Jun. 17, 2010
The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce held its annual membership meeting and dinner on Thursday, June 3, at Pine Lodge Steakhouse. Entertainment was provided by DJ Jonny Rock, and the Heise Entrepreneurial Spirit Award and Chamber President’s Award were given.
Michael James Delligatti won the Heise Award, presented by last year’s winner, Bill Meagher. Delligatti first conceived of the Big Mac’s formulation and opened the first McDonald’s in western Pennsylvania. He is the owner of Arrowhead Market, Garrett 8 Cinemas, Uno Chicago Grill, and the Honi Honi. Delligatti’s son received the award on his father’s behalf.
Winners of the Heise Award must have originated and developed a business from inception, shown a willingness to take risks, shown community involvement, held high ethical standards, and demonstrated leadership by overcoming a formidable problem that threatened a business’ existence, according to a Chamber spokesperson.
Award winners must also have shown business acumen through embarking on a creative, insightful, or overlooked opportunity that will make an important contribution to Garrett County’s business environment through substantive community impact, according to the spokesperson.
The Heise Award Committee, comprising of previous winners, selects three nominees to be voted on by the general chamber membership. Past honorees include Jonathan “Smiley” Kessler, Bill Sisler, Olen Beitzel, Johnny Marple, Barry Rush, Dave Demaree, Brenda McDonnell, and Bill Meagher.
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