Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Garrett County Appreciation Day Slated For Aug. 10

Aug. 1, 2013


The second annual Garrett County Appreciation Day will be held on Saturday, Aug. 10, at the Community Aquatic and Recreation Complex (CARC), Garrett College, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This year’s theme is “Arts & Adventure.”

The event will feature swimming in the CARC pools, a hands-on art activity, a display of emergency vehicles, a Discovery Center Scales and Tails presentation, kindermusik, a candy drop, and more.

Free hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, soft drinks, and cake will be served at noon. Music will be provided by the Garrett Highlands Pipes & Drums.

Appreciation Day is sponsored by Garrett County government, the Garrett County Arts Council, and the CARC.


More here.

BOE Approves CARC As New Graduation Site


Mar. 14, 2013


The Garrett County Board of Education approved decisions on school graduation ceremonies during Tuesday’s scheduled board meeting. The board elected to hold graduation for both Northern and Southern high schools at the Community Aquatic and Recreational Center (CARC) at Garrett College. Furthermore, the board also approved a date of Saturday, June 1, for graduation ceremonies.

Paul Edwards, director of secondary education, noted that both high schools requested to move the graduation site to the CARC for several reasons, including unlimited seating at the CARC; weather concerns removed since graduation would be inside; and that the facility is air-conditioned.

Both principals met with senior class officials and teachers and are supportive of the change. School officials decided that they wanted to hold graduation on a Saturday instead of Sunday, as in the past. Dr. Richard MacLennan, president of Garrett College, was supportive of the change and would allow the BOE to use the facility without a fee.

The BOE, along with school officials, agreed to have Southern High School’s graduation ceremony at 10 a.m., followed by Northern High’s graduation at 3 p.m. The schools agreed to swap time frames every year.

More here.