Plans are well under way for the inauguration of Dr. Richard L. MacLennan as president of Garrett College, which will take place on Saturday, April 9, at 11 a.m. in the gymnasium on the McHenry campus. The theme of this installation ceremony is “Celebrating the College in the Community,” and there will be a series of events and festivities open to the community.
“In selecting the events for this inaugural celebration, the planning committee members wanted to create a program that would reflect Dr. MacLennan’s focus on the college as an integral part of the larger community it serves,” said Dr. Jeanne Neff, planning committee chair and chair of the board of directors of the Garrett College Foundation. “It was his request that the Garrett County community be central to the celebration.”
The festive three-day agenda will include the third part of the Joan Crawford Lecture Series on Wednesday, April 6; a county-wide community service day involving students, faculty, and staff, followed by a family-style picnic and a Garrett Lakes Arts Festival performance by the Iona Pan-Celtic Band on Friday, April 8; and the pageantry of procession in full academic regalia for the presidential inauguration on Saturday, April 9. The inauguration ceremony will be followed by a reception and an evening gala event hosted by the Garrett College Foundation.
Dr. MacLennan assumed leadership as the 10th president of Garrett College in July 2010 after serving for 12 years as vice president of student services at Olympic College, a three-campus college in Kitsap County, Wash. A focus of his 25-year career has been helping people access training and education.
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