from Venice, Fla., to Bittinger may not seem very unusual, at least not when it is made by car. But when the trip covering 1,213 miles is made by bicycle over the course of 15 days, it becomes a lot more challenging.

A group of friends completed such a trip last Friday, Oct. 14. The men included Tim Bender of Accident, Titus Beitzel of Bittinger, and Ken Miller of Venice, Fla., formerly of Grantsville. In “real life,” Tim is self-employed at BYCO Enterprises, Titus is the manager of operations at Pillar Innovations LLC, and Ken is a pilot for NetJets Inc., flying business jets from Canada to South America.

“Two years ago, I thought it would be a neat idea to bike from my house in Florida to my property in Maryland,” Ken said. “I saw more people biking in Florida and I saw more people traveling long distances, and that is what gave me the idea. I started talking about my idea, and some friends were interested in joining me. We didn’t train together, but kept comparing ideas and experiences.”

Tim noted that he had the urge to do some kind of trip, and when Ken told him he was looking for someone to go with him, he was game.

“I loved the idea of a challenge that could be difficult to accomplish, yet still an adventure and physically demanding,” he said.

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Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

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>Local Accident Victim Says, "Wear Your Bike Helmet — Every Time!"


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Jul. 7, 2011

Editor’s note: The writer of the following is a local young man who was the victim of a bicycle accident, and offers advice to all who enjoy bike riding.

by Zack Hanline

My name is Zack Hanline and I am 14 years old. On the evening of June 6, 2011, I jumped on my new bike (Note: It was a bicycle, not a 4-wheeler or dirt bike) to take a quick ride around my yard before dinner. I did not put my helmet on because I was only taking a short ride. What a huge mistake. I had no idea what a nightmare I would be living for the next week.

I do not really remember the wreck that well, but I think my foot slipped off the pedal and in between the bars. Then the bike slammed me to the ground, and my head hit the road really hard.

My parents looked out the window of the house, and saw me lying on the ground by my bike. I did not respond when they yelled for me, because I was unconscious. They ran out to get me, and I started to wake up. My head was killing me, I was burning up, and really tired, dizzy and weak.

I could not remember anything about the wreck, or about that day. I could not even remember being in school that day. Soon I was really sick to my stomach, so my parents knew I had a concussion. They loaded me in the car (I could not even walk by myself), and took me to the emergency room.

I was given a CT scan. My parents and I waited for the doctor to come back and tell us that I had a concussion, and that I needed to go home and take it easy – but he had much worse news. He walked in with an image from my CT scan, and said I needed to be taken to another hospital because I had a subdural hematoma (bleeding on my brain).

From there, it all happened so fast. The next thing I knew, I was being strapped onto a stretcher, from head to toe, which was very uncomfortable, especially since I was still throwing up.

When we arrived at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown late that night, I was admitted into the pediatric intensive care unit, for observation of the hematoma. If it did not grow, I could go home, and take it easy.

I had CT scans every 12 hours to measure it. Wednesday morning I got the next piece of bad news: It was still bleeding, and beginning to put pressure on my brain stem and temporal lobe. This was very dangerous, and the doctors decided surgery was necessary to drain the blood.

My bleed site was too big to just have some holes drilled for drainage. I had to have a craniotomy. They had to make a 5-inch incision, remove a part of my skull, remove the blood, replace the skull bone, and put 22 staples in the incision. I also had to have a drain put in my head to get rid of the blood from the surgery.

The day after surgery was the worst day of my life. I literally felt like I was going to die. Everything hurt. I had IVs in both arms, and bands around my legs that inflated to keep me from getting blood clots in my legs. I had spots of hair shaved from the incision, and from the “GPS” things that they put on my head to show them where to operate. I was miserable.

The next morning was bad too. It hurt so bad when they pulled out my drainage tube. Slowly, though, I started to feel better, but I still ask myself every day, “Why didn’t I just put on my helmet?”

Because of this accident, I had to miss my last four days of middle school, the last school dance of the year, and worst of all, half of baseball season. I have to be very careful about everything I do for the rest of the summer instead of just enjoying myself. I battle headaches every day. All because I did not take one minute to put on my bike helmet.

Read more here.

If you or someone you know is considering buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues! As member of the Garrett County Board of Realtors, I can assist you with ANY listed property, regardless of the listing broker.

877-563-5350 Questions about ANY listed property? I can help! Call me!
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>"Win-The-Fight" Gran Fondo Set


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The second annual Garrett Gran Fondo bike event will be held on Saturday, June 25, with four different courses traversing across the entire county, and bringing more than 500 bikers to the mountaintop to take the challenge. The event is a fundraiser for the Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation, and is hosted and engineered by the creators of the renowned SavageMan Triathlon, held each September in Garrett County, and also benefiting the melanoma foundation. See feature story. Photo by Karlo Gesner.

More here.

If you or someone you know is considering buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues! As member of the Garrett County Board of Realtors, I can assist you with ANY listed property, regardless of the listing broker.

877-563-5350 Questions about ANY listed property? I can help! Call me!
Visit the ‘I Love Deep Creek & Garrett County group’ on Facebook! News, events, photos, real estate, community, info, more! 1,750+ members & growing!

"Win-the-Fight" Garrett County Gran Fondo cycling event

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Jun. 3, 2010

The inaugural “Win-the-Fight” Garrett County Gran Fondo cycling event will be held June 26 and 27 in the county. Organized by the Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation, producers of the SavageMan Triathlon Festival, the event will be a long-distance, mass-participation, cycling event suitable for professional, amateur, and recreational cyclists of all abilities. It is not a race, but is a fundraiser for the melanoma foundation.

A “gran fondo” is a celebrated tradition in Italian cycling culture, according to Greg Safko, president of the Joanna M. Nicolay Foundation. While registration is just $40 for the two-day gran fondo, participants are encouraged to bring in donations for the foundation. See story on today’s sports link. Photo by Michael Bello Portraits.

Read the rest here.

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350 Deep Creek Lake Info, Business Directories, Classified Ads, Events & more! Advertise on http://www.deepcreekalive.com/!

Herrington Manor State Park – Oakland, near Swallow Falls

Compiled from the Herrington Manor State Park Website & Wikipedia:

Located within Garrett State Forest in Garrett County, Herrington Manor State Park’s development began in the 1930’s with the aid of the Civilian Conservation Corps. A 53-acre lake was formed by damming Herrington Creek, and ten cabins were erected on a wooded knoll above the lake.

Herrington Manor was designated as a state park in 1964, and encompasses 365 acres. The park offers swimming, boating in rowboats, canoes and paddle boats, picnicking, hiking, tennis, volleyball and 20 furnished log cabins for rental use year round. Interpretive programs are scheduled during the summer; and popular special events such as maple syrup demonstrations and apple butter making are held in the spring and fall of the year.

Herrington Manor State Park offers two accessible cabins, a visitors’ center, concession stand and picnic sites, a path to the swimming beach, and a fishing pier.

During the winter folks come to Herrington Manor State Park to enjoy winter sports. There are ten miles of accessible trails going into the adjacent forest area and there is plenty of equipment rental that takes place here. Of course lots of folks are looking for ski equipment and some want snow shoes to trek through the woods. But every year there is a large contingent of folks who consider Herrington Manor State Park one of the top sledding spots in Maryland. They come intent on renting sleds. At $3 for a half day or $6 for a full day, you know you are getting a bargain for the kids in your family at Herrington Manor State park from 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m.

If your recollection of sledding sometimes includes that nasty a memory of being cold, wet and tired after sledding, you may decide that Herrington Manor State Park offers a concession area. There you can not only buy snacks but you can also find a restroom and a nice warm area to rest and rid yourself of whatever chill you have acquired while sledding. It’s a good deal all around.

Other features available include:
Boat launch, boat rental, cabins, fishing, food/drink, park office, parking, picnicking, restrooms, shelters and swimming.

Map of Herrington Manor State Park

Trail Guide

Herrington Manor State Park
Trail Guide
Hiking * Fishing * Biking * Cross Country Skiing * Snowshoeing
Herrington Manor State Park is located within Western Maryland’s Garrett State Forest. Families and outdoor adventure enthusiasts enjoy hiking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing and mountain biking on the park’s more than 21-miles of trails. A featured trail connects Herrington Manor to Swallow Falls State Park and includes 5.5 miles of beautiful woodland, streams, mature hemlock forest and a beaver pond. Enjoy the park’s popular rustic wood cabins and a 53-acre lake, for swimming, boating and fishing.

Three hundred years ago, Western Maryland was a wilderness frontier. Consequently, much of the park’s rich heritage tells the story of pioneer expansion and settlement into the Ohio River Valley and beyond. One of the area’s earliest roads runs just west of the park and was a Native American path called Nemacolin’s Trail.
Garrett State Forest was first established through a 2,000-acre donation from the Garrett family, the county’s namesake. The Garretts owned the Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) Railroad, which traversed the region and contributed significantly to its early settlement.

Herrington Manor State Park was named after Abijah Herrington, who built a manor house on the property in the mid-1800s, which was later purchased by the State in 1935. During this decade, the park was the site of many Federal Civilian Conservation Corps (C.C.C.) work projects. Young men from throughout the State lived at a camp located nearby at present day Swallow Falls State Park. These C.C.C. crews created Herrington Lake, planted trees and constructed ten log cabins and the beach Lake House.

Wildlife and Nature Appreciation
Herrington Manor’s diverse habitat of woodlands and wetlands supports an abundance of wildlife, including wild turkey, white-tailed deer, fox and black bears. Notice fallen trees along the lake’s shoreline, evidence of beaver activity. Pick up your birder’s checklist at the park visitor center. Look for songbirds and migratory waterfowl, such as teal, buffleheads, grebes, loons, scaup and mergansers diving and bobbing on the lake. Osprey fly over the park on a regular basis. Look for rectangular holes pecked in trees, the signature of the pileated woodpecker.
The spring walk through the park’s eastern hardwood forest will reveal flowering plants, such as saxifrage, rue and wood anemone, spring beauty, may apple and many violet species. Summer brings milkweeds, spiderwort, mints, butterfly weed and dog bane to the roadsides and meadows. Ironweed, asters and goldenrod varieties brighten the fields in the fall. A native butterfly habitat area is maintained in a field near the dam.

Please Play Safe!
Herrington Manor is a natural area with certain hazards, such as poison ivy, rocky and slippery trail surfaces, venomous snakes, spiders and insects. Remember, you are responsible for having the necessary skills, knowledge and equipment for a safe and environmentally sensitive visit.

Herrington Manor to Swallow Falls Trail 5.5 miles – moderate
Hikers, cross-country skiers and mountain bikers can take in the scenic beauty of the area on this trail, which runs from the large parking lot near Herrington Lake to the youth group camping area at Swallow Falls State park. The trails’ rolling terrain and variety of forest habitats, including a mature hemlock forest, provide a delightful adventure. Hiking this trail takes approximately two hours each way. Wear sturdy shoes and take a water bottle. Rent cross-country skis and snowshoes at Herrington Manor’s Lake House and enjoy the park’s winter wonderland of snow-laden hemlock forests.

Yellow Trail 1 mile – easy
This trail travels from just below the cabins, across Herrington Manor Lake Road to a pine plantation.

Green Trail 1.7 miles – easy
This is a good trail for novice skiers and mountain bikers. Accessible from the park headquarters, the trail traverses open field, through hardwood forest and back.

Red Trail 1.6 miles – moderate
The Red Trail is a good intermediate trail for skiers and mountain bikers. The trail loops through natural hardwood forest and pine plantations.

Blue Trail 2.4 miles – moderate
This is a nice loop trail through a hardwood forest with a moderate hill on one portion of the trail.

Snaggy Mountain Trail 10 miles – moderate
This gently rolling circuit trail passes through late successional and mature hardwood and hemlock forests. Popular during the winter months
for snowmobiling, the trail is also an excellent route for mountain biking and hiking.
More than three miles of the trail follow Snaggy Mountain Road. This dirt road provides access to camping sites and crosses three interesting upland wetlands created by natural barriers and beaver dams. These clear waters drain into Murely Run, which eventually empties into Herrington Run.

Be sure to take the 1/3-mile side trail to the Maryland Bicentennial Oak, so named for its origin in the mid-18th century. Its impressive trunk and canopy can be enjoyed from several benches built by a local boy scout troop, which maintains the area. The trail to the oak is steep, so prepare for a strenuous return hike. At the juncture with the Oak Trail is a three-sided rustic camping shelter that may be reserved through the Potomac/Garrett State Forest Office at 301-334-2038.

Trail users will notice management efforts to promote forest health, diversity and wildlife habitat within Garrett State Forest. Several of these forest management cuts can be seen along the trail. A Watchable Wildlife trail leads a short distance to a wetland equipped with several blind sites, where the patient visitor can observe undisturbed wildlife such as deer, beaver, ducks, song birds and insects.

Lake Recreation
The park’s dominant feature is a manmade 53-acre lake, averaging a depth of eight feet. Fed by Herrington Creek, the lake was dammed in the early 1930s by the Civilian Conservation Corps, and is open from 8:00 a.m. until Sunset, seven days a week for swimming, fishing and boating.
Enjoy excellent fishing opportunities for large and smallmouth bass, catfish, several species of panfish and brown and rainbow trout that are stocked several times a year. For the mobility-impaired, fishing areas are located near the boat ramp at the western end of the lake and near the dam. Consult your freshwater sportfishing guide issued with the purchase of a Maryland fishing license, for detailed information on rules, regulations and creel limits.

A public boat ramp is located at the southern end of the lake for non-gas powered boats only. Boat rentals, including canoes, rowboats, kayaks and paddle boats are available. The park’s Lake House provides restrooms, showers and a snack bar.

The park has 20 rustic log cabins available year-round for rent. With a country charm, the cabins provide modern conveniences, such as electric heat, bathroom with shower, fully equipped kitchen and furniture. A covered porch with a view of the surrounding woodland, wood-burning fireplace insert and easy access to park trails and the lake make them an ideal natural haven.
To make picnic, pavilion and camping reservations spring through fall, call Park Reservations at 1-888-432-CAMP (2267). Or, make your reservation on the Internet: reservations.dnr.state.md.us

Trail Stewardship
You can help support trails at your favorite forest or park by volunteering on trail projects or purchasing a tax-deductible Trail Stewardship sticker. Your support helps maintain and construct trails to protect the environment and benefit trail users. For more information call the park headquarters at 301-334-9180.
Herrington Manor State Park is enjoyed by thousands of visitors every year. Please help us protect the forest’s natural and historic resources by following these Leave No Trace ethics. For more information on Leave No Trace, visit their website at: www.lnt.org

Plan ahead and prepare.
Travel and camp on durable surfaces.
Dispose of waste properly.
Leave what you find.
Minimize campfire impacts.
Respect wildlife.
Be considerate of other visitors.
Remember that all of Maryland’s State Parks are Trash-Free, so pack out what you pack in! Thanks for being a good steward of Maryland’s outdoors.

Park Watch
The Maryland Park Service’s Park Watch program encourages visitors and neighbors to take an active role in protecting personal property and preserving the park. If you observe suspicious activities, vandalism or safety hazards, please report these problems to any park employee or call: 1-800-825-PARK (7275) from any 410/301 area code telephone.
Guides and Outfitters
As part of DNR’s Nature Tourism Program, the park office can provide information on commercial guides and outfitters or organizing group outings at 301-334-9180.
Western Garrett County State Park Volunteers
Join a dedicated and supportive group of individuals who are interested in assisting the staff in park operations, outreach and special events. Call the park for further information or to join.
From Baltimore/Washington (3-5 hours): Follow I-70 west to Hancock, Maryland. Exit onto I-68 west and proceed for approximately 60 miles. Take Exit 14 onto Route 219 south, Keysers Ridge. Proceed 19.5 miles to Mayhew Inn Road (located 2 miles past McHenry, Maryland). Turn right on Mayhew Inn Road, travel 4.5 miles to end of road. At the stop sign turn left onto Oakland-Sang Run Road. Travel 0.3 miles, take first right onto Swallow Falls Road. Proceed 5.8 miles to Herrington Manor State Park.

From Pittsburgh and points west (2.5 hours): Follow I-79 south to Morgantown, WV. Take I-68 east. Take Exit 14 onto Route 219 south, Keysers Ridge. Follow directions above.

Herrington Manor State Park
222 Herrington Lane
Oakland MD 21550

Herrington Manor State Park is open from dawn to dusk, year-round.

This trail guide, complete with a topographical map of the multi-use trails, is available for sale from Herrington Manor State Park headquarters by calling 301-334-9180.

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Long & Foster Real Estate for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350