Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Community Effort Ensure Groceries for Low-Income Students Over Christmas Break

In a heartwarming display of community spirit, local businesses, non-profits, and individuals came together to ensure low-income families in Garrett County had enough groceries over the Christmas break.

It all began when Jessica Wilson from Morningstar visited the Garrett County Extension Office, looking for a non-profit organization to support during the company’s annual Global Giving Drive. Employees donated funds, which were then matched by both the company’s owner and the company itself. Willie Lantz,  Garrett County Extension Agent, introduced Jessica to the newly formed Appalachian Farm and Food Alliance (AFFA), highlighting it as a deserving recipient of their generosity.

At that time, Willie Lantz and Melissa Bolyard, Garrett County Business Development’s Agriculture Business Specialist, had been collaborating with Community School Specialists on various projects. When the specialists expressed their urgent need to supply groceries to low-income families for the holiday break, we knew this was a perfect opportunity for a community-wide initiative.

They reached out to Casselman Market, who helped them order groceries for each family. Funds raised by Morningstar covered the costs. They also partnered with ALL Produce to include local potatoes and apples. Three members of a local Lutheran church further contributed by donating the $250 gift cards they each received for community volunteer work from the Thrivent Financial for Lutherans towards the grocery expenses. Casselman Market also covered some of the costs of the groceries.

Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry, led by Josh Wilson, played a pivotal role in securing deer meat through an extraordinary community initiative. Yoder’s Butcher Barn, owned by Ryan and Morgan Yoder, put out a call for deer donations on social media. The response from Garrett County hunters was nothing short of remarkable. These dedicated hunters, driven by a strong sense of community and generosity, donated 15 deer in a single weekend.

The efforts of these local hunters highlight a profound dedication to supporting those in need within their community. Many of these hunters regularly participate in such donation drives, understanding the significant impact their contributions can make. The donated deer not only provided a vital source of protein for many families but also demonstrated the deep-rooted traditions of sharing and caring in Garrett County.

Yoder’s Butcher Barn graciously covered the processing costs for 10 of the donated deer, ensuring the meat was properly prepared and packaged. Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry stepped in to cover the remaining costs, showcasing a seamless collaboration between various community members and organizations. This concerted effort yielded approximately 500 pounds of meat, with each family receiving a minimum of 2 pounds, and many families receiving even more.

Mountain Laurel Medical Center, represented by Corey Edmonds, donated the 125 bags needed to package the groceries. The coordination of the entire project was made possible by Melissa Bolyard and Willie Lantz, who each played a crucial role in organizing and facilitating the initiativ, together with the tireless efforts of the 5 Community School Specialists, Amy Egress of Broadford Elementary, Ashley Wilt of Crellin Elementary, Dana Mason of Grantsville Elementary, Heather Roth of Friendsville Elementary, and Megan Knepp of Yough Glades Elementary. The efforts were further supported by the AFFA.

In total, 125 families were served at five different school locations across the county, thanks to the incredible community effort and generosity of all involved. This initiative stands as a testament to what can be achieved when a community comes together to support those in need. What started as a group of employee donations of approximately $995.00 grew into $9,000.00 project.

List of donations:  

  • Employee Donations at Morningstar’s Oakland Office: $995.00
  • Morningstar Company/Owner Match: $1,738.00
  • Lutheran Gift Cards: $750.00
  • Yoder’s Butcher Barn’s Processing Donation: $1,225
  • Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry: $425.00
  • Value of Deer Donated: $3,960.00
  • Cloth Bags for Bagging Groceries: $150.00

This is the kind of work the AFFA wants to be involved with moving forward. Seeing a donation made by employees grow to an amount that made an actual difference in the lives of each student who received provisions over the Christmas season.