Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Autumn Glory, Oktobertferst and Upcoming Fall Events

Oct 10 – Oct 14 45th Annual Autumn Glory Festival
The 45th annual Autumn Glory Festival includes parades, music, craft shows, kick-off reception, musical competitions, farmers market, scenic driving tour and more. View our detailed Autumn Glory Festival brochure!

Date: October 10, 2012
Location: throughout Garrett County
Contact: 301.387.4386

Oct 10 – Oct 13 Glorious Harvest Farmers Market & Craft Show
Join us for an old-fashioned famers market and craft show including wonderful handmade crafts, homemade baked goods, pumpkins & fall decorations, home-grown fresh vegetables and fruits, jams & jellies and more!

Date: October 10, 2012
Website: http://www.MountainFresh.org
Location: Oakland Mt. Fresh Pavilion
Date/Time Details: Wednesday: 10 am – 1 pm, Thursday: 11 am – 5 pm, Friday: 9 am – 5 pm & Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Fees/Admission: Free Admission

Oct 10 Dogsledding Presentation and Kennel Visit

Enjoy an educational and entertaining dogsledding presentation. Grill mushers; see equipment; hug gorgeous and friendly HUSKIES; watch an exciting film of them working/pulling (or see a real team run if it’s cold enough) and learn a lot! No reservations required this day. It is a two hour program starting at 10 am. Price: $20 each.

Note: We offer this same tour (but by reservation only and with a minimum price) almost every day. Please see our website for more info: “Tours” page.
Date: October 10, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Website: http://www.HuskyPowerDogsledding.com
Location: Husky Power Dogsledding at Mountain MD Kennels, LLC
Address: 2008 Bumble Bee Road, Accident, MD 21520 — Three Miles from Wisp – near the Airport in McHenry
Contact: 301-746-7200
Date/Time Details: 10 am – noon
Fees/Admission: $20

Oct 10 Charity Cut-A-Thon
Join Nolas Salon for our first annual cut-a-thon. Proceeds from the day will be donated to Garrett Mentors.

Walk in no appointment needed. Just walk in to get your haircut or shampoo and style or a blowout!!!

We will also have baskets from many of our local non profit organizations to raffle off.

Just stop in and see.

*minimum donation for cut or style just $10.00
Date: October 10, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Nolas Salon 212 E. Alder St. Oakland, MD
Contact: Donna Thall 301-533-0533
EMail: nolasalon@gmail.com
Date/Time Details: October 10 10:00am-5:00pm

Oct 10 Free 30 minute Pilates Reformer Classes
Have you wondered why pilates is one of the fastest growing forms of exercise? Experience the pilates reformer, and learn how the pilates method will transform you inside, and out! For new students only. Call for times/days. Offer ends 12/01/12
Date: October 10, 2012
Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Website: http://www.balancedbodystudio.com
Location: 1550 Deep Creek Drive, McHenry, MD 21541 Suite E/F
( The Fort )
Contact: Jennifer Christophel – 301-387-7585
EMail: jennifer@balancedbodystudio.com
Date/Time Details: Sessions available every Wednesday Between 12 and 2pm
Fees/Admission: FREE

Oct 10 Autumn Glory Festival Kick-Off Dinner 2012
The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce invites you to kick off the 45th Annual Autumn Glory Festival at Wisp Resort. The dinner is sponsored by Clear Mountain Bank. Music will be provided by The Remedy and is sponsored by Wisp Resort.
Date: October 10, 2012
Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

The Lodge at Wisp Resort
290 Marsh Hill Road
McHenry, MD 21541
Contact: Charlotte Sebold 301-387-6171
EMail: charlotte@garrettchamber.com
Date/Time Details: 6:00 pm Social Hour
7:00 pm Dinner
8:00 pm Program
8:30 pm Music
Fees/Admission: Tickets ($195 per couple)
Tickets ($100 per individual)
Corporate Table Seating 8 ($750)

Oct 11 Oktoberfest Dinner & Celebration
4 pm – 7 pm dinner will be served at the Oakland Fire Hall. Featuring German-style food, drink and live “Oom-pah” band. Lots of good family fun. The band begins after parade. Oktoberfest is sponsored by the Oakland Volunteer Fire Department.
Date: October 11, 2012
Location: Oakland Fire Hall
Contact: 301.334.3535
Fees/Admission: Free Admission, Dinner Charge
Oct 11 Fireman’s Parade
Gigantic fireman’s parade with fire and rescue units traveling over 200 miles from throughout the tri-state area.
Date: October 11, 2012
Contact: 301.334.3535
Fees/Admission: Free Admission.
Oct 12 – Oct 13 The Haunted Shack
Open Friday, Saturday night.
Date: October 12, 2012
Website: http://www.wispresort.com
EMail: info@wispresort.com

Oct 12 – Oct 14 High Mountain Sports Annual Autumn Glory Ski & Snowboard Swap
Stop in during Autumn Glory Weekend to find that perfect pair of used skis or a kickin’ snowboard to state junior snowboarding. Drop off used equipment Fri 9 – 7 and Sat. morning. Antique wooden skis & snowshoes welcome. This is a perfect time to outfit the entire family at a bargain price!
Date: October 12, 2012
Location: Trader’s Landing .5 miles south of the 219 Bridge.
Contact: 301.387.4199
Date/Time Details:

9 am – 6 pm Friday, Saturday & Sunday.
Fees/Admission: Free Admission.

Oct 12 – Oct 14 10th Annual Quilt Show & Sale
See beautiful hand-made quilts from area artisans. Vendors, raffle quilts, quilts for sale and vote for your favorite. Presented by Heritage Quilters.
Date: October 12, 2012
Location: St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Hall, corner of Oak & 4th Streets in Oakland
Contact: 301.387.4959
Date/Time Details: Friday & Saturday: 10 am – 5 pm & Sunday: 10 am – 3 pm
Fees/Admission: Admission: $2

Oct 12 Fort Association Octoberfest
Join Smiley’s, Black Bear Tavern and Pine Lodge Steakhouse for a fun-filled evening of great food and drink specials, games and live entertainment. A portion of the proceeds for this event will be donated to the Garrett County Community School Support Fund, benefiting the teachers and students of Garrett County.
Date: October 12, 2012
Website: http://www.dclfun.com

Smiley’s, Black Bear Tavern and Pine Lodge Steakhouse, located at The Fort in McHenry.
Contact: 301.387.0059
Date/Time Details: 4 pm – 10 pm
Fees/Admission: $5 admission per person.
Oct 12 Free Wine & Cheese Tasting

Free Wine & Cheese Tasting at McHenry Beverage Shoppe
Date: October 12, 2012
Time: 4:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Website: http://www.shopdeepcreek.com
Location: McHenry Beverage Shoppe, McHenry Plaza, 24465 Garrett Hwy., McHenry, Maryland 21541
Contact: 301-387-5518
EMail: mchenrybeverage@yahoo.com
Date/Time Details: October 12, 2012 from 4 PM to 7 PM
Fees/Admission: No Admission Fee

Oct 12 – Oct 13 Maryland State Banjo, Fiddle, and Mandolin Championships
Banjo/Mandolin Contest October 12, 2012-7:00PM
Fiddle Contest October 13, 2012- 7:00 PM
Doors Open at 6:00PM
Southern High School Gymnasium
Oakland, Maryland
$12 in Advance
$15 at the Door
Date: October 12, 2012
Time: 6:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Website: http://www.mdbanjoandfiddle.com
Location: Southern High School Gymnasium
Contact: mdbanjoandfiddle.com or call ASCI 301-387-3250
Date/Time Details: Both Days: Doors open at 6
Both Days: Contest begins at 7 pm
Fees/Admission: Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door.

Oct 12 J.S. Bach Organ Recital by Rev. Dr. C. Ahlman, PhD Organ Performance

Come and join us for a full-length organ recital by the Rev. Dr. Christopher Ahlman. Dr. Ahlman has recently been sent by the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod to be a missionary to Leipzig, Germany, “The City of Music.” Dr. Ahlman will be performing a selection of J.S. Bach’s works composed during his time as the Kantor (professional Lutheran church musician) of the St Thomas and St. Nicholas churches in Leipzig. Dr. Ahlman holds an MDiv from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, an MA from Notre Dame, and a PhD from the University of Texas in Austin. A free will donation will be collected for Rev. Dr. Ahlman’s work in former East-Germany and Eurasia.
Date: October 12, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Website: http://www.zionaccident.com
Location: Zion Lutheran Church, Accident, MD
Contact: 301-746-8170
EMail: office@zionaccident.com
Date/Time Details: October 12, 7:00 PM
Fees/Admission: Free (free will donation for this mission will be collected)

Oct 13 Autumn Glory Grand Feature Parade

Sponsored by My Bank First United Bank & Trust
The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce’s Autumn Glory Grand Feature Parade features bands, marching units, clowns, drum and bugle corps, and many unique floats by local clubs and organizations. The Grand Feature Parade is sponsored by My Bank! First United Bank & Trust.
Date: October 13, 2012
Location: Downtown Oakland
Contact: 301.387.4386
Date/Time Details: 1 pm
Fees/Admission: Free Admission

Oct 13 – Oct 14 Autumn Glory Craft & Gift Sale 2012
This years Autumn Glory Craft & Gift Sale, presented by Susquehanna Bank, will be held again at the New Exhibit Hall at the Garrett County Fairgrounds on Route 219 (Garrett Highway) in McHenry, MD. This year’s Craft and Gift Sale will be October 13-14, 2012. This location allows more space for crafters, all exhibitors will be in the centralized location and with the new parking area off of Mosser Road we will have plenty of easy accessible parking spaces for our shoppers. We will have an even wider variety of crafts and gifts than last year including woodworking, candles, painted decor, jewelry, specialty foods and much more. Hours are 10 AM – 6 PM on Saturday and 10 AM – 4 PM on Sunday. You will love our new show and our new location. Refreshments will be available.
Date: October 13, 2012
Location: New Exhibit Hall
Garrett County Fairgrounds
Route 219, Garrett Highway
McHenry, MD 21541
Contact: Charlotte Sebold
EMail: charlotte@garrettchamber.com
Date/Time Details: Saturday, October 13, 2012 10 AM – 6 PM
Sunday, October 14, 2012 10 AM – 4 PM
Fees/Admission: Free Admission

Oct 13 35th Annual Western Maryland Tournament of Bands
Marching bands from the tri-state region come together for a judged field show competition at Southern High School. This is great entertainment for the entire family! Concessions available.
Date: October 13, 2012
Location: Southern High School Field on Dennett Road
Contact: 301.616.0104
Date/Time Details:

6 pm

$6 for adults, $3 for students, K-12, free for those 4 and younger

Oct 13 Garrett College Alumni Homecoming
Garrett College Alumni are invited to participate in a fun day of activities with fellow alumni. Start the day with participation in the Autumn Glory Parade at 1:00 as you join the Garrett College Float and represent your class year. Head to Hookers Seafood and Grill for a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings starting at 1:00 pm. Meet and catch up with fellow alumni during the Alumni Reception from 6 – 7:30 pm at the GC CARC. End the day with a laugh as you watch the Court Jesters from New Jersey take on the Garrett County Dream Team for a night of comedy basketball starting at 8:00 pm. Go to www.garrettcollege.edu to register online to participate. For more information call 301-387-3045.
Date: October 13, 2012
Website: http://www.garrettcollege.edu
Location: Garrett College
Contact: Ann Wellham
EMail: ann.wellham@garrettcollege.edu
Date/Time Details: Saturday, October 13, 2012 – Full Day events
Fees/Admission: Parade participation free, Alumni Reception Free, Turkey dinners $11.95 per person, Court Jester game tickets at the door $12 per person (5 and under free) Advance ticket specials available

Oct 13 Free Wine & Cheese Tasting
Wine & Cheese Tasting At McHenry Beverage Shoppe
Date: October 13, 2012
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Website: http://www.shopdeepcreek.com
Location: McHenry Beverage Shoppe, McHenry Plaza, 24465 Garrett Hwy., McHenry, Maryland 21541
Contact: 301-387-5518
EMail: mchenrybeverage@yahoo.com
Date/Time Details: October 13, 2012 from 1PM to 5PM
Fees/Admission: No Fee For Admission

Oct 13 – Oct 14 The Lake Effect
Benefit Dance for the late Cody Ferigson scholarship fund… we will be having Cody’s Wednesday hot wings, ice tea special. 50/50 drawing. The band plays rock and southern rock and also former class mates of cody. Hot wing will start at 8 p.m. and the band starts at 9 p.m.
Date: October 13, 2012
Time: 8:00 PM – 1:30 AM
Website: http://www.lbsaloon.com
Location: Long Branch Saloon
Contact: Autumn Williams
EMail: lbsaloon@cebridge.net
Date/Time Details: Saturday 10-13
Fees/Admission: $5.00 per person

Oct 13 Court Jesters vs the Garrett County Dream Team Comedy Baseketball Game
Enjoy the comedy antics of the nationally-known Court Jesters as they take on the Garrett County Dream Team in a basektball game on Saturday, October 13, 2012 at 8:00 pm in the brand new CARC Gymnasium. Advance ticket purchase specials include individual ticket price for game only of $10 per person (5 and under free). Add a day of swimming to your ticket for an additional $5 per person. Take advantage of the Fun 4-Pack-includes a day of swimming and tickets for the game for a family of 4 at the low price of $40.00. Ticket purchase at the door is $12.00 per person. Game-only tickets at the door. Advance tickets may be purchased on line at www.garrettcollege.edu/courtjesters , CARC Front Desk, Garrett College CEWD Office, Liberty Gas Station, Accident, MD, SHop N Save, McHenry, MD, and Traders Coffee House, Garrett Highway.
Date: October 13, 2012
Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Website: http://www.garrettcollege.edu
Location: Garrett College CARC Gymnasium
Contact: Shawn Noel
EMail: shawn.noel@garrettcollege.edu
Date/Time Details: Saturday, October 13, 2012 8:00 p.m.
Fees/Admission: Information on advance ticket specials available at www.garrettcollege.edu. Ticket price at the door is $12 per person (5 and under free)

Oct 14 Autumn Glory Festival Car Show 2012
Antique, Street Rod, Classic Car, Truck and Tractor Show. Non-judged show, first 150 registered will receive wall plaques. Step back into time and see lots of beautiful vehicles. Food, raffles, door prizes, games and Chinese Auction. Free admission to spectators. Oakland-area businesses will be open.
Date: October 14, 2012
Location: Downtown Oakland
Contact: 301.334.8130
Date/Time Details: 9 am – 4 pm
Fees/Admission: Registration: 9 am – 1 pm, registration fee: $10

Oct 14 Great Pumpkin Festival

Sixth year of pumpkin mania on the mountain. Registration opens at 10 am for pre-carved pumpkin contest, followed by the greased pumpkin relay, the Great Pumpkin Regatta, where numbered pumpkins are released to ride the rapids for prizes and the “anything that floats” Hooligan race. More than $500 in prizes. Proceeds benefit the Dove
Center (domestic violence shelter).
Date: October 14, 2012
Website: http://www.adventuresportscenter.com
Location: Adventure Sports Center International
Contact: 301.387.3250
Date/Time Details: 10 am – 1:30 pm
Fees/Admission: Free Admission; Races: $25 per team.

Oct 14 No Hands Sundae Eating Contest
Kids and Kids at heart will bury their faces in 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, gooey chocolate syrup, sprinkles and whipped cream at this annual contest. 15-25 contestants compete at a time by age group. Advance registration is suggested by calling 301.387.2580.
Date: October 14, 2012
Website: http://www.lakesidecreamery.com
Location: Lakeside Creamery
Date/Time Details: Registration at 1:15 pm, Contest Begins at 2 pm.
Fees/Admission: $5 admission fee; event benefits Garrett Mentors.

Oct 14 Meet & Greet with Miss Maryland Joanna Guy
The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce will be holding a Meet & Greet with the Autumn Glory Grand Feature Parade Grand Marshal, Miss Maryland Joanna Guy. The Meet & Greet will be held at 11 am during the Autumn Glory Craft & Gift Sale at the Exhibit Hall at the Garrett County Fairgrounds on Sunday, October 14th. GCC Technologies is the sponsor of the Grand Marshal position. The Autumn Glory Craft & Gift Sale is sponsored by Susquehanna Bank.

Guy was named Miss Maryland during her first appearance in the state pageant and she will represent Maryland in the 2013 Miss America pageant in January. She is only the second woman from Garrett County to be named Miss Maryland.

Joanna Guy graduated from Southern Garrett High School in 2009 and currently attends Cornell University, where she is majoring in government with a minor in music. A member of the Cornell University chorus, Guy is also a soloist with the After Eight a capella group. Guy is a Congressional Award for Youth Gold Medal recipient, a Maryland Distinguished Scholar, a National History Day state winner, an Intel International Science Fair award winner and she has previously held the titles of Miss Queen State and Miss Maryland Outstanding Teen. In preparation for law school, Guy interned for Senator Ben Cardin in 2011 and most recently, she was a research assistant at Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann LLP in Baltimore during the summer of 2012.

As Grand Marshal, Joanna will be featured in the annual Autumn Glory Grand Feature parade which begins at 1 pm in Oakland on Saturday, October 13th.

Date: October 14, 2012Location: During the Autumn Glory Craft & Gift Sale at the Exhibit Hall at the Garrett County Fairgrounds
Date/Time Details: 11 am. Sunday, October 14, 2012
Fees/Admission: Free

Oct 15 The Great Pumpkin Festival
10am – 1:20pm, Competitions begin at 11:30am, Adventure Sports Center International. Sixth year of pumpkin mania on the mountain. Registration opens at 10am for pre-carved pumpkin contest, followed by the greased pumpkin relay, the Great Pumpkin Regatta, where numbered pumpkins are released to ride the rapids of prizes and the “anything that floats” Hooligan race. More that $500 in prizes. Free admision; Races: $25 per team. Proceeds benefit the Dove Center (domestice vioence shelter).
Date: October 15, 2012
Website: http://www.adventuresortscenter.com
Location: Adventure Sports Center International (ASCI)
Contact: 301.387.3250
Date/Time Details: October 15, 2012 10AM
Fees/Admission: $25 per team

Oct 17 Mountain Fresh Farmers MarketVisit the Mountain Fresh Farmers Markets to find locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, home-baked goods, jams & jellies, plants, personal care items, and crafts.
Date: October 17, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Website: http://www.MountainFresh.org
Location: Mt. Fresh Pavilion
2nd Street & Town Park Lane
Oakland, MD 21550
Contact: 301-334-6960 or info@mountainfresh.org
EMail: info@MountainFresh.org
Date/Time Details: Wednesdays & Saturdays
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Fees/Admission: Free

Oct 19 – Oct 20 The Haunted Shack
Open Friday & Saturday night.
Date: October 19, 2012
Website: http://www.wispresort.com
EMail: info@wispresort.com

Oct 20 Mountain Fresh Farmers Market
Visit the Mountain Fresh Farmers Markets to find locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, home-baked goods, jams & jellies, plants, personal care items, and crafts.
Date: October 20, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Website: http://www.MountainFresh.org
Location: Mt. Fresh Pavilion
2nd Street & Town Park Lane
Oakland, MD 21550
Contact: 301-334-6960 or info@mountainfresh.org
EMail: info@MountainFresh.org
Date/Time Details: Wednesdays & Saturdays
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Fees/Admission: Free

Oct 20 Fall Bazaar
Genuine country church bazaar with famous homemade apple dumplings, sauerkraut, soups, arts and crafts, comforters, holiday items, backed goods, woven rugs, and more. Come early to take home some of our famous sauerkraut, and then stay for lunch!
Date: October 20, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Website: http://www.zionaccident.com
Location: Zion Lutheran Church
Contact: 301-746-8170
EMail: office@zionaccident.com
Date/Time Details: October 20, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Fees/Admission: Free.
Oct 20 Free Wine & Cheese Tasting
Wine & Cheese Tasting at McHenry Beverage Shoppe
Date: October 20, 2012
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Website: http://www.shopdeepcreek.com
Location: McHenry Beverage Shoppe, McHenry Plaza, 24465 Garrett Hwy., McHenry, Maryland 21541
Contact: 301-387-5518
EMail: mchenrybeverage@yahoo.com
Date/Time Details: October 20, 2012 1 PM to 5 PM
Fees/Admission: No Admission Fee

Oct 20 I Can Swim-athon
Everyone can participate!
-Take a dip in the Warm Water Pool
-Triathletes take the challenge of either 30 or 70 mile triathalon swim
-Collect pledges from family and friends for the I Can Swim Program

100% of the money raised from the I Can Swim-athon will go directly to funding the Joan & Bill Crawford I Can Swim Program.

For more information and to register visit http://www.icanswimprogram.org/!
Date: October 20, 2012
Time: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Website: http://www.icanswimprogram.org
Location: Garrett College Community Aquatic & Recreation Complex
Contact: Garrett College Foundation
EMail: gcfevent@garrettcollege.edu
Date/Time Details: Saturday, October 20, 2012 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Fees/Admission: Minimum donation of $25 to participate

Oct 26 – Oct 27 The Haunted Shack
Open Friday & Saturday night.
Date: October 26, 2012
Website: http://www.wispresort.com
EMail: info@wispresort.com

Oct 27 Mountain Fresh Farmers Market
Visit the Mountain Fresh Farmers Markets to find locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, home-baked goods, jams & jellies, plants, personal care items, and crafts.
Date: October 27, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Website: http://www.MountainFresh.org
Location: Mt. Fresh Pavilion
2nd Street & Town Park Lane
Oakland, MD 21550
Contact: 301-334-6960 or info@mountainfresh.org
EMail: info@MountainFresh.org
Date/Time Details: Wednesdays & Saturdays
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Fees/Admission: Free

Oct 27 Free Wine & Cheese Tasting
Wine & Cheese Tasting at McHenry Beverage Shoppe
Date: October 27, 2012
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Website: http://www.shopdeepcreek.com
Location: McHenry Beverage Shoppe, McHenry Plaza, 24465 Garre
tt Hwy., McHenry, Maryland 21541
Contact: 301-387-5518
EMail: mchenrybeverage@yahoo.com
Date/Time Details: October 27, 2012 from 1 PM to 5 PM
Fees/Admission: No Admission Fee

Oct 27 Honi Halloween Costume Party!
Join us for our annual Halloween Costume Party at the Honi Honi Bar. Featuring live band entertainment, drink specials, and prizes for the best costumes!
Date: October 27, 2012
Time: 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Website: http://www.honi-honi.com
Location: Honi Honi Bar
EMail: sholler@arrowheadmarket.com
Date/Time Details: Saturday, October 27th from 8-11 pm
Oct 27 – Oct 28 Johnny Freak
Halloween costume party dress to impress…. Johnny Freak plays southern rock, rock, 80’s
Date: October 27, 2012
Time: 10:00 PM – 1:30 AM
Website: http://www.lbsaloon.com
Location: Long Branch Saloon
Contact: Autumn Williams
EMail: lbsaloon@cebridge.net

Oct 31 Mountain Fresh Farmers Market
Visit the Mountain Fresh Farmers Markets to find locally produced fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, home-baked goods, jams & jellies, plants, personal care items, and crafts.
Date: October 31, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Website: http://www.MountainFresh.org
Location: Mt. Fresh Pavilion
2nd Street & Town Park Lane
Oakland, MD 21550
Contact: 301-334-6960 or info@mountainfresh.org
EMail: info@MountainFresh.org
Date/Time Details: Wednesdays & Saturdays
10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Fees/Admission: Free

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free — 

 Search Homes & Lots for Sale at Deep Creek Lake & Garrett County, Maryland

Garrett program awarded grant

From Staff Reports Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown recently presented the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area, a program of the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce, with a $30,000 matching grant in support of the PreK-12 Heritage Area Curriculum project, according to a news release.

“We are delighted to be awarded a Star-Spangled 200 grant,” said Dawn Hein, director of the Mountain Maryland Gateway to the West Heritage Area, in a news release.

“The grant will help us to engage our local community in the War of 1812 bicentennial commemoration through hands-on and experiential learning.”

The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce joined 21 other nonprofit and government organizations across Maryland, which together are investing more than $6 million in bicentennial projects that support programming, education, visitor experience and capital improvements and expand economic development and tourism-related job creation throughout the state.

More here.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free — 

 Search Homes & Lots for Sale at Deep Creek Lake & Garrett County, Maryland

Tuition-assistance proposal modeled after Garrett County, Md. program

October 06, 2012|By JULIE E. GREENE |

Two years ago, when Dr. Mitesh Kothari and local attorney Jeanne Singer became co-chairs of the Greater Hagerstown Committee’s Education Forum, they decided they wanted to tackle a meaningful project.

So they brainstormed with forum members, who are representatives from local educational institutions, and gathered data to devise an annual educational report card for the community. The issue that came to the forefront, they said, was the low percentage of people with post-secondary education among Washington County residents.

…The tuition-assistance proposal is modeled after a program in Garrett County, Md., which is funded through the Garrett County government and has experienced success, Greater Hagerstown officials said.

More here.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

877-563-5350 – toll free — 

 Search Homes & Lots for Sale at Deep Creek Lake & Garrett County, Maryland

Garrett County government launches new website

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — Garrett County government has a new website that promises to be more user-friendly and provide better news updates. The new website is aimed at simplifying the process of performing tasks or finding information that site visitors care about, said Andrew Sauder, software developer for the county.

“The old website presented a problem for anyone who didn’t know the corporate or hierarchical structure of the county government itself,” said Sauder during his presentation to commissioners Tuesday. “The main navigational side bar contained a list of 29 organizations or departments. If you didn’t know a department was under another department you wouldn’t be able to find it. Our search results were almost as bad as our navigation.”

The new navigation meth-odology on the website was designed for the public, according to Sauder.

The website also has new communication methods so the public can access the information that matters to them and also increases government transparency by sharing more information with the public, said Sauder.

On the old website there was disparity between the news that would show up on the home page and the news that was on Facebook or Twitter, according to Sauder.

“Our goal was to merge the two to make the information get to you as easily as we could,” said Sauder.

The news feeds on the website have been upgraded; each department has a news page; real time and weekly news updates can be provided via email; and website users can also sign up for critical alerts, according to Sauder. The new website also has a customizable news dashboard, according to Sauder.

The updated news feed is located in the middle of the home page.

“Any news article that appears here will also appear on Facebook and Twitter. It’s automatically posted there,” said Sauder. “The home page will display the top six most-current news events or press releases.”

Before, all news postings and website updates had to go through the Information Technology Department, and now each department has control over its own Web content, according to Sauder.

“This created a lag time in getting news articles posted and it created an inefficiency in getting updates to the website out. We were going through multiple steps to get one thing accomplished,” said Sauder. “We are also implementing a mobile site because when was the last time you went somewhere in public and didn’t see a cell phone out.”

The new website has been in the works since early June and has been done in-house by Sauder to save the county money, according to Commissioner Gregan Crawford.

“About a year ago we had a presentation by a company that develops municipal websites and they wanted to do it for about $55,000 a year with a $3,000- to $4,000-a-year maintenance fee,” said Crawford. “That was kind of a large chunk to bite off. It is such a quantum leap forward.”

Also during the meeting the commission:

• Heard updates from the engineering and economic development departments.

• Proclaimed October Breast Cancer Month and I Can Swim Month.

• Sandy Bell, chair of Cindy’s Fund, was named as Garrett County’s Most Beautiful Person 2012. Bell started Cindy’s Fund in 2003 in honor of her sister who died from cancer.

The new website can be viewed at http://www.co.garrett.md.us.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

More here.

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Grant goes to Garrett for culinary event, guide

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Department of Economic Development received more than $20,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, which was authorized in the 2008 Farm Bill.

The $20,120 grant will be used to increase public awareness of the culinary heritage of the area, to develop a local foods guide and to host a culinary heritage event similar to the Cast Iron Cook-Off at the Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., according to Cheryl DeBerry, natural resources business specialist.

“I’m very excited to highlight the crops that grow very well in Garrett County. We have a high quality of crops and plenty to harvest,” said DeBerry. “We have a wonderful berry produce that has been here for generations. There are a few benefits to living in the mountains.”

The grant must be used on noncommodity foods and can’t be spent on wild foods like ramps, DeBerry said during a county commission meeting on Tuesday. Specialty crops are defined as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture and nursery crops, according to a news release from the USDA.

Nicole Christian, president and CEO of the Garrett County Chamber of Commerce, indicated that there may be Heritage Area money available to help support the local foods guide.

During the commission meeting, DeBerry said that she hoped the grant would help local farmers, increase farm sales and get people interested in farming.

“There was a study out last year that said Appalachia was the most diverse foodshed in the whole U.S.,” said DeBerry during the commission meeting. “There are over 15,000 indigenous plants that include edible fruits and vegetables. I think we need to celebrate that.”

This is the first time that the Department of Economic Development has gotten this grant, said DeBerry, who noted she requested $22,500 when applying for the grant. The Maryland Department of Agriculture announced that $354,466 in grants were funded in the state.

This will likely be the last of the Specialty Crop grant program, pending the U.S. Congress passage of a new Farm Bill, according to a news release.

“The 2008 Farm Bill provided significant grant funding dedicated to specialty crops to become available,” said Agriculture Secretary Buddy Hance. “These funds are a great opportunity to help farmers and value-added producers advance and promote local specialty crops in the marketplace, spark new markets, job creation and help keep Maryland smart, green and growing.”

Of the USDA’s $101 million in Specialty Crop grants, approximately $55 million will be invested in 56 specialty grants to states that fund 748 initiatives across the country to strengthen markets and expand economic opportunities for local and regional producers, according to the news release.

An additional $46 million will go to support new and continuing research and extension activities to address challenges and opportunities for growers and businesses that rely on a sustainable, profitable specialty crops industry.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

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Garrett County changing material applied to roads during winter

MDE claims department in violation of state code

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Roads Department is planning on using anti-skid only on the roads next year as opposed to a blend of anti-skid and bottom ash, announced General Roads Superintendent Jay Moyer during the county commission meeting Tuesday.

The decision was made because the Maryland Department of the Environment told the department it is in violation of state code and because of budget constraints, according to Moyer. Moyer requested a waiver from MDE for the violation and was denied it.

“My recommendation is we are going to go ahead this year … will use those piles down,” said Moyer, who noted that next year nothing will be added to the anti-skid piles except in those areas where salt is used.

Bottom ash is the result of coal combustion and is a byproduct, according to Moyer. The anti-skid blend is used to loosen up ice on the road surfaces so that the Roads Department can plow them.

In March, Mitchell Welsh of the Compliance Division of MDE, who specializes in the Solid Waste Program, visited the department and observed a violation in the way the bottom ash was stored at the four garages.

“This is a safety issue. That is what this boils down to,” said Moyer. “We have never had a violation. We have never been cited in the past. It’s never been an issue before with this being used as a product.”

Currently the department uses salt in a limited fashion only in areas that are heavily traveled by tourists such as New Germany, Lower New Germany, Glendale and Sand Flat roads.

“We have also signed a contract with (the) State Highway Adminstration recently that will allow us to buy up to $250,000 worth of salt per year for the next five years,” said Moyer. “But it’s expensive; it’s $68 a ton versus $6.75 a ton for bottom ash.”

MDE advised the county that it needs an industrial storm water permit at the sites where the anti-skid is stored.  

Moyer indicated in a letter to Edward Dexter, program administrator for the MDE Land Management Administration Solid Waste Program, that the Roads Department has sediment control ponds at each of the four garages. Moyer also indicated that the department had applied for the storm water permit.

The anti-skid has been stored at each of the garage sites for many years with little or no environmental impact on the surrounding areas, according to Moyer.

“The bottom ash is monitored by the (U.S.) EPA (Environmental Protection

Agency). It is tested and certified as having no significant impact on the environment,” said Moyer.

MDE is OK with the department using the bottom ash on the road but is worried about it blowing out from the stockpile into the atmosphere and washing away during rain events, according to Moyer.

“When we are done, we encapsulate those piles in pure anti-skid, which prevents any wind issues,” said Moyer.

Along with his request for a waiver from the MDE, Moyer attached a product analysis provided by Belmont Aggregates.

“… test results that you supplied indicated that the leachate to be expected from this material is likely to exceed the state and federal drinking water standards for antimony, and to exceed Maryland’s groundwater standards for antimony and iron,” wrote Dexter in re-sponse to Moyer’s request for a waiver. “At this time, there are no barriers to prevent the escape of chemicals leaching out of the piles into the surface and groundwater. Garrett County has not demonstrated how the existing storage system can meet the storage requirements.”

Monty Pagenhardt, county administrator, wrote a letter to Dexter expressing his disappointment over the fact that waiver request was denied. Pagenhardt indicated that because of the costs associated with fixing the violation that it “left the county in a position to redirect funds from other public services at a time when revenue from every source is being diminished.”

MDE recommended that the department construct buildings at the garage storage sites to cover the abrasive stockpile or to cover it with a tarp, according to Moyer. Building construction would cost about $200,000 for each site.

“With the current economic climate and impending close of the winter operation’s season upon us, it would be very expensive, cumbersome and offer little guarantee of obtaining the required results to try to cover the stockpile with tarps in order to try and achieve the required results,” wrote Moyer.

The county’s Department of Engineering has measured the stockpiles and determined that it would take a tarp the size of an acre to cover one bottom ash pile, according to Moyer.

“Their (MDE) answer back to that was just use smaller tarps,” said Moyer. “Well these are huge anti-skid piles.”

Moyer indicated that it would be dangerous and time-consuming for the road department employees to remove snow from the tarps in order to get to the anti-skid.

“To me that’s not an option; the tarps are out,” said Moyer.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

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New wing of hospital starts spring 2013

Garrett medical center wants to have renovations on third floor complete by October ’14

Elaine Blaisdell Cumberland Times-News

OAKLAND — The groundbreaking of the new wing expansion at the Garrett County Memorial Hospital will likely be done in the spring of 2013, according to Donald Battista, the hospital’s president and CEO.

“We are getting closer. Our Health Services Cost Review Commission review has been docketed … and so has our Certificate of Need,” said Battista during his presentation to the county commissioners Tuesday. “So, we are assuming they will have some adjudications of those applications somewhere in the November/ December time frame.”

The first additional wing expansion on the third floor will ostensibly be completed in October 2014, said Tracy Lipscomb, chief financial officer for the hospital.

“We have been working on this since about 2010,” said Battista.

The wing expansion will include a new four-story addition to the existing hospital with a focus on improvements to inpatient units.

This will be the first improvement to the inpatient bed facility since 1980.

All the inpatient units will be enhanced with major renovations, according to Battista.

The proposed plan includes eight new private med-surg rooms — each allows for existing semiprivate conversions to private.

These additional rooms will allow enhanced patient privacy and safety and improved infection control management. The rooms will be sized to accommodate new patient care technology, said Battista. The plan proposes an additional 19,504 square feet.

Rehabilitation and renovations will be done to approximately one-third of the existing facility, or 41,938 square feet.

The proposed work will be done in four phases to be completed in about 36 months.

The hospital will stay operational during the construction process, according to Battista.

“You build the wing, then you start filling in some of the inpatient areas within that building,” said Battista. “It’s very thoughtfully considered; it’s not a short-term project. The basement area is an important part of this project.”

The improvement of the basement allows for renovations to the dining serving area and to the kitchen, increasing serving line and eating spaces, according to Battista.

The renovations to the basement will take place in Phase I, according to a handout provided at the meeting.

Total renovations to the hospital are expected to be completed in June 2016, said Lipscomb.

The total cost of the project will be about $23.5 million, with about $17.5 million in construction costs, according to Lipscomb. About $7.5 million of funding will come from hospital operations and cash reserves and $1 million will come from fundraising.

The county will be a co-signer for the $15 million that the hospital is going to borrow, according to Monty Pagenhardt, county administrator. The hospital would then pay off that debt service at 5.25 percent for 20 years, according to the handout. The hospital has borrowed money from the county in the past.

Hospitals in Maryland are funded differently than hospitals in West Virginia, said Battista.

“Maryland is the only state left that is regulated in terms of Medicare and Medicaid differently than the other 49,” said Battista. “The other 49 states are under something called Critical Access Hospitals.”

CAH is a special designation for rural health care under Medicare, according to Battista.

“It’s really low-volume, low-market areas that have to have some kind of health care for the citizens to access,” said Battista.

CAH provides cost-based reimbursements from Medicare that allow buildings to be constructed. The new Potomac Valley Hospital in Keyser, W.Va., was built under CAH status, according to Battista.

“There is no such thing in Maryland,” said Battista.

Contact Elaine Blaisdell at eblaisdell@times-news.com.

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Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

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Kitzmiller school, swamp land on Maryland agenda

Transfer of property from BOE comes from cost-cutting closure

From Staff Reports Cumberland Times-News

CUMBERLAND — The transfer of the ownership of Kitzmiller Elementary School in Garrett County to the county’s commissioners is on the state Board of Public Works agenda for Wednesday.

Also listed are the acquisition of a 256-acre parcel of land owned by the Cassellman Basin Coal Company with $550,000 in Project Open Spaces funds, along with several other local items.

The transfer of the school from the Garrett County Board of Education to the county comes after the school was closed May 30, following the school board’s April vote to do so in a cost-cutting measure.

The county voted later to allow Garrett County Community Action Committee to continue to use the former Kitzmiller school for Head Start during the current school year.

Approval of the transfer of the seven-acre site is recommended by The Interagency Committee on School Construction.

“As a condition of approval, the Garrett County government shall obtain approval from the Board of Public Works before transferring any right, title or interest to any portion of the facility,” the agenda said.

The coal company land acquisition will be the first for the new Cunningham Swamp Wildlife Management Area, according to the Board of Public Works. The land is ecologically important, according to board documents.

“The property supports several rare and listed species, including Wood horsetail (only one other is recorded in Maryland), bristly sarsaparilla (Aralia hispida), Nashville warbler, alder flycatcher and silver-bordered fritillary.

“The property’s large size, wetland community quality, species diversity and the number of rare species present make it an extremely high protection priority for the state,” a summary of the property’s environmental importance said.

The land will be protected from mining and surface discharges through agreements with the U.S. government, which owns most of the mineral rights under the land.

“Additionally, the MDE permitting process would prevent surface mining on Cunningham Swamp for any reserved coal rights,” the board’s agenda said.

Also on the agenda is the addition of 14 acres to complete a multi-parcel easement in the Mountain Ridge Rural Legacy Area in Allegany County. The land includes a significant golden eagle flyway. The full area includes some 30,640-acres.

The agenda also includes a $23,000 grant for Constitution Park pool upgrades and $14,000 for renovation of basketball courts at Frostburg Community Park.

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Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

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Garrett residential refuse tags on sale

OAKLAND — The Garrett County Department of Solid Waste & Recycling announces that the 2013 residential refuse permits are on sale.

Residents can purchase their permits online, by mail or in person at the landfill on Oakland Sang Run Road or the Garrett County tax office. The $50 fee can be paid in person using cash, check or money order.

Applications are available at all collection sites, online and at the Grantsville Library, Garrett County tax office and the landfill office.

For more information, go to www.co.garrett.md.us or call 301-387-0322.

Buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland? Call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues!

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Boy Scouts race on Garrett County whitewater course

15 teams navigate churning rapids in annual Potomac Council benefit

For the Cumberland Times-News Cumberland Times-News

MCHENRY— The swift waters of the man-made whitewater course atop Marsh Mountain in Garrett County proved to be the perfect venue last Sunday for an enthusiastic group of Boy Scouts to have fun while at the same time raising money for Potomac Council, which oversees Scouting activities in six counties in the region.

The occasion was the fifth annual whitewater rafting FundRacer on the course operated by Adventure Sports Center International. The event drew a total of 15 teams of Scouts and adult leaders, along with a professional guide from ASCI in each raft, competing in two divisions.

Troop 27 from Keyser, W.Va., turned in the day’s best time and was awarded the championship trophy which is rotated annually with the name of each year’s winning troop permanently engraved. Taking second place overall was Troop 24 of Frostburg. Each member of the winning raft received a free pass for an ASCI-guided program.

Don Olsen, Potomac Council executive, announced that approximately $4,400 was raised through the generosity of the FundRacer’s team sponsors from throughout the communities served by the council.

Kevin Turley, Potomac Council president, thanked the sponsors and recognized council volunteers Mike Fetchero and John Buchanan, who organized and conducted the fund-raising event, as well as Mike Logsdon, ASCI’s executive director, and his staff for their assistance.

Team sponsors included First United Bank & Trust, First Peoples Community Federal Credit Union, Keystone Lime Co., Billy Bender Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Joseph Reinhard, Hite Associates, Beitzel Corp., Aircon En-gineering, Mike and Angie Fetchero, Wamba Caravan 89 Order of Alhambra, ATK, Susquehanna Bank, Carpenters Local 1024, CBJZ, Pillar Innovations, Rehab 1st, Carl Belt Inc., LaVale Lions, TWR Communications, Gornall Construction and Rotary Club of Cumberland.

“The biggest thing about this event is that it’s probably one of the safest environments for a youth to learn a sport that can be hazardous and dangerous,” said Olsen. “This is a great proving and testing ground for them. It was very relaxed this year, really a good event, and the weather has been great. This is our fifth year for doing this and we’ve had good weather.”

Among the competitors Sunday was Nathan Turley, of Troop 29 in Wiley Ford, W.Va., who has participated in all five FundRacers since the event’s inception and was a member of the winning team in the first year.

“It’s always a great experience and I enjoy it,” he said. “I encourage anybody to do it.”

A senior at Bishop Walsh School, Turley was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout in April of this year.

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