Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

The 5 Best Maryland Lakes For Swimming

a-z Animals

What’s better than swimming to get great exercise while having fun and staying cool with your family and friends during the summer? Swimming is not only a fun activity, but it is a great way to exercise the entire body and improve your fitness. Swimming is also an activity all ages can find ways to enjoy, especially if you visit the best Maryland lakes for swimming!

There are over 100 lakes within the state of Maryland today. Each one of those lakes is, however, a man-made reservoir (either for recreation, utility, or both). Deep Creek Lake, for example — with its nearly 4,000 acres of lake water — powers a hydroelectric dam that has operated since 1925, but also offers recreational activities for residents and vacationers.

So, let’s take a look at five of Maryland’s lakes that are the best lakes for swimming!

Greenbrier Lake
Deep Creek Lake
Lake Habeeb
Cunningham Falls
Kilgore Falls

Deep Creek Lake (Deep Creek Lake State Park)

Most Maryland lakes are much smaller than Deep Creek Lake, with many covering less than 50 acres. Deep Creek Lake, on the other hand, is known for being the largest lake in Maryland. It covers nearly 4,000 acres! The park gets its name from the lake. The Youghiogheny Hydroelectric Company created a 1,300-foot-long dam in the 1920s for a hydroelectric project.

So why go swimming at Deep Creek Lake? Is it more than just a hydroelectric dam project? Yes!

With its mile-long shoreline and two swimming beaches, along with 20 miles of trails for hiking and biking, campgrounds, and an enormous Discovery Center, Deep Creek Lake State Park offers year-round activities for everyone.

The natural beauty of Deep Creek Lake is only matched by its diverse wildlife and stunning scenery. With deer, bald eagles, ospreys, black bears, and more, visitors can expect to see a wide range of nature’s creatures while they swim and explore.

It’s a Maryland State Park, so the lake’s water is well-kept, and convenience factors are much more amenable. There are public restrooms, places to stay overnight that are close by, and convenience stores.

The State of Deep Creek Lake

A great opinion piece by lake resident Ed King, as published in the Republican newspaper:

The State of Deep Creek Lake

Approximately fourteen short stories have been written by me and published in “The Republican” newspaper under the above-referenced header. Topics have included among others the Swan boat, early camps & cottages, children & pets, swimming, water skiing and even my parents’ feelings of pride when I bought my lake property “Dunwanderin” in 1965. Presently, I am about eighty percent along in authoring a book documenting some history about famous boats on Deep Creek Lake.

Deep Creek Lake is a place I truly love. Every morning is a joy to awake, look out across the water, and see the beautiful mature oaks and hemlocks that frame our view. I enjoy the four seasons. In fact, my wife, Jean, coined the phrase that’s incorporated in some of our sales media: “Deep Creek Lake … a place for every season of your life.”

That place for every season phrase has really been true to my experience from 1933 when my parents camped along Cherry Creek, when they brought me in a baby buggy, up to the present day being the autumn of my life. A typical summer season finds me bicycling or kayaking each morning followed by a swim. Yes, a swim in Deep Creek Lake. Often after a day of work I pour a glass of wine and relax by the water and may take another dip before dinner.

Each season brings with it a variety of aspects of Garrett County and Deep Creek to be enjoyed. For example, you’ll regularly find me still water skiing and snow skiing. Or on a winter evening I may be reading a book next to a crackling fire in the living room. Regardless of one’s age or the time of year, there is always something wonderful about being here.

Deep Creek has matured in the past decade and in positive ways for the most part. We now have first-run films in an 8-plex theater, several miniature golf courses, the annual arts season including performances by the Pittsburgh Symphony, four major golf courses, a county Visitor Center, the recirculating whitewater course (one of only two in the U.S.A.), and great food services. In recognition of improvements at Wisp resort, there now is better snowmaking capability, more lifts and slopes, the renovated Wisp Resort Hotel, the mountain coaster and, the newest attraction, the Flying Squirrel zip line. Deep Creek offers so much more than the beauty of the natural resource itself. There is a strong infrastructure that has grown up around it.

While I cannot claim having anything to do with the creation of this lake and it’s attractions that I love so much, I have devoted the past thirty years to personally participating in the protection of the natural resource and also in the planning of county and state regulations as they relate to the lake. I refrain from enumerating the various boards, committees, memberships and associations with which I am and have been involved. I prefer to keep a low profile and speak out only when I feel it is necessary and then only in a positive frame of reference.

An article in the August 6, 2010, “Baltimore Sun” by Timothy B. Wheeler about Deep Creek Lake is the impetus for my speaking out now. That article is full of “cry wolf” scare statements to which I feel compelled to set a few things straight. First, yes, there are concerns and issues that need to be monitored and recorded to insure the long-term health of this resource. However, to cry wolf when there is no need to do so is not the way to approach those concerns and issues. The Property Owners’ Association of Deep Creek Lake, Inc., the State of Maryland Department of Natural Resources Policy and Review Board, the Garrett County Board of Realtors, the Chamber of Commerce and other County and State agencies are very concerned about issues such as sewage spills, fish kills, low water levels, and vegetation growing in the lake.

All of the aforementioned associations, organizations, departments and offices are working to address the issues in a responsible and professional manner. Shame on you, “Baltimore Sun” and Mr. Wheeler, for writing such a one-sided, devastating, negative article that in fewer than two weeks has had a most detrimental impact on the Garrett County economy. In Mr. Wheeler’s article there is mention of a forum to be held the very next day, August 7, comprised of scientists and government officials, including Mr. John Wilson, Secretary of the D.N.R., to speak on the “State of the Lake.” To anyone’s knowledge, the “Sun” did not have a reporter attend that forum and write a follow-up article addressing all viewpoints on the issues. The “Sun” instead chose to publish its sensationalist, attention-grabbing article titled “Residents Concerned About Deep Creek Lake’s Future.”

We who live here are all concerned about the long-term health of Deep Creek Lake. Basically, however, the “Sun” article is one-sided, most of it negative, and representing only a few inquiries to consider opinions of others. There were several presentations at the August 7, 2010, Forum. No information by any presenter at that forum was indicative of an immediate problem or concern with a high level of e-coli or fishing or swimming in the lake. Secretary John Wilson answered the question “Is the lake healthy?” with a resounding ‘yes.’ He commented further that the DNR is keeping a watchful eye on several matters.

The “Sun” article mentioned canaries in the mine. The only gas in the mine at Deep Creek Lake is people breathing out unfounded, negative remarks. If the “Sun” quoted from the “Friends of Deep Creek Lake,” I challenge the statement that “only renters swim in the lake.” Not true. Do you wonder if those people are really friends of Deep Creek Lake? I personally swim once or twice a day and water ski every weekend in the southern lake coves along with numerous other residents.

There is no intention on my part to cover up or ignore any issues. I love this lake and will not tolerate negativity to drive a campaign to address the issues. In participation with responsible agencies, well-thought-out approaches are a far

better avenue to reach needed resolutions.

It was reported to me that on Sunday, August 8, a person in a canoe and thought to be Mrs. Beelar was advising renters on the shores of Hickory Ridge not to fish, eat the fish, or swim in the lake. That was the day after officials speaking at the Forum organized by “Friends of Deep Creek Lake” gave no indication of such alarming precautions. Are those people really friends of the lake? I cannot stand silently by while alarmists bad-mouth the lake.

Mrs. Beelar and “Friends of Deep Creek Lake” are all people who obviously care and have done good things for the lake. Their good deeds should not be negated by their cries-of-wolf tactics. Rather, we ask them to go forward and continue working on the issues in a positive manner. I, for one, shall always love Deep Creek Lake and wish for others to enjoy it as well for the long term.

Ed King

August 16, 2010

If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350

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