Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

County Commissioners Allocate $50,000 To "I Can Swim" Program

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Oct. 20, 2011

The Garrett County commissioners have allocated $50,000 for “I Can Swim.” In cooperation with the Board of Education, Garrett College developed the program with the goal of providing swimming and water safety training to every kindergarten student in the county.

Commissioner Jim Raley proposed the allocation during the commissioners’ public meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

“To me, as a nonswimmer, I know how important the program is,'” Raley said.

He said he had thought about the allocation for some time, but Gene Helbig’s letter to the editor in last week’s Republican “brought to light” the importance of I Can Swim.

Helbig, who lost his grandson Jack to a water accident, begged readers to donate to the program. Helbig and his wife Cathy recently presented a $1,000 check to I Can Swim. Their donation will enable 10 students to take swimming lessons.

Raley also noted that college officials were not afraid to implement the program, despite the lack of secured funding.

“What they did was forge ahead and said, ‘We’re going to do this,” Raley said.

Commissioner Bob Gatto, also an nonswimmer, approved Raley’s proposal.

“I can see the whole county benefiting from the I Can Swim program,” Gatto said. “I support the motion.”

Commissioner Gregan Crawford also approved the allocation.

The county’s donation will come from the unassigned fund balance in the fiscal year 2012 budget. Raley noted that recent developments, such as the sale of a county-owned facility in the Southern Industrial Park, make the allocation possible.

“We know that’s its an important enough program that the money is going to be well spent,” Raley said.

He stressed, however, that the funding would be for the first year only, to support the program in its initial stage and solicit more donors and sponsors.

I Can Swim classes began last week at the Garrett College Community Aquatic & Recreation Complex. The grand opening for Phase I of the complex will be held this Saturday, Oct. 22, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The commissioners will present a ceremonial check for $50,000 to Garrett College president Richard MacLennan during the event.

More here.

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