Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Commissioners Approve New Budget, Keep Real Property Tax Rate At $.99

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Jun. 3, 2010

Making do with less money will be Garrett County government’s objective in Fiscal Year 2011. The new operating and capital budget is $16.2 million less than FY 2010’s and $31 million less than 2009’s.

The county commissioners unanimously approved the new $68 million budget on Tuesday. Numerous county department heads and local residents attended the proceeding.

“This budget process began about two years ago, maybe even longer, when the county realized there were going to be some budget shortfalls and some reductions in available revenues,” said county administrator Monty Pagenhardt.

Based on that realization, the commissioners set the real property tax rate for FY ’11 at $.99 per $100 of assessed value, the same as the current fiscal year’s. This will apply to all areas of the county except Mtn. Lake Park. Because of a tax differential agreement, property owners in that town will pay $.942. For FY ’10, Mtn. Lake Park’s rate is $.937.

“I think this is a very responsible budget,” said Commissioner Ernie Gregg. “I wish we could have reduced the tax rate, but we do have a responsibility to provide basic services to our constituency, and I think we’re doing that in a responsible manner.”

The commissioners noted that if the tax rate were lowered, “drastic” measures would have to be taken, including employee furloughs and reduced work hours, resulting in a reduction of services.

“To my knowledge we’re the only county that hasn’t reduced work, that hasn’t had furloughs, that hasn’t had reduced hours,” Pagenhardt said.

He attributed that to “strong financial management,” particularly on the part of the Garrett County Department of Financial Services staff.

By keeping the tax rate the same, Financial Services director Wendy Yoder estimates the county will garner an additional $2.3 million in tax revenue in the new year. Local officials hope this will help offset substantial reductions in various revenues that have traditionally been allocated to counties by the state.

Read the rest here.

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350 Deep Creek Lake Info, Business Directories, Classified Ads, Events & more! Advertise on http://www.deepcreekalive.com/!



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