hen Gov. Larry Hogan pulled the plug on Baltimore’s Red Line last month, he rolled out $2 billion in spending on road projects, giving the state’s toll-free highway system its largest infusion of cash in decades.
In shifting Maryland’s transportation priorities from transit projects to roads, the Republican made clear that as long as he is governor, asphalt will flow freely.
But not necessarily evenly.
The list of major new projects that Hogan funded includes big-ticket highway improvements for rural Maryland, from Garrett County in the west to the Eastern Shore. There are projects costing $100 million or more in Prince George’s, Montgomery and Frederick counties.
In Baltimore City? Nothing.
In Baltimore County? Less than 1 percent of spending for new projects.
•Garrett County: $90 million, or more than 10 percent of the new project money, to realign U.S. 219 between Interstate 68 and the Pennsylvania line.
Read More Here: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/bs-md-hogan-highways-20150718-story.html#page=1