Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Wisp Readies For 6th Annual Deep Creek Chili Splash

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Jul. 28, 2011

The Wisp Resort will host the sixth annual Deep Creek Chili Splash on Saturday, Aug. 6, from noon to 5:30 p.m. to benefit the Garrett Lakes Arts Festival. This International Chili Society sanctioned cook-off will offer three different competition categories—salsa, chili verde (green chili), and red chili.

The Wisp expects as many as 30 cooks from all over the eastern United States to register for the competition and contend for the cash prizes being offered. Over 20 individuals will be judging the chilies, as the Chili Splash is a regional event sanctioned by the International Chili Society.

The first-place winner of each category will qualify for the World’s Championship Chili Cook-Off planned for this October in Manchester, N.H. The top three winners in each of the three categories will receive a cash prize.

The general public will have the unique opportunity to become an active part of the Splash by participating in the People’s Choice Chili Competition. Tasting kits will be available to interested attendees at the cost of $5 for adults and $3 for children (6–12 years old). Tasting kits will consist of: a wristband, soufflé cup, spoon and five voting tickets for adults or three voting tickets for children.

After sampling the array of chilies, voters will be asked to drop a ticket in their favorite cooks’ bowls. The cook with the most tickets at the end of the event will be declared the People’s Choice winner.

A portion of the sampling-kit proceeds will go to support the Garrett Lakes Arts Festival. According to a spokesperson, GLAF is not only the largest advocate of performing arts and arts education in Garrett County, but also serves the entire tri-state region.

“GLAF’s primary purpose is to improve the quality and increase the scope of performing arts for local residents and visitors to Garrett County. GLAF considers high-quality performing arts to consist of nationally or regionally recognized professional artists in the fields of dance, music, and theater,” jointly stated Judy Prather and Betty Ellington, GLAF fundraiser chairwomen.

“GLAF arts education is focused on enhancing the appreciation and understanding of the performing and visual arts for elementary through high school students.

More here.

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