If you were at the Garrett County Agricultural Fair yesterday, you know first-hand how hot & muggy it was! I volunteered to work the Railey Realty booth in one of the exhibit barns. Very little heat escapes those barns, but it was well worth being there. Our best handout seemed to be the frisbees I got to see a lot of friends & families exploring, though the attendance overall was low at the fair – I think the looming storm clouds made people think twice about coming. For the record, it didn’t rain at all until I was on my way home at 9:02pm and even then, it sprinkled.
It was 86 degrees at 6pm last night – which is much warmer than a typical night at the fair. I got to partake in my favorite fair cuisine – a Lions club chicken dinner. Once again, they delivered the goods with a perfectly moist and impeccably seasoned chicken. If the weather holds out, we’ll be attending again this evening with the kids in tow. I still need to have some Rotary fries and a Farm Bureau milkshake If you weren’t already aware, tickets at the gate are $10/each. BUT, Slopeside Exxon is selling books of 6 tickets for $30 – definitely a $$$ saver.
Something I really enjoy is looking at the photographs that are entered – there are great pics and I uploaded a video to Facebook (of course, the I Love Garrett County & Deep Creek Group page) of all the photos – quality stuff! I got to talk to Donnie Storch from Bills Marine Service and he almost had me talked into a dune buggy looking Razr (?) for off-roading, etc….that’s all I need. Best part – it’ll go 70 mph. I also spent a lot of time talking to my neighbors in the exhibit barn – Paula & Tim Thomas, who is running for county commissioner. Very friendly folks who seemed to know EVERYBODY.
We have several friends who entered goats & livestock – I’m personally looking forward to seeing Noah interact with all of the farm animals tonight He’ll be 3 years old in a week and I think he’ll get to ride some rides this year, too!
Go to the fair! Here is a link to the schedule.