Jay Fergusonjay@deepcreeksales.com301-501-0420

Beach Blast '10 To Be Held At DCL State Park

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Jun. 10, 2010

This year’s “Play Hard. Live Clean.” Beach Blast is scheduled for Thursday, June 17, at Deep Creek Lake State Park. This free event is open to Garrett County residents completing sixth grade through age 20.
The Beach Blast will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. All activities are free and available only to participants who are registered with a completed registration form, including parent signature. Participants must display a Beach Blast flyer in the vehicle’s front window when entering the park or a $3 per person park admission fee will apply.

Registration packets may be picked up and dropped off at the Garrett County Health Department in Room 206. The registration packet, including the registration form and the various activity participation forms, is also available online at www.garretthealth.org and on the “Play Hard. Live Clean.” Facebook page.

“It is important to be thorough when filling out the registration packet, because students will not be allowed to participate in certain activities unless the appropriate form is signed by a parent,” said Beach Blast organizer Venessa Stacy, Garrett County Health Department.

The deadline for pre-registration and guaranteed entry is Tuesday, June, 15 at 5 p.m. Completed forms will also be accepted at the event until the registration limit is reached.

“Our goal is to continue to provide entertainment for local youth in an environment free of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs,” said Stacy.

Read the rest here.

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