Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

>Gifts with sizzle

>Jay’s note: Garrett County bacon!! It’s internet famous apparently 🙂

You can find bacon for just about any dad this Father’s Day
June 15, 2011 12:05 AM

It must be true. How else can you explain this year’s online marketing blitz of bacony twists on the classic Father’s Day gifts like neckties, wallets, mouse pads and even cologne?

Don’t laugh on the last one. A 2009 poll in Great Britain showed more men were made happier by the aroma of sizzling bacon than by the scent of a newborn baby. Not sure what the implications of that onepoll.com factoid are for the meaning of the holiday coming up Sunday. But it sure makes it sound like a good idea to make sure your father wakes up to a house that smells like bacon on his special day. And there’s a breakfast-in-bed bacon for most any dad, regardless of his dietary preferences or health-related or religious restrictions…..

Does your dad strive to eat only natural foods?

“We have thick sliced, dry rubbed, uncured bacon. It’s all-natural pork raised without antibiotics and hormones. That’s my personal favorite,” says Peggy Van Cleef, meat buyer for Love Whole Foods in Ormond Beach, of a Garrett County bacon product. “Look on the back of it, the ingredients: pork, sea salt, raw sugar and spices. That’s it.”

Read more here.

If you or someone you know is considering buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! I take great pride in referrals, and I assure you, I will take great care of your friends, family & colleagues! As member of the Garrett County Board of Realtors, I can assist you with ANY listed property, regardless of the listing broker.

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