Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Update on Public Works – Republican News

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Updates on McHenry, Ridgeview Valley, Airport & Wisp

“All construction work is complete, and the Ridgeview Valley and airport water storage tanks are online,” she said.

The director noted that a 32,000-gallon steel water storage tank from the Gorman system is now being used by McHenry. Gorman has a new concrete tank and no longer needs the steel one. The Gorman tank was dismantled, rehabilitated utilizing one half of its storage space, placed next to McHenry’s steel water storage tank, and put into service on June 1.

“With the addition of the second tank, a savings in electric costs will be realized due to a reduction in the pump cycles required to relay water to the 500,000 gallon tank on Wisp Mountain,” Lindsey said.

She added that having the second tank will enable the original tank to be taken offline for a short period in order to address operational problems and to allow for repainting.

Read the whole article here.
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