Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Extreme Home Makeover is coming to Maryland! Nominate a Garrett County family!

I can think of many deserving families here in Garrett County that could use the help! Nominate someone that you think could use it and get the word out! Let’s get Extreme Home Makeover to Garrett County, Maryland!

From the website:




HOLLYWOOD, CA – February 1, 2010

Do you know a family whose home deserves an Extreme Makeover? If so, the producers of ABC’s Extreme Makeover: Home Edition want to hear from you. Ty Pennington and his crew have been all across the map and now they want to drive that famous bus to Maryland!

“We are looking for the deserving people and inspiring families that America can really root for,” says Casting Supervisor Rebecca Shumsky.

What does it take to be picked for an Extreme Makeover? “We’re looking for those special people who have amazing strength of character and never give up. Whether it’s keeping their chin up in really tough circumstances or going out of their way to help others. We want to help people whose stories have really affected their community or made a big difference in other people’s lives.” Shumsky added: “There are a lot of people who are heroes to those around them because of the way they inspire others and quietly serve their communities on a daily basis.”

The Extreme Makeover: Home Edition producers are looking for families whose homes desperately need to be rebuilt. “We really want to help families whose homes present major problems for the family, those big issues that affect the family’s quality of life on a daily basis. We want to find deserving people who just don’t have the resources, ability, or time to fix those serious issues without our help.”

To be eligible, a family must own their own single family home and be able to show producers how a makeover will make a huge difference in their lives.

Interested families should e-mail a short description of their family story to:


Nominations may be submitted by the family or by a member of their community. Each nomination must include the names and ages of every member of the household along with a description of the major challenges within the home. Anyone submitting a nomination should be sure to explain why the nominated family is deserving, heroic, and/or a great role model for their community. If possible, include a recent photo of the family. All nominations must include a contact phone number.

The deadline for nominations is April 2, 2010. Don’t delay!

For more information on how to apply please visit our website at:


If you are thinking of buying or selling real estate in Garrett County or Deep Creek Lake, Maryland, call Jay Ferguson of Railey Realty for all of your real estate needs! 877-563-5350