Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Garrett County's Most Beautiful Person chosen

Oct. 6, 2011

GC’s Most Beautiful Person for 2011 is Mary Frantz. The announcement was made on Tuesday during the county commissioners’ public meeting at the courthouse. The Friendsville resident was nominated by Mildred Wucik. Each year the pubic is invited to nominate individuals or groups that have made significant contributions to communities through their unpaid volunteer efforts. A local committee then chooses GC’s Most Beautiful Person. “Mary Frantz is one of our angels on Earth,” Wucik wrote in her nomination. “For many years she has participated in the Relay for Life and Hospice walks. For most years, she has been one of the top collectors.” In addition, Frantz has been a volunteer caregiver for the terminally ill for 27 years, helps numerous groups with their fundraising dinners, regularly donates to local food banks, visits nursing home residents and hospital patients to give encouragement, and transports individuals who can no longer drive. The commissioners presented Frantz with a proclamation and glassware from Simon Pearce. Sen. George Edwards also presented her with proclamations from the Maryland Senate and House of Delegates, congratulating her for being chosen the county’s Most Beautiful Person. Also nominated for the award were Tom Browning, Ann Smith, Don Sincell, Cindy Kutchman (posthumously) and Sandy Bell, Mary Jane Harvey, Mark Durst, Kathy Savage, Dick Schrock, and Brenda Brosnihan. Edwards congratulated all the nominees. “Thank you for all the outstanding work that you do to make Garrett County a much better place,” the senator said. Left to right are Commissioners Gregan Crawford, Jim Raley, and Bob Gatto; Frantz; and Edwards. Photo by John McEwen.

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