Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Boy Scouts race on Garrett County whitewater course

15 teams navigate churning rapids in annual Potomac Council benefit

For the Cumberland Times-News Cumberland Times-News

MCHENRY— The swift waters of the man-made whitewater course atop Marsh Mountain in Garrett County proved to be the perfect venue last Sunday for an enthusiastic group of Boy Scouts to have fun while at the same time raising money for Potomac Council, which oversees Scouting activities in six counties in the region.

The occasion was the fifth annual whitewater rafting FundRacer on the course operated by Adventure Sports Center International. The event drew a total of 15 teams of Scouts and adult leaders, along with a professional guide from ASCI in each raft, competing in two divisions.

Troop 27 from Keyser, W.Va., turned in the day’s best time and was awarded the championship trophy which is rotated annually with the name of each year’s winning troop permanently engraved. Taking second place overall was Troop 24 of Frostburg. Each member of the winning raft received a free pass for an ASCI-guided program.

Don Olsen, Potomac Council executive, announced that approximately $4,400 was raised through the generosity of the FundRacer’s team sponsors from throughout the communities served by the council.

Kevin Turley, Potomac Council president, thanked the sponsors and recognized council volunteers Mike Fetchero and John Buchanan, who organized and conducted the fund-raising event, as well as Mike Logsdon, ASCI’s executive director, and his staff for their assistance.

Team sponsors included First United Bank & Trust, First Peoples Community Federal Credit Union, Keystone Lime Co., Billy Bender Chrysler Jeep Dodge, Joseph Reinhard, Hite Associates, Beitzel Corp., Aircon En-gineering, Mike and Angie Fetchero, Wamba Caravan 89 Order of Alhambra, ATK, Susquehanna Bank, Carpenters Local 1024, CBJZ, Pillar Innovations, Rehab 1st, Carl Belt Inc., LaVale Lions, TWR Communications, Gornall Construction and Rotary Club of Cumberland.

“The biggest thing about this event is that it’s probably one of the safest environments for a youth to learn a sport that can be hazardous and dangerous,” said Olsen. “This is a great proving and testing ground for them. It was very relaxed this year, really a good event, and the weather has been great. This is our fifth year for doing this and we’ve had good weather.”

Among the competitors Sunday was Nathan Turley, of Troop 29 in Wiley Ford, W.Va., who has participated in all five FundRacers since the event’s inception and was a member of the winning team in the first year.

“It’s always a great experience and I enjoy it,” he said. “I encourage anybody to do it.”

A senior at Bishop Walsh School, Turley was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout in April of this year.

More here.

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